November 20, 2021
“Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.” – Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English philosopher and statesman.
Today, to be true, old is no longer gold.
I take the cue for this fortnight’s topic-essay from a report in Daijiworld in which an old man riding a scooter was knocked down by a speeding car and died and reaction of daiji readers to this report. But, first the daiji report dated 17/11/2021 followed by selected reader-reactions centred on old age.

Kaup: Speeding car rams into scooter, 74-year old rider killed
Kaup, Nov 17: Balakrishna Bhat (74), who was riding scooter towards Mangaluru on the one-way lane was killed after a speeding car following him rammed into his vehicle in the rear. The accident happened at the highway bend at Kelagina Pete, Padubidri on Tuesday November16.
Bhat had come from Kelagine Pete and joined the highway near Downtown Restaurant. He then crossed the divider and was moving towards Hejamady when a car that was moving towards Hejamady from Udupi hit the scooter from behind. The collision was so forceful that the scooter and its rider were tossed to a distance of about 25 feet from the spot where the accident happened. The people immediately took Bhat to a private hospital in Udupi…. Because of excessive bleeding, Balakrishna Bhat died before reaching the hospital.
Here are some comments made by daiji readers on the news item:
Children of aged parents should convince old people not to ride / drive after 65... hire rickshaw or taxi ... children should sponsor.
Above 60 cancel licence? Jail the driver of the car? What are these guys smoking? A scooterist comes on the highway from an illegal median near downtown hotel. Why should he use an illegal median? Why not drive a bit further and use the legal turnabout at the Karkal highway junction. A scooterist coming on a highway at possibly 10kmph from an illegal median is riding a death-wish onto traffic at legal 80kmph. There is no way the car can stop. And the car driver becomes reckless
Ramming is a daily issue , still nobody cares, business as usual for drivers, There should be a special Law/ Traffic offence Prosecution, offenders should be jailed for 1 year, Cancel the li
I firmly believe that this senior citizen was knocked down by a reckless driver... Will appeal once again, that citizens living in the coastal region must avoid all two wheelers... this is a vehicle of death
Traffic issues, Issuing Driving Permits, Traffic Offences, Driving Under the influence, Road Saftey, Lane decipline, ( if there are Lanes) , speed Limits, , conditions of the roads in India, should be taken seriously, by the authorities, , we as the road users, should push concerned authorities to come up with strict laws/ punishment, , it is very difficult even to cross the roads, even walk on side of the roads, The matter should be taken to even Parliament for discussion and to come up with a solution, We all have to use the roads, , even we can go out and protest regarding this issue, to attract public support. Indians are very restless on patience at respect to traffic rules... unless the general attitude towards road safety changes, nothing can be done.
Main problem is drivers and riders do not maintain safe distance.
Children of aged parents should convince old people not to ride / drive after 65... hire rickshaw or taxi ... children should sponsor.
Above 60 cancel licence? Jail the driver of the car? A scooterist comes on the highway from an illegal median near downtown hotel. Why should he use an illegal median? Why not drive a bit further and use the legal turnabout at the Karkal highway junction. A scooterist coming on a highway at possibly 10kmph from an illegal median is riding a death-wish onto traffic at legal 80kmph. There is no way the car can stop.
Ramming is a daily issue , still nobody cares, business as usual for drivers, There should be a special Law/ Traffic offence Prosecution, offenders should be jailed for 1 year, Cancel the licence, , permanently, made to pay blood Money, 50 lakh Indian Rupees, to the deceased family,
As if there is no fault of the driver of the car? He came and hit the scooterist from behind and killed him. And licence of scooterist beyond 60 yrs should be cancelled.
What does matter age here? Any age can be killed by the accident.
I do not agree that your comments above age 60 driving license cancellation. Some people are healthy and energetic above 60 too. First, cancel the license of reckless drivers who caused death.
(Incidentally, Joe Gonsalves, founder and leader of voluntary traffic controllers in Mangalore, who was to celebrate his centenary on 1/1/22 passed away three months short of his centenary. He was driving his car around Mangaluru - especially on his traffic control mission (May his soul rest in peace.)
If driving vehicles for people over 60 needs to be cancelled, will the govt. provide 50% concession to those senior citizens who have to move about? Will the over-speeding car hitting from behind spare the life of a younger person driving a two wheeler?
Rather than cancellation of license it is better if separate lane for 2-wheelers is made.
Are you sure those below 60 will not die in such an accident?
One central idea running through the reader-responses is that on attaining 60 a person should sleep on a bed rapped in a blanket and contemplate heaven. For such premature retirement from life, Longfellow has short, soothing lines:
“For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet and educator.
Let us also not forget that since the time of Longfellow good diet and medical services have made yesterday’s 70 years today’s 50 years. But, that is another story for another time.
The subject is open to many views. What are yours? Your response is welcome in the format given below. (Please scroll down a bit. Thank you.)
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