Meet Bhavya Narasimhamurthy who left USA for a cause in India

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (ANK)

Mangaluru, Feb 19: Bhavya Narasimhamurthy recently joined the Congress party. She rose to fame after voicing out against CAA by violating section 144.

The young activist shares her insights on why she left her thriving career in the USA and moved to India, in an exclusive interview with Daijiworld editor-in-chief Walter Nandalike in Public Challenge on Daijiworld TV 24X7.

Q: You are very young, you had a very good career in the USA. You are well-qualified. Then why you chose to return to Bengaluru? Why have you decided to fight?

A: When I came from the USA, many asked me this question. I can build my career wherever I want to. This is the confidence education gives you. Coping up depends on the field and career one chooses. I am interested in establishing a public career. Hence, I want to connect more with Indians. I worked in USA, Egypt and Nepal. I thought I will return and work in India and hence contribute to my country with whatever I have learnt.

Q: How were your childhood days?

A: I was born and brought up in Bengaluru. I studied engineering at MS Ramaiah College and later started preparing for UPSC. I was interested in a public career and I applied for public policy course and got into Colombia University. Here, I did masters in Public Administration and concentrated more on economy and political development. I had taken up gender and public policy as my specialization. During 2018, Congress approached me for state manifesto, where I worked with senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily. Then, I worked for parliamentary manifesto and worked with Sushmitha Dev and Prof Rajeev Gowda. In 2018, I was given an opportunity to head women wing of Priyadarshini, a safe political platform that aims to develop leadership among young women and make their voices heard.

Q: Why Congress?

A: When I came back from the USA, I had a neutral outlook. I had met MPs of both national parties. But I felt more respected for my education when I met Congress MPs. I met a few other people too who wanted me to work for their research wing. I came to know about their ideology. Especially, where they said women and men are not equal, but they are different and they should be educated differently. That is why I had to say no to them.

Q: Recently, your video violating section 144 went viral. You were seen protesting against CAA. Was it spontaneous or pre-planned? How did it all happen?

A: I have never attended any protest. I am a policy analyst. I came across an article where it was mentioned about Golwalkar's book, where he appreciates Hitler. It suggests that Indians need to learn from it. Then I downloaded the book and I checked the contents and felt India is in grave danger. I was researching about CAA and about the consequences, in case it is implemented. Widespread protests all over the country have claimed several lives including of those in Mangaluru. I saw a tweet where Ramachandra Guha was arrested. He is a very good historian and I have seen Gandhiji in the books he has written. He was arrested in a disrespectful manner. There were no incidences of violence, still section 144 was imposed. It was very spontaneous and I was very angry and people liked the way I spoke.

Q: Government is repeatedly issuing clarifications on CAA and stating Indian Muslims will not be affected by CAA. It is saying Tukde Tukde gang is misguiding, creating fight between communities and taking political benefit out of it? What is your say on this?

A: There was a time when politics was handled in a dignified manner. Today Prime Minister is calling names that are not suited for his age and position. The whole country is listening to him and the youth too are getting influenced. What is the kind of example he is setting?

The PM should be a trend-setter and be a model of dignified politics. The BJP says CAA will not affect Indian Muslims. CAA along with NRC is a lethal combination. This is not only anti-Muslim but anti-poor. Why did they add religion in CAA? They could have said persecuted minorities. When religion is brought into picture, then it leads to communalism.

The way they are dealing with the protesters is not healthy. Leaders should always try to establish a dialogue with protesters, instead of calling names and instigating violence. Statements by Anurag Thakur, Yogi Adityanath instigates violence. Prime Minister has not spoken about it at all. They have filed sedition case against a school management. Why was sedition case not booked against a school which enacted demolition of Babri Masjid?

Q: Youngsters are not entering into politics. If youngsters have entered then it is either because they hail from affluent political families or have a strong background support. What advice you want to give youngsters to join politics?

A: It depends on an individual’s interest. Those who are interested, I would encourage them to enter politics. If they enter the system, then they can clean the system and bring about a difference. Youth should enter politics if they are interested.

Q: You have studied economics extensively. The present economy condition of our country is not good and government is defending it by saying it is aiming 5 trillion dollar economy? Can you tell exactly what is going on?

A: The five trillion dollar economy, in the next two years will affect the lower and middle class people. Economy is declining since the past six years. Demonetization was a disaster. They are making mockery out of digital India by imposing ban on internet which is against civil liberty. As many as 4.7 crore youth have lost jobs. As much as 56% of Beti Bachao Beti Padao has gone for advertisements and one can see the state of women safety in India. USA, Britian and other countries have issued warnings to tourists who travel to India regarding their safety. This is an embarrassment for the country at a global level.

Q: You believe in ideology of Gandhiji and follow his thinking. Now Gandhiji's freedom movement is termed as drama and his killers are portrayed as hero. Are you not angry?

A: If it would have been a drama, we would not have got freedom, we would have still been slaves of British and none of these who make such claims would have become MPs. I feel BJP is heading towards it end, especially after giving ticket to terrorism accused Pragya Thakur. The qualification for ticket is either praise Modi or delivers provocative speeches. It is end of their rule and people are watching.

Watch full interview:





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  • Deepa, Bangalore

    Wed, Jul 06 2022

    I would like to mail you if you could share me your email id to mine. Thanks Deepa

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohith, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 20 2020

    India is Great. Even jobless from USA get jobs in India. Thanks to Modiji. That's wonderful work sir.
    Jai Hind.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hariprasad, Mulki/Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 20 2020

    I am very proud of her! Those of us live and strive in the U.S. debate over and over - to go back and
    start all over again. Then I say what kind of job and at what price I have to sacrifice this good life?

    I have a million dollar home = a job that pays over $500,000 per year- happy days! Can Indian Economy
    do that for me?????????????

    If they meet half way I will fly to India, Bengaluru, Mangalore or any place yesterday!

    No Money. No future and worst of all NO HOPE!

    America gave me an education, a bright future - how can I throw it away for a future(?) in India!!!!!!!????? Am I that stupid??????? Why do Indian boys go to middle East??? for FUN in the SUN????

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • S Shetty, Tulunaad

    Thu, Feb 20 2020

    It's your choice, ambanis did not go to states to become billionaire nor Tata, it's all personal choice my dear friend, you got to be smart enough to make money where ever you are.

    Be happy minting dollars kyu kaali fili jhanjat main page ho sir.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak Ramakrishna, Mysore

    Tue, Feb 25 2020

    There is also something called USA, United States of Amnesia, deal with it :)

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, USA

    Thu, Feb 20 2020

    Ruben, Columbia University is an Ivy League College (University) and it is not easy to get an admission to such universities, even if you have all straight A's. It is as good as Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Ivy League college graduates are on high demand in the USA. Going back to India for a social cause is really a sacrifice.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • smr, Karkala

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Her story is not less than TMC MP who attacked Modi govt, sees signs of 'early fascism' in India. She gave her maiden speech in Parliament amid jeers from the ruling benches.
    Moitra, who graduated in economics and maths from Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, US, turned heads when she quit her job as vice-president at JPMorgan (she was posted in New York and London) and took a plunge into active politics.

    India need qualified politicians like her. Not the leaders in the ruling BJP whose qualifications are in question. Indian citizen should reject 'diploma mill' of fake degrees holders like former Pakistan Chief Minister of Balochistan Aslam Raisani who defended saying "Degree is degree, authentic or fake".

    Jai Hind

    DisAgree [3] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson DSouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Congress means she saw the money when she took up the project for them?

    DisAgree [16] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valson Mendonsa, MNaglore/USA

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Very Reflective speech, Born India .. Buy India..
    The exporter in India use to say.. they export materials export quality.
    where as Overseas Man Power agency use to say that they export Man power only rejected quality who don’t get jobs in India.. including work permits..
    Itz that simple..
    At least Ms. Murthy proved that.. she is not among them..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ruben Pinto, Mangalore/Australia

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Wondering if she failed at Coloumbia university and had to come back to India. Joining congress was a job opportunity. She makes generalized statements with no justification.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • JK, Udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    I heard her interview before, she has lack knowledge on issues. I don't think she understood CAA fully. She left USA for what cause without understanding CAA.

    DisAgree [34] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    First : Bhavya should know what happened to Ramya and Priyanka
    Second: She should take spelling classes of future ,past President RaGa ...Ask him to spell her name first ...Does she know the Vishweshar Vishwa Raya Aiyaa Kudlada Viswa...gaffe ?
    Third: She should correct Today Morning I got up at night ..type sentences however difficult it may be...of her to be Party President.
    Fourth : Leaving US to join Congress for a cause ...Good luck !but be ready if your name at first is pronounced as ...
    Bhav Aayaa Nara R sim har moor tea ...
    Right ?

    DisAgree [42] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    But still, can she fit in Ramya's shoes?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    24 crore shoes you mean ?
    B N honestly looks too innocent for politics ...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lan,,,,,,,,,a,, Belman / Washington, DC.

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    moor tea or Muthry , Bhandumaam???...


    DisAgree [9] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    I gave the Congress leader the benefit of doubt on that one !You didn't ..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sangram Sangam, Kundapur

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    She should also do Phd in How Congress looted from last 30 years this country

    DisAgree [20] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harish Hegde, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    As if you are the leader of Alibaba gang...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    She could well do with a PH d on what not to talk in PUBLIC and advise her to be President ...which would serve his cause well ....

    DisAgree [5] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudd, Andheri. Mumbai

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    seems she has poor grasping power. she doesnt know correctly abt CAA . and secondly she is unaware of communal face of congress.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • munna, udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    She is speaking like she is the only B E holder in India
    Every year lakhs of Engineers come out of Collage .

    DisAgree [21] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammad/GCC, Mangalore/GCC

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    I work as a Travel Consultant for one of the Travel company in GCC countries.

    “USA, Britian and other countries have issued warnings to tourists who travel to India regarding their safety. This is an embarrassment for the country at a global level.”

    Above statement said by her is true.

    Not only USA & Brittan but all the countries around the globe are scared to visit to India may be for Business tour or as vacation travel plan to India.

    Though India is the best vacation spot for anyone to visit with less expenditure, but people are afraid to travel to India.

    Last past few years tourist industry has completely gone down in India & India is counted as one of the HIGH RISK travel countries like Iraq Israel etc.

    DisAgree [32] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • munna, udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020


    DisAgree [10] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammad/GCC, Mangalore/GCC

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    those who dis agree with me Just GOOGLE,...

    India is among the most HIGH RISK travel countries in globe.

    those who have not traveled out of India, will not understand as their knowledge is limited.

    specially with uneducated bhakts.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson DSouza, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Uneducated? Look whos talking

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • nitin, kodagu

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    well said more educated youth hav to join politics to uplift the poor indian.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Educated, broad minded and development oriented people joining Congress, AAP etc...

    Uneducated, nautankis and hate mongers joining MoSha party!!!

    DisAgree [17] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    She is too young for the party President!

    DisAgree [25] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Azeez, Puttur/DXB

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Only talented can change our society and country, when talented personal lead political party & govt definitely there is development and good atmosphere to live, we can take AAP as example. Good luck Bhavvya, Wishing her all the best!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    People will accept social activists only when they are sincere in their approach and work at grassroot for the real causes without any bias. We nowadays find many social activists who do not do anything to the poor and underprivileged, believe only in slogans and protests that too concerned with only some communities and religions. Those so called activists are often silent for issues related to the political parties and communities for whom they work for.I have seen many such activists have not directly helped affected people but used their causes for gaining name in social media and print media.
    There are few who do not possess required competencies to work in USA and other countries and for them working for political parties is easier than working as professionals.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jd, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020


    DisAgree [5] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • SALIM, Bangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Not getting visa by Mr TRUMP and now Ms Ramya position vacant and trying her best to utilize NRC ,CAA issue to get publicity

    DisAgree [26] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • S Shetty, Tulunaad

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Saibere, Bang On!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Marvin P, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    It is encouraging to see educated and globally experienced venture into politics. Most people I have seen come into politics with an intention to change politics, but ended up changing themselves by politics. Only activism, photo-ops and media presence not enough to make a mark. She will need to some real ground work to be achieve something in politics. I hope she will realize it soon. Wishing her all the best.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Just don't speak about education where criminals and goondas win elections without any doubt. Sad story of Indian politics. Pity the uneducated voters.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahathma, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Second PADmavathi??? hehehe.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Truly, Mera Desh Badal Raha Hai ...

    DisAgree [35] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anees Anna, Kudla

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Nothing New, another Ramya

    DisAgree [36] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arthur, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    The video could be made user friendly by listing the time and the question so the viewer can click on the subject in which they are interested.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    She is bold! Some opposition to monopoly! Wishing her all the best!

    DisAgree [22] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • abdul munim, mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Bhavya is very talented I heard her speech made at Bantwal anti-caa programme. However, she will regret her decision of giving up such a high standard of living and multi-racial existence of USA and coming to the still stone-age beliefs of India.

    This country managed by worst people with partisan and narrow minded beliefs will take at least 1000 years to come to the level of USA

    DisAgree [31] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Did she say why she quit USA?
    'Left USA for a cause in India' is not convincing.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Save My India., India.

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Being a Patriotic Indian, she has the right to do whatever she wants to do in India.
    For your information, if she lived in US and did the same protest, you would have said "Come to India First, and Speak"
    What a hypocrisy !!!!
    She need not give reasons to anyone, for leaving USA.
    You are only jealous that she came to India to fight for a legitimate cause.
    Jai Hind!!!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • sathish jm, Kumpala/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    I agree that there are many such narrow minded people in India who still believes that USA is the ultimate bench mark when it comes to standard of living.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ruth, Moodbidri

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Great Bhavya..wishing you good luck.
    Since Women safety is one of your concern, the first step of action you should put forward is about hanging the rapist instantly instead of prolonging the punishment for years and years. Girls will then be safe in India.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Namith, Kottara

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    kannada actress Ramya also quit acting for a cause.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shashi Shetty, Santhoor

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    I am yet to meet one who is taking middle path. Who talks how India can be made stronger as a nation. The Congress policy has made more damage as much as BJP's ultra right wing policy . Left has never bothered about how the nation can be made better than China and Russia .

    If BJP is striving in India is solely because the policies of Congress who ruled in India for 65years. If congress had so much respect for education they would have found better people in the country to counter Mr. Modi intellectually and within the spirits of Indian ness than importing Italian values. Congress is as much as a dirt as they complain about BJP ... it should be understood that, as long as Indians are supporting any party as policy of ideology then the loser is Idea of India.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    You can mint more money easily with a career in Cong rather than work hard in the US.

    By the way, please also comment on 2g, jijaji, 1984, partition, Shahbano, 1962 Nehru fiasco, coal, commonwealth, illegal immigrants, Kashmir pandits. North east insurgency, naxal menace..... etc

    DisAgree [39] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishu, Udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Good Luck Bhavya

    where is Ramya ?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • JK, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Looks like she came to fill the vacant post of Ramya!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Kirem

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Thi dhavlya... 😆

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishu, Udupi

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Ani Kazhar Zhala ?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Kirem

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Gottuna.. Kazar zalya ya.. Bazarak gelya... Tuje Ramya.. Khant naka.. Ailya tuka atha Bhavya.... Sathos ani kushi tuji zaanv yaa

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Report Abuse

  • SD, Mumbai / Kuwait

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Dearest Bhavya,

    Good initiative to come back to India and share your expertise with the political parties. We ourselves have divided this country. let us stand in Unity and prove our India is the topmost Country in the world and not fight internally proving the other is wrong.

    God bless.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • S Shetty, Tulunaad

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Some Also Give her some Gyan of Mughals, Brtish, Portugues invasion in India and especially Goa she should should go and read the history not by her party congress created but the actual one

    DisAgree [23] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Homer, Bharath

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Appreciate her efforts. She is a role model Indian and a true NATIONALIST . others who give up Indian citizenship or settle abroad, and make tall claims on television and on social media have to stop distributing nationalist certificates.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • S Shetty, Tulunaad

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    you really have to work hard USA to survive, India main Chaljatai

    DisAgree [22] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anwar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Like Modi !

    DisAgree [27] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 19 2020

    Very true. Many rich brats are enjoying life with out any proper job!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

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