Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 12: An awareness programme on J-GATE, an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature was organized by St Agnes College Library on Saturday, August 11 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr S R Ranganathan, the Father of Library Science. The day is observed as Librarians day throughout India.
The chief guest, Shiva Shankar, training consultant from Informatics India, Bengaluru, emphasized that the staff and students at higher education should involve seriously in academic work and refer the peer reviewed journals and publish articles in refereed journals.

Whatever might be the form but reading is very essential in everyone’s life said Sr Dr Jeswina, principal, St Agnes (Autonomous) College. Dr Vishala B K, chief librarian of the college welcomed the gathering, Sr Dr Venissa, vice principal was present. Jayalakshmi, MCom student, rendered the vote of thanks. Sheryl Preethika, assistant professor of Commerce compered the programme.
The book exhibition on new arrivals was organized for the benefit of staff and students.