Mangalore: B V Seetaram Alleges Theft from Office, Residence

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Feb 10: Chitra Publications chairman B V Seetaram has, through a release, alleged that some files, books and Rs 50,000 in cash were stolen from his residence and office.

He has also expressed the suspicion that a team of policemen which came to his house to arrest him on January 4 had committed the theft.

"The policemen who came to my residence, duly armed with a warrant issued by Udupi Junior Magistrate First Class court, sifted through the entire house on January 4. They also barged into the home-office and took away several files duly wrapping them in paper. When my son Kartik questioned them, he was shooed away. I had kept Rs 50,000 at the office, which has gone missing. I came to know about the incident after getting released through the High Court on February 8," Seetaram stated.

He also informed that immediately after realizing that theft had occurred, he had informed Suratkal police station over phone, followed by a written complaint the next day.


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