Ansari launches 10th anniversary celebrations of Iyengar Yoga Centre

New Delhi, Feb 18 (IANS): Vice President Hamid Ansari on Saturday inaugurated the 10th anniversary celebration of Yogakshema, the first Iyengar Yoga Centre of Delhi.

According to a release issued by Yogakshema, Ansari spoke about immense relevance of yoga to all individuals. He described yoga as "the science of controlling the fluctuations of the mind".

"Unless these fluctuations are not controlled, our body cannot function properly," he said.

BJP MP Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi described late Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar's interpretation of Patanjali's yoga sutra as "the best treatise of modern times".

He said Yoga is a wonderful gift to mankind by ancient Indian sages.

In run-up to the foundation day, Shricharan Faeq Biria, one of the senior-most disciples of B.K.S Iyengar, conducted a week-long intensive workshop, which was attended by over 100 Iyengar yoga students including foreign nationals.

Speaking on the occasion, Biria spoke about his 65-year association with yoga and his journey with B.K.S Iyengar.

Referring to Nivedita Joshi, a disciple of Guruji, he said she was virtually bed-ridden in her teens due to slip disc-cervical spondylosis but was able to walk unaided after about a year of stay at yoga institute run by B.K.S Iyengar in Pune.

"Yoga gave back her life - and her life became yoga," he said.

The release said that B.K.S Iyengar, while inaugurating the centre, had termed Yogakshema as a long cherished dream.


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