Mangaluru: Boundary wall collapse in Deralakatte damages vehicles, push cart

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (EP)

Mangaluru, May 25: The boundary wall of a mill near a private hospital in Deralakatte collapsed on the evening of Saturday, May 25. Two cars and a pushcart parked next to the wall were damaged. Fortunately, no one was inside the cars, and only two vehicles were present, preventing a major disaster.

The wall had become saturated due to the incessant rain over the past few days. The high wall collapsed in the evening. One of the damaged cars belonged to a doctor from the private hospital, while the other was brought to transport a patient from Kerala to the hospital. The pushcart, which was selling bhelpuri, was also completely destroyed.

The number of vehicles was lower due to it being a Saturday. A private paid parking facility is available for hospital visitors, typically accommodating five to six vehicles near the wall. However, the cars were parked in another area, which remained undamaged. The bhelpuri cart had been parked there after paying a fee of Rs 15,000.


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