Himanta Biswa Sarma's 5 posers to Rahul Gandhi on his 'born inside system' remark

New Delhi, May 23 (IANS): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's statement on the political 'system' aligned against lower castes, apparently since the time of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi regimes, marked a self-goal for him.

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday, responding to Rahul Gandhi's 'born inside the system' claim, posed five unresolved cases pertaining to the Congress rule and sought their answers from the Wayanad MP, as the latter claimed to understand the system since birth.

Himanta Biswa Sarma, taking to social media, wrote that he wanted to jog Rahul Gandhi's memory on some incidents as he was still waiting to understand and 'unravel the secrets of system'.

The questions that the Assam Chief Minister posed to Rahul Gandhi read as below:

Former Union Railway Minister Lalit Mishra was killed in a mysterious bomb blast after he had differences with Indira Gandhi. Who was behind the blast?

Bihar's former Chief Minister KB Sahay, who abolished Zamindari system died in a mysterious car accident after he fell off with Indira Gandhi. Why was his death not investigated?

Who made the telephone call from Delhi to allow Warren Anderson to escape?

Where the money looted from Bofors and other such deals have been hidden?

On whose instructions did Dr. Manmohan Singh give a clean chit to Pakistan in Sharm-El-Sheikh?

"This list is longer. I think the best way forward is to set up a judicial commission and investigate all the secrets Rahul Gandhi was privy to and that harmed national interests," Himanta Biswa Sarma further wrote.

Notably, Rahul Gandhi in an election rally in Haryana said that he understands the nitty-gritty of political set-up and its functioning as he was 'privy' to it since childhood.

"I have been sitting in the system since the day I was born on June 19, 1970. I understand the system from inside, no one can hide it from me. How it works, who it favours, how it favours, whom it attacks or targets," Rahul Gandhi said at the rally.

"When my grandmother and father were Prime Minister, I used to visit their offices, so I have a good understanding of the system. I am saying that the system is aligned against the lower castes heavily (bhayankar tarike se), at every level," he added.



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