Sullia: Tahsildar intervenes to reunite elderly mother with neglectful son

Daijiworld Media Network - Sullia

Sullia, May 23: In a situation where an elderly woman complained about her son neglecting her and refusing to allow her to stay at home, the tahsildar led a team of officials to the son's house and persuaded him to take her in. This incident occurred in Mandekolu.

Sheshamma, residing in Kalladka Peraaje in Mandekolu village, lodged a complaint with the tahsildar, expressing that she was unwell and staying at her daughter's house but desired to return to her own home.

Upon receiving the complaint, tahsildar G Manjunath, accompanied by taluk panchayat EO Paramesh, CDPO Shailaja, Mandekolu PDO Ramesh, Mandekolu village administrator Ajay, and Sheshamma’s three daughters, convened a discussion at the taluk office.

The daughters conveyed their mother's wish to return home but expressed concern over her being prevented from doing so. They also proposed to care for her at their mother's residence. Subsequently, a team led by the tahsildar escorted Sheshamma to her residence in Mandekolu Kalladka Peraje. A detailed discussion ensued with Sheshamma’s son and daughter-in-law present.

The tahsildar, EO, and Saraswati Kamath elucidated the importance of attending to the needs of the elderly mother and persuaded the son to assume responsibility. They also counselled the three daughters, offering them guidance. Sheshamma was then escorted into the house. The three married daughters assured the tahsildar that they would take turns staying at the house to care for their mother. The team, under the tahsildar's leadership, effectively resolved this family dispute through their intervention.





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  • Ananda Moorthi., Thokkottu,575017.

    Thu, May 23 2024

    So many Personal problems like these still in middleclass families apart from daily burden of running the family.No one gives a small suggestion.but if you had a Big Surname Administration itself took personal interest in the expense of public's tax money

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  • Pinto, Mangalore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Shame on u jahil,Go matha bollte hai maa.janam dene wali ku kya bolenge fir.yeh toh jooru Ka gulam hai.

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  • Omar, Mysore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Tragic that she needed outsiders to convince her Son, life is short take care of your parents…once they are gone no amount of guilt is useful . Strange times

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  • Marol, Udupi

    Thu, May 23 2024

    There should be a follow up till she lives and there should not be any property issues. Thank you and God bless each and every one of us.

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  • suhail Hussain, mangalore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    A mother's worse nightmare is to see this day ... after sacrificing their entire life in rising up the children. may almighty give her the strength and ease her pain

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Nowadays son is always helpless, because he has to dance according to his wife's tune. This is happening in most of the houses. It's the duty of daughter in law to adjust with elderly peoples. The tashildar must take a lesson in front of all family members. Most of the houses ,there's mother in law and daughter in law problem. And finally they send aged parents to oldage home . Everyone should think that one or other day they too have to face same problems, if there is no peace at home.

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  • Elwyn Goveas, Mangalore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Mother is God or in the form of God.Once upon a time they did the best of best taking care of us now it is our turn to do the best..If we pain them God will punish us.This is the law of life.Thatswhy we have to respect her and see they too live happily and live to the fullest. Mother is God.

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