M’lore: Voters Facilitation Centre to Function at Corporation Building from Feb 10

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (RD)

Mangalore, Feb 7: Election Commission (EC) will be setting up Voters Facilitation Centre (VFC) at the commercial complex of Municipal Building, Lalbagh. The VFC will start functioning from Tuesday February 10.  The office will remain open from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm.  

Citizens residing under Mangalore South 203 legislative assembly constituency, desiring to enroll their names in the voters' list, to apply for revision, transfer, voter's identity card, can avail these facilities at VFC.  The names of new voters will be included in the voters' list within 10 days of submitting their applications in duplicate to the centre and also get their voters' identity card from the same centre. 

Those who have completed 18 years can apply for inclusion of their names in the voters' list while those who have no voters' identity card and those residing abroad and are on vacation can come personally to apply.  

The latest voters' list published by EC was displayed at Municipal Corporation here for the voters to check their status.  It was during the last campaign that 8,381 new voters were included under Mangalore south legislative assembly constituency. 


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