Dr Austin Prabhu Elected First Vice Dist Governor of District 1-A Again

Media Release

Chicago, Mar 30: District 1-A, Mother District of Lionism held its 43rd District Convention at the Westin Chicago Northwest Hotel, Itasca with colorful events.

Distrtict breakfast was chaired by International Director Dan O'Reilly from District 1-A. Sunday morning district officers elections were held and announced. Wes Salsbury elected for the office of Governor, Dr Austin Prabhu for the office of First Vice District Governor and Dave Hansen for the office of District LIF Trustee. Dr Austin Prabhu became the first First Vice District Governor for the second time in the history of Lionism in Chicagoland.

All three candidates made their acceptance speeches and thanked all the lions for their support in electing them.

During the breakfast, two bowls were arranged to collect donations to Japan Tsunami victims. More than one thousand dollars were collected in the bowls.  During the program Dr. Austin Prabhu auctioned First Lady Gail's shoes and collected two hundred dollars from the bid for Japan Victims Fund. After the session there was a cash raffle prizes announcement with a first prize of ten thousand dollars for the winner.  Six hundred tickets of fifty dollars each were printed and sold for this cash raffle by chairperson Chris Coleman.

In the earlier days, Convention started with Friday evening's Tailgate Party. This years governors theme was - "Step up to the Plate and Volunteer" - all connected to America's baseball game.  Nancy Faust - a famous musician performed that evening with her fabulous music talent on the piano. Grand ballroom with filled with registered lions, lionesses, leos and guests.

District Governor Steve Anton gave welcoming comments and the party began. There were eight hospitality rooms from various clubs and officers running for District offices. Live bands, singing, dancing, food, raffles were the main attractions.  Guests were hopping one room to another and having fellowship until 1:00 am.

Saturday morning there was Rookies (New Member) breakfast with their sponsors and International Guest - Past International President Al Brandel and his wife Dr Maureen Murphy from New York.  All past First Ladies met with current First Lady for a breakfast in a separate room and rest of the lions had breakfast at the Atrium.

First Plenary Session was conducted by Dr Austin Prabhu. District Chaplain Joan McMillan said the prayer and First Vice District Governor Wes Salsbury recited the Pledge of Allegiance. District song leader Past District Governor John Coleman sang first verse of America. Dave Derenzo and Dave Hansen gave Lions of Illinois Foundation report and LIF executive director Van Stone presented Foundation Life Time Service Award to Mike Smigielski for his hard work and dedication to the foundation. Then there were Lions of Illinois Foundation Awards presented. Bob Block presented Lions Clubs International Foundation Awards to five lions. Dr Austin Prabhu received his 9 Diamond Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow Award – highest diamond award in District 1-A since the lionism was born in Chicagoland.

Dr Janet Szlyk gave detailed presentation on Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind and Mike Smigielski gave the presentation on District 1-A signature programme - Vision First which was initiated district-wise by Dr Austin Prabhu in 2004 and so far screened more than 80 thousand Chicago Public School children and provided more than 60 thousand pairs free eyeglasses to needy students. During the session District Bowling Awards were also presented to the winners.

Second Plenary Session was conducted by Terry D'Souza, North Sector Coordinator. First Lady Gail Anton gave her remarks after the luncheon. She thanked all the lions for their support in making this lionistic year a successful one. She said they enjoyed visiting various clubs in the district and meeting dedicated lions to community services. There was a live auction of 15 beautiful baskets filled with all sorts of gifts and game tickets. Second part of the Second Plenary Session was conducted by Frank Kirar - South Sector Coordinator.

District Peace Poster winner was announced. There were nominations for Foundation Trustee, Second Vice District Governor and First Vice District Governor. Syed Wahaj made the nomination speech for Dr Austin Prabhu and Vissia D'Souza gave seconding speech. There was a mini cash raffle drawing after the session.
Fr. George Velloorattil, parish priest of St Bernardine Church, Forest Park offered Mass for Catholics and there was a service by Dr William Orr pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Willow Springs for non Catholics.

After Religious services, there was a Wine & Cheese Reception at the Atrium.

District Governors Banquet was held at the Grand Ballroom with District 1-A style. Guests were seated in the hall and then District Officers entered the hall after emcee announcing their names with their spouses. Wes Salsbury was the chairperson for the event.

Dr Austin Prabhu recited Pledge of Allegiance, John Coleman sang patriotic song and Joan McMillan made the invocation. Lion, Lioness and Leo of the Year Awards were given away during the banquet.

Keynote speaker Past International President Al Brandel spoke on Lions activities around the world.  He praised lions for their service to humanity throughout the world. He made a special request to all lions to pitch in contribution to help Japanese victims of Tsunami and Nuclear Meltdown.

Presidents Council of Voluntary Service Awards committee member Dr Austin Prabhu awarded Lifetime Voluntary Service Awards to Al Brandel, Dr Maureen Murphy, Steve Anton and Dawn Grogan for their lionistic services to communities. After the banquet hospitality rooms were opened to guests.


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  • Agnel/Sweeny Rodrigues, Katapady/Dubai

    Fri, Apr 01 2011

    Congratulation Dr Austin Prabu. We wish you all the best in your future.

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  • H M Pernal, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 01 2011

    Sir, One more feather in your cap. Congratulations.

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  • Fr Clifford Fernandes, Jeppu Seminary

    Fri, Apr 01 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu. Wish you all the best and praying for you. Fr Cliffy.

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  • Fr Ronald Cutinha, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations dear Dr Austin Prabhu. I am really proud of your achievement. Wish you all the best .God Bless you.

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  • Valerian Fernandes, Kulshekar/Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations,Karnataka (FKCA) congratulates you on being elected First Vice Dist Governor of Lions District 1-A, yet again. Keep the flag of Mangalore flying high. Wishing you all the best in this assignment.

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  • Vally & Bertha Fernandes, Kulshekar/Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu on being elected first vice dist governor of Lions district 1-A. Under your leadership, we are sure the Lions will do well.

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  • Gracian Rodrigues, Mysore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    congratulations sir, we wish u success in ur future
    -Gracian Rodrigues & fly,
    Konkani assosiation members mysore

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  • Vally Vagga, Mysore City

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Dear Austin Prabhu,
    Congratulations on your spledid acheivement of becaming the First Vice District Governor for the second time in the history of Lionism in Chicagoland.
    You are truly a Mangalorean star shining in US.
    We are very proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work. All the best for future!

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  • Dr Edward Nazareth, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations and all the best Austin bab. You have proven to be a leader where ever you are. All the best

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nantu/Chicago

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Dear Louis, I was the Diocesan President of CYM Central Council for 6 years and Honorary President for one year during Ullas Kuppepadav's term.

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  • Apolinaris D'Souza, Valencia/Muscat

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Dear Austinbab on your great achievement.
    Wish you all the best. Keep going. God Bless You.
    Apolinaris D'Souza, Valencia/Muscat

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    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    congratulations to dr austin prabhu Elected First Vice Dist Governor of District 1-A Again

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Mr. Austin, I like you very much since you were President of Mangalore diocese Youth Movement (CYM) in 1977 If I am correct.

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  • Mike, KSA

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    The Lion roars again. Congratulations Dr. Prabhu.

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  • Lawrence Pinto, Liona Club Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations to you Lion Dr. Austin on your sucsess as Ist V D G of your Lionistic District. Wish you all the best and pray God to give more power to work and serve the people .

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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore/Qatar

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations to Dr Austin Prabhu. Wish you all the best.

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  • Rev.Fr.Ln.Vincent D'Souza, Bela-Kasargod

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations dear Dr Austin Prabhu. I am really proud of your achievement. Wish you all the best .God Bless you.

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  • Prajwal Mathias/Pinto, mangalore/bangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Austin .all the very best .
    Regds Monica Pinto ,Mangalore,Santosh&Prajwal Mathias, Bangalore

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  • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah-U.A.E.

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Dr.Austin Prabhu on Elected First Vice Distric Governor of Distric 1-A Again,this is the proud moment all of us-Indians,Mangaloreans n for the community we belong.Our last visit in Mangalore remind me your simplicity down to earth humbleness is the other side of great King of Lion,In Chicago.God bless you man.
    Mark Denis D'souza

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  • Willie Menda, UAE

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Weakness, Nanthur

    But you have never been so weak!
    Going strong!
    Among the strongest

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  • Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations to Dr. Austin Prabhu on being elected as the the First Vice District Governor of District 1-A.

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  • Melwyn, Pernal

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Congratulations Austin Bab.. Wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.. :-)

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  • CGS, Valencia,Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    From Nanthur Kala Sampat Lane to
    Chicago Lion District!Its a proud
    moment for us dear Austin!Congratulations and Best Wishes!
    We celebrate this happy occasion
    with two large pegs along with two little boiled eggs(instead
    of wine and cheese)Cheers!!

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  • Stan Ageira, Mulki/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 31 2011

    Alif Mabrouk.........!

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  • Lion Ronald Gomes mjf, Lions Dist.324 D-5 Cabinet Treasurer

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    On behalf of Lions Dist.324 D-5 & myself and my Lioness Anita join to say Hearty Congratulations Lion Dr Austin Prabhu to became the First Vice District Governor for the second time at the Mother District of Lionism. Dist.1-A. Wish u all success in your future endeavors.May God Bless you.

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  • Raymond D'cunha TaccodeEDITOR,PINGARA Kannada weekly, Valencia,Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    happy to hear this Austine sir. wish you all the best abd fullest support from our side.

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  • charles furtado, puttur d.k. india

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu on being elected as first vice dist governer for the second time.i am proud of you. Wishing every success in your new challenging responsibility. May God Bless you!

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  • Sandra dsouza, MANGALORE/Bajjodi

    Wed, Mar 30 2011


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  • Ozy, Blanche, Brian, Jacqueline and Colin, Abu Dhabi/USA

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations dear Austin on your outstanding achievement in grabbing the coveted post of First Vice Governor of Dist 1 in Chicago. Your hardwork, dedication and strong commitment has helped you to climb the ladder of success. Our prayers and best wishes are always with you. You have made the entire Mangalorean Community proud. Congratulations once again.

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  • Ivan Lobo, Barebail/Canada

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu. We are proud of your achievement. Wish you the best to scale even higher heights of achievements. Keep it up. You make us Mangaloreans very proud

    Ivan & Lydwin

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  • Rtn.Edwin JF, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    I at Rotary Club of Mangalore, along with my Ann, Jane and Annet Ruth Esther greet you dear Ln.Austin. It is a great achievement in a worldwide service Club You make us Mangaloreans proud.
    Rtn.Edwin JF

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Hearty congratulations in your
    election as the first vice
    district Governor of the Lion's
    Club. May God use you to help the
    humanity through this new job.

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  • Lancy noronha, Bellore, Bantwal- Dubai

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu
    Wish you all the best
    Lancy Noronha - Dubai

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  • Gerry D'Mello & fly, Bendur / Canada

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Hearty Congrats dear Austin Prabhu on your incredible achievement. We are proud of you. Wishing every success in your new challenging responsibility. May God Bless you!

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  • Flavian Pinto, Bejai/Toronto

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Dear Austin,
    Congratulations on your spledid acheivement of becaming the First Vice District Governor for the second time in the history of Lionism in Chicagoland.
    You are truly a Mangalorean star shining in US.
    We are very proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work. All the best for future.

    Flavian & Miriam

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  • Steven Machado, Karkala/Kuwait

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulation - to your achievement. God Bless you & your future work.
    Best Wishes,
    Steven Machado

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  • Austin Santhosh, Haleangadi/Bahrain

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations Dr.Austin Prabhu - We are all proud of You Sir!

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  • Kumar Fernandes, Mudarangadi/Dubai

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulations Dr Austin Prabhu to became the first First Vice District Governor for the second time in the history of Lionism in Chicagoland.

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  • Roney & Aboline D'Cunha, Koppa - Dubai

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Dr.Austin, you made it again to the Hon post of First Vice Dist Governor of Dist.1 in Chicago.Congratulations. May the Lions serve the deserving community & get name & fame under your leadership.

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    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congrats Dr. Austine on being elected to the above post. we wish u all success in your future endeavours. Convey my regards to your brother Felix Prabhu, Govt college M'lore student, 1983-84 batch.

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  • Chris Ronak D'silva, christ the king church - Trasi

    Wed, Mar 30 2011

    Congratulation to your great achievement. May Infant Jesus & Mother Mary send showers of blessing on you & your future. Whole Mangalore Diocese is proud of you.

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