Dubai: Belman Parishioners Celebrate Monti Fest

Dubai: Belman Parishioners Celebrate Monti Fest
News: Anna
Pics: Jacob & Roshan
Daijiworld Media Network – Dubai (SB)


Dubai, Sep 26: Belman parishioners residing in the UAE came together at Al Mas Hotel Apartments to celebrate Monti Fest, a Mangalorean traditional feast of nativity of Virgin Mary on Friday September 25.

The celebration began with a thanksgiving prayer by the ladies from Bethkati group followed by readings from the gospel. The children gathered in front of the crowd with flowers to venerate Mother Mary with the recitation of the hymn "Sakkad Sangatha Melyan ani Morriyek Hogalsiyan”.


The newly harvested corn "Novem" was blessed with a prayer and later mixed with milk and distributed to all. Walter conducted games for the children to keep them occupied and spot prizes were distributed.

Dayan D’Souza came forward to give a brief message to support “Daijiworld weekly magazine”, a platform for all Konkan Catholics to voice their opinions and keep in touch with the Konkan news all over the world. 

Soon after, a vast variety of Mangalorean vegetarian food was served on banana leaves, which added the traditional flavour to the Monti fest. As a tradition sugarcane was distributed to all.


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