Udupi: Tempo, mini-truck Collision: Two Injured

Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi (SP)

Udupi, Sep 11: After a mini-truck and tempo went on a collision course at around 10.30 am on Tuesday September 9 at Muloor near Kaup on national highway 17, two persons were injured.

The mini-truck, being driven towards Udupi from Mangalore, hit a tempo coming from the opposite direction in front of the MUloor gram panchayat sub-office. Umesh Kamat(35) from Manipal and Sathish Kamath(32) from Perdoor, who were travelling in the tempo, were injured. Both have been admitted to a private hospital in Kaup.

As the vehicles, after colliding, edged on to the side of the highway and came to a stop as a huge tree blocked their way, tragedy of more severe nature was averted.

Kaup polie have registered a case and are investigating.


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