Thanjavur: Bishop Devadass Ambrose passes away at age of 76

Media Release

Thanjavur (TN), May 26: Dr. Devadass Ambrose Mariadoss (76) Bishop Emeritus of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu passed away on Sunday, May 26 at 12.50 pm at Our Lady of Health hospital, Thanjavur. Funeral will take place on Tuesday, May 28 at 4pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Thanjavur.

For the past year, Bishop Ambrose had been battling ill health and undergoing treatment. HeB was the ishop of Thanjavur from 1997 to 2023. He was the apostolic administrator of Trichy from 2018 to 2021.

He was born in the village of Ammapet on October 6, 1947. He received his basic education at Ukkadai Appavu Thevar High School and a pre-university course at Sri Pushpam College. He joined St Mary’s Minor seminary, Thanjavur, in 1964. He studied philosophy and theology at St Paul’s seminary, Trichy. He was ordained priest on August 5, 1974.

He was on staff at St Peter’s Pontifical Seminary in Bengaluru and the professor of sacred Scripture. He received his higher education at the Biblical Institute in Rome (1980–84) and the Catholic University in Paris (1991–94). He received a diploma in biblical studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

He was appointed Bishop on July 14, 1997, and ordained Bishop on September 24, 1997. He was the apostolic administrator of Tiruchirappalli from 2018 to 2021. Pope Francis had accepted his resignation from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tanjore, on February 4, 2023.



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