Kasargod: Gas leaks from tanker in motion, families around evacuated

Daijiworld Media Network – Kasargod (EP)

Kasargod, May 23: A gas leak was detected from a tanker in motion at Chittari, near Kanhangad, on the morning of Thursday, May 23. Families within a 500-meter radius were evacuated, and traffic on the road has been temporarily suspended.

The leak was noticed around 7:30 am. The tanker driver promptly stopped the vehicle and informed company officials and the fire brigade. The leak was contained by approximately 10:00 am, preventing a potential catastrophe thanks to the driver's swift action.

The gas will be transferred from the leaking tanker to three other tankers, a process expected to be completed by nightfall. Fire brigades from Kanhangad, Kasargod, and surrounding areas worked diligently to control the situation. A team of officials from Mangaluru has arrived at the scene to oversee the safety measures.

The tanker was en route from Mangaluru to Kozhikode when the incident occurred.




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  • Gufello John Crasta, Bela

    Fri, May 24 2024

    The attitude of authorities in this matter is as casual and uninterested. This is a very serious matter of importants to the region and dangers to the region. Authorities is actings as if it is a gas passed from the bowels after a spicy meals. See in this case it is combustible gas which is fire hazard and can kill the people’s, not just cause a bad smell and annoy people’s like bowels gas. Also this can cause nearby houses shops etc to catch fire. How this gas can leak from a secure tanker , is it just like a colon where pressure can build and emit without warning ? Why there is no safety apparatus like a flatus tube to capture and safely store the gases ? Why it is casually transport in road ? During Covid times the govt is complaining about safety hazard of transporting oxygen cylinders, why then fuel is transport in such a loose manner, the authorities must take concerned people to task for compromise the safety of publics

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  • Hagrudo John Furtado and family, kinnigoli

    Fri, May 24 2024

    In India there is public and government apathy towards public safety, this problem has accentuated under modi governments where contracts go to Adani and Ambani without due process. This gas tanker issue is an example of corrupting powers of big businesses over the population in the Kasargod taluk of Paxstan, one will complain how can Indian oil tanker be connected to the Adani? answer is in the question India is Adani Adani is India, the gas is natural resources of country not the same as the gas produced by icchamaar after consuming beefs for breakfast

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