Kodagu: Blood Helpline Karnataka holds blood donation camp at Kodlipete

Daijiworld Media Network – Kodagu (EP)

Kodagu, Mar 12: Noor youth association hand post Kodlipet, Kodagu and Blood Helpline Karnataka in the association of Hassan blood bank, K R Puram, Hassan held a public mass blood donation camp at Noor Mahal, Hand post, Kodlipet on March 10.

Masjidunnoor hand post Khatib Mohammed Faizi inaugurated the programme. Tazalliat Madrasa, Hand post, Kodlipet Muallim, Majid Musliar said prayer. Masjidunnoor hand post advisory committee president Janab G M Aboobacker Haji presided over the programme.

Chief guest Kodagu district integrated doctor association president Dr Uday Kumar said that donation of blood is noble. “Donation of blood is necessary for healthy environment filled with youth. Every drop of blood saves a life creating a healthy society,” he said. He explained who can donate blood and precautions to be taken while donating blood and after it. Another guest Kodlipet church pastor Fred Cherian explained the importance of blood donation. Blood helpline Karnataka’s Janab Ashraf Arabi Kalladka explained the need to donate blood.

Nearly 106 people donated blood. Hassan blood bank K R Puram, Hassan’s Kantaraj, Mohan, Manjunath, Ravindra, Ramu and others helped in collecting blood.

Social activist Altaf Bilagula and Nasir R B were felicitated on the occasion. Guests of honor Shabir Koppal, Nasir R B, D A Sulaiman, B A Ahmed, Aurangzeb, Thimma Shetty C M, S D Tammayya, Yathish Kumar, Somanna, D C Bhoopal and office bearers of Noor Youth association and blood helpline Karnataka were present.

Soft drinks and fruits were served to blood donors by Noor youth association. Hanif welcomed. Zahir Niam compered the programme and proposed vote of thanks.

The organizers expressed their gratitude to blood donors, hospital staff, those who directly and indirectly cooperated for the success of the camp and news reporters.


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