Bangalore: Back to Pavilion - Bangarappa Quits SP, to Join Congress


Bangalore, Feb 12: Samajwadi Party MP and former Karnataka Chief Minister S Bangarappa on Thursday resigned from Lok Sabha as well as the party and announced his plans to join the Congress.

"I have resigned from my Lok Sabha seat Shimoga as well as from the Samajwadi Party. I submitted my resignation to the Speaker and he has accepted it," Bangarappa told reporters outside Parliament house.

The former Congress leader said he has sought an appointment with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi.

He said that he decided to quit SP and join the Congress as he felt that BJP's winning assembly election in Karnataka was "not a good sign and it's high time all secular parties unite to defeat the communal forces".

To a question whether he resigned from SP due to the recent bonhomie between that party and former UP Chief Minister Kalyan Singh, Bangarappa said, "This is not the reason".

He declined to comment on whether his resignation from the SP will affect the alliance talks between Congress and Mulayam Singh Yadav-led party.

"Such things happen. They will be sorted out," he said. 


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  • Dilip, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 13 2009

    Mr. Bangarappa..How many times will you change parties??? Do you really think people are fools that they will trust a person who doesn't himself have stability???

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  • norman, mangalore/dubai

    Thu, Feb 12 2009

    As long as cast politics continues no body can stop these politicians changing parties. When kalyan singh can change party why cant bangarappa. For policiticans changing parties just like changing dress and wants to look new.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Feb 12 2009

    I heard in war and sex anything is acceptable. Now we have to add a third one, Politics. Anything is possible in politics. Today's friends tommorrow's enemy and vice versa.

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  • Arun, Dubai/Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 12 2009

    Bangarappa Changes party as a Kid changes Pampers every day........

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