Bangalore: CM Allays Move to Appoint Media Ombudsman

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Feb 10: Negating home minister Dr V S Acharya's statement in Mangalore during a peace committee meeting that the government is considering appointment of a media ombudsman to regulate exaggerated news coverage, state chief minister (CM) B S Yeddyurappa said that the government does not propose to do so.

Speaking to reporters in Davangere on Monday February 9, the CM said that the state government does not propose to rein in the media. Hence, the proposal for the appointment of the ombudsman will be put on hold for the present. "I am not aware under what context the home minister made this statement. I will discuss the issue with him," he clarified.

Dr V S Acharya, who had in Udupi said that there is public demand for the appointment of a media ombudsman, told the reporters on Monday that the Press Council of India is expected to take action whenever the media exaggerates and twists  the news to mislead the masses. However, the Council’s presence has not been apparent in several cases of irresponsible coverage of news. Hence, the government is thinking of creating the post of the media ombudsman, he added.

"Lot of problems were created after the media behaved irresponsibly while covering the incidents of Udupi MLA Raghupati Bhat's wife Padmapriya’s  disappearance, Mangalore pub attack, abduction of Kerala  MLA’s daughter, Pulse Polio programme etc. When I participated in the peace committee meeting in Mangalore, many people persuaded me to ban irresponsible media. Hence, a decision about the appointment of media ombudsman will be taken after discussing with the CM. A judge will take over as the ombudsman, if the government decides in favour of creating the post. Those distressed by exaggerated or irresponsible news will then be able to get their grievances redressed by approaching the ombudsman," he explained.

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  • Pramoda Kumar, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    Dr.Acharya, the honorable Home mister of Karnataka state has thoroughly been embarrassed by the media coverage of the Pub incident in Mangalore, abduction of MLA daughter and many more issues related to law and order in recent past.

    But the matter of fact is that it was media who brought out such heinous activities of some of the social outfits. I was afraid to learn that soon after the pub attack in Mangalore, our honorable Chief Minister talked to the media in the way more similar to that of the leader of the outfit which claimed the responsibilities of the attack (we don't support Pub culture).

    This clearly shows that some social elements have been trying to circumscribe the social space of a urban woman and unfortunately our government is indirectly supporting this. Had it not the media,we would have not come to know what had really happened in Mangalore.If the Government want to scrutinize the activities of the media, then where is the democracy.

    I owe to the media for their courageous and wonderful professionalism in unfolding these socially polarizing activities of the unwanted outfits.

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  • Shrinath Shet, Oman

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    Right decision is taken by CM and Dr.V S Acharya. There should be hold on Media. Otherwise media may glorify the issues more than what they are and also media may favour one certain group of people. I have done journalism. A journalist or media person will help in maintaining peace to the society. Good luck CM and Acharya Sir.

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  • shilpa, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    Media Ombudsman is necessary for mangalore to contain passion arousing newspapers .But if the media ombudsman is a saffron person it may exagerate the situation rather than helping it.

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  • Manjunatha C.N., Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    It is a right decision of appointing a media ombudsman. I dont know how the media people are going to react.Some of the news are exagerrated, so it is better to have someone who takes care of it.

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 10 2009

    Acharya wants the karnataka people to be deaf, dumb and blind. Still Fine, if he enacts a law which swiftly ensures death penalty to those politicians, police officers, judges and false witnessses, found invoking and involved in crime.

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  • Michael Lobo, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 09 2009

    This irresponsible government - instead of banning organizations which commit crimes repeatedly and adamantly - is trying to salvage these groups in the guile of curbing the media, is taking action against people who democratically protest against atrocities committed unlawfully. The savage rule of present government is completely unacceptable to a rationale citizen. Governments' priorities have clearly shifted from societal development, delivering justice to the victims, to protecting the evil forces of society. This government is taking the direction of progress in a completely wrong direction. Even the mighty forces like the Hitlers' have crumpled to dust. The government may succeed in in implementing its fascist agenda, but one day such groups and governments will vanish from the scene. Mighty empires have disintegrated. Same will happen to BJP.

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