Iran to quit n-talks if pressure mounts: Negotiator

Tehran, Feb 23 (IANS): Iran will quit the nuclear talks if the other side comprising of six major world powers aimed to impose its will on Tehran in the ongoing negotiations, the country's senior negotiator said Monday.

"If the other party wants to impose their wills at the cost of diplomatic means, we will not hesitate to leave the negotiating table," Xinhua news agency quoted Abbas Araqchi as telling state-run IRIB TV.

The talks should meet the interests of both Iran and the world powers, Araqchi said.

"We are determined to continue the talks with strong will unless we feel that the talks are not progressing in the interests of our country and our nation," he said.

Representatives from the P5 1 group -- the US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany -- and Iran met in Geneva Sunday night for fresh talks on Tehran's disputed nuclear programme, a move to continue the diplomatic efforts toward reaching a long-term, comprehensive solution to the issue.

It has been over a year since Iran and the world powers agreed to come back to the negotiating table in 2013. However, wide differences have prevented the sides from reaching a final deal.

The negotiators agreed in November 2014 to extend the deadline for seven more months, aiming to reach a political framework deal by the end of March.


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