Chikkamagaluru: Person from Mangaluru suspected to have coronavirus infection

Daijiworld Media Network - Chikkamagaluru (SP)

Chikkamagaluru, Mar 13: A person from Mangaluru is suspected to have been infected with coronavirus. The 45-year-old man in question had returned from Dubai two weeks back. He has been admitted into the government district hospital here for treatment.

The person, who hails from Mangaluru, had arrived at the home of his sister at Moodigere on March 11. He suffered from high fever, cough and cold there. As the fever persisted, he went to a private hospital for health check on Thursday. The doctors there treated him, but after learning that he had returned from a foreign country, suspected that there is a possibility of him having been infected with coronavirus.

The man was then admitted into the isolation ward set up at the district hospital where he continues to be treated. Samples of his throat swabs have been sent to the laboratory at Bengaluru for testing. Sources said that the medical team at the hospital is awaiting test report.


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  • AnoNymouS, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Hope this "Isolation ward" is not a general isolation ward where suspected healthy people are kept in the same vicinity of the actual COVID-19 patients thereby infecting them as well.

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    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    why foreign return people roaming every where in the city,in spite knowing that they come from infected countries, better quarantine themselves for 1 month in the best interest of rest of the surrounding people.

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  • Sanjay, Hebri

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    All foreign return people should be quantrined for 20 days, after test they should be allowed in.

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  • Chiguru, Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    How is hiding the identity of persons infected going to help anyways?
    How do others come to know, who to stay away from?

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  • Anand, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Now you have to screen all people who in contact with him. He must be carrier of virus. There should be proper quartine facility in all hospitals. Please check passengers coming from Kerala. All public places should be sanitized properly. Admin should implement strict rule for public transport People should carry desanitizer.

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  • Cynthia, Kirem

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Sanitizers and masks are out of station. Forget medical stores even in malls sanitizers are out of stock in mangalore...Ladies can cover their face in cotton shawls for their safety when they move out as men under the shortage of masks ...

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    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Whether Airports have a proper equipment , i think they have some thermo meter which can detect only person is having temperature, where is countrys health minister who is he, is he dead or alive.

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  • Abhay, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    From where do you get such questions bro? Is it the job of health minister to stop each and every person and check for corona. There are measures taken at every step thats why you dont see more number in India unlike Iran/Italy. Its more of individuals responsibility. First of all keep yourself clean/ keep distance from people. Secondly whoever traveled from abroad should have sense to stay back home for a week and check on their health.

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  • sri_elder, Karkala

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Look this is the problem..
    Airport screening is no effective since symptoms can start until 2-3 weeks and person can actually transmit virus to others before showing any symptoms..

    So only solution would be home quarantine all foriegn returnee for 28 days compulsorily in the best interest of rest of the surrounding people... God save India..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Kirem

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Exactly Sri...the same queston i too raised few days back. Say for ex. On arrival, some passengers who have fever may show symptoms while screening. What about others who have come from there or who have travelled with the sick person? After few days of reaching their home ...may get those symptoms....only precautions and taking care along with prayers is last hope.....

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  • sri_elder, Karkala

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Cynthia- actually government should clamp those rules like compulsory quarantine etc depending on intelligence input.. if something is happening in neighboring country means intelligence do get some advanced data, forecasts etc...
    I don't think god will help in anyway.. individuals need to protect themselves.. i don't think summer weather too not going to help much!

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  • Cunthia, Kirem

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Agree Sri...ji...its individals responsibility in particular.......and not only governments...

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  • vaishali suvarna, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    it is also the individual responsibility to isolate themselves from outsiders , when they have travel history to the effected countries. unless we have our own self awareness it is impossible control the spread. each and every individual is responsible for their own life as well as the life of their fellow citizens.

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  • Sahil, Mangaluru

    Fri, Mar 13 2020

    Do you think employer will allow 28 days quarantine. Just imagine NRE flow also reduced for a month or if loss the job becoz of such decision permanently and yeddi saying proudly in karnataka state financial crisis there.

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