Something 'super weird' is going on: Musk after storming of Tesla's Berlin plant

New Delhi, May 11 (IANS): Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Saturday said something "super weird" is going on, as at least 800 activists stormed Tesla’s gigafactory near Berlin to protest its expansion plans.

The police used pepper spray against the protesters as they attempted to break into the plant.

“There is more to this than meets the eye. Something strange is going on,” the tech billionaire posted on X.

He further said that something “super weird” is going on, as “Tesla was the only car company attacked.”

According to Disrupt, a coalition of anti-capitalist groups that organised the protest said in a statement on its website that 800 activists participated in the protest “on the Tesla Gigafactory site as part of the Disrupt Tesla Action Days.”

The police said they prevented the protesters from entering the Tesla factory. Tesla had shut the plant to protect employees.

The Tesla CEO also said that protesters did not manage to break through the fence line.

“There are still two intact fence lines all around (the factory),” he informed.

According to Disrupt, Tesla’s plans to more than double production in Europe would “damage the local environment” as it would require “clearing swathes of the surrounding forest and would further strain local water supply.”



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