Spot-fixing and the BCCI chief - Rape of Indian cricket

Spot-fixing and the BCCI chief - Rape of Indian cricket

Narayana Swamy
Daijiworld Media Network

Chennai, Jun 2: Indian cricket reached a new low when adamant BCCI chief Srinivasan escaped from resigning from his post on Sunday June 2. People of this cricket-crazy nation expected Srinivasan to resign from his post, so Indian cricket could be in safer hands. Needless to say, the image of the so-called gentleman's game was badly hit when spot fixing by three Indian cricketers came to light, and later the son-in-law of Indian cricket chief as well as boss of a top IPL team Gurunath Meiyappan was arrested by police.

On Sunday, June 2 the entire media of the country speculated on 'arrogant' Srinivasan's future, as top cricket officials met in Chennai to decide his fate. The meeting turned to be in favour of Srinivasan, as majority of members agreed on Srinivasan 'stepping aside' (to go on leave until the probe against his son-in-law is completed) and Jagmohan Dalmiya stepping in as the new 'interim president' of BCCI. Dalmiya, who never had a clean record during his tenure as BCCI chief in the past will supervise cricket administration in the country.

During the meeting it was also decided to call back Ajay Shirke and Jagadale who resigned from BCCI to put pressure on Srinivasan to quit. But media reports say that both are not willing to take back their resignations as long as Srinivasan stays.

As soon as the BCCI decision was out, electronic channels criticised the meeting as undemocratic, and termed it an 'open rape' of Indian cricket. Some of the TV channels also accused other cricket administrators of joining hands with Srinivasan.

As the power struggle continues, the cricket lovers of the country feel let down by its administrators. The top bosses of Indian cricket are mostly politically powerful people or rich corporate businessmen.

Even country's top cricket legends seem to have bowed their heads down in front of these filthy rich officials, as Sunil Gavaskar has written in a leading daily that he cannot talk about the current situation of Indian cricket because he has a contract with a TV channel, and is not in a position to make any comment. Ravi Shasti who is under BCCI pay roll has never opened his mouth on this issue.

Legends like Anil Kumble, Javagal Srinath and Ventakesh Prasad from Karnataka too are mum on the issue, and their diplomacy has now led to anger in the media.

No doubt, if this kind of attitude by cricket administrators continues, big number of Indian cricket fans may soon lose interest in the game.

There are only a handful of days to go for Champions Trophy in England, but there is hardly any buzz among the fans. One wonders if it is the controversy that has overshadowed the upcoming tournament, or have the fans already lost interest.


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  • Ashwin, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 05 2013

    We are good at raping women , now we are raping cricket.. the whole country is getting raped... someone see the common factor - we are known as RAPISTS outside india.. Jaaago India Jaago !

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  • Louis D'Souza, Kuwait

    Tue, Jun 04 2013

    Rabdi Devi replacing Lalu Prasad Yadav????

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    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Cricket has become Politicians & Bookies game. Modern cricket is more advance than WWE.

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  • Vishal D Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Did Mrs. Sonia Gandhi resigned as Congress president or as a MP when her Son-in-law Robert Vadra involved in real estate (DLF) scam?

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Robert Vadra has not be detained by the Police, There is no case filed against him. He has only been accused by Arvind Kejriwal of Mango man party of wrong doings, but he has not filed any case against him. Kejriwal has named many others and will keep on naming people whom he does not like to remain in the news. In this case Gurunath Meyiyappan is under arrest and the courts have upheld his detention and investigations had been started by the Police after obtaining concrete evidence of wrong doing. Please know and understand the difference. You should direct a question instead to Mr. Arun Jaitley who each day disrupts parliament demanding resignations from all and sundry as to why he has not demanded the resignation of his BCCI buddy Srinivasan who is turning out to be a number 1 fraud.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    The most disgusting and despicable episode in Indian cricketing history. A small bunch of con men and thugs in business suits are raping Indian cricket. This disgusting bunch of cheats and swindlers will go to any extent to save their chairs and power bases. There are politicians from every party and sneaky businessmen who are part of this dirty gang and each one of them is equally responsible for this mess. It is high time that the fans boycott the game altogether until this dirt is washed away once and for all.

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  • Ravi Bhaskar Shenava, MANGALORE

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    When the Indian Democracy itself is being Raped continuously by corrupt Politicians since last 65 years,comparatively raping cricket is just a trivial thing.

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  • Prasheesh Kumar. S., Mumbai

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Since Cricket has got glamour and lots of money all these Industrialist, Politicians, and Film Actors are fighting to gain hold on Cricket Management even though they have never played cricket in their life.
    If cricket was a poor man's game like Kabaddi or glamour-less game like Foot-ball or Hockey whether the same Industrialists and Filmy people would have shown such a stubborn infatuation for Cricket ???

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  • haaris, Puttur / Dubai

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    As said by 'Times', the BCCI is showing its Middle Finger to Indian cricket fans.

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    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Rape of cricket ?
    Is prostitute get raped ever ?!!

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mark, Udyavara

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    What a question? Aren't we people capable of anything? Esp. these brigands! They will repeat over their coffins too!! Lowest of the morals.

    They wake up asking their gods, to guide their day to prey on, MFs...

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  • Raj Shetty, Qatar/Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Indian cricket has become an official gambling hub for the high class society.. well its an entertainment game for common people,the affluent will gamble on their favourite horse..all 11 horses in the field..entertainment at its best.. cricket-money-fame!

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  • Baji Saleem, Kaikamba / Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Team India, what a joke! Is this Team India representing our great country India like in other sports? I don't think! This Team India is made for few curupt people of India for them Cricket is a business and BCCI is a profit making organisation.

    Rich n curupt Dalmiya goes ambitious n intelligent Lalit Modi came n looted millions, the came Srinivasan who adopted a slight different but the same method to make more money n now what the same Dalmiya back on an interval!

    This will go on n on, looting will continue but the same people will do this for ages n continue to do so.

    What a waste n the only people to lose will be the die-hard n innocent n true fans of the great game Cricket.

    I think we Indians should stop going to watch cricket matches and the TRP should go down. What's going on in Indian cricket is not good at all and it's all fake!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    The business in BCCI is becoming murkier by the days. Why one of the IPL team owners like Srinivasan is made the President of BCCI?
    These politicians, industrialists and few corrupt players turned this gentleman's sports into one of the most corrupt sports organisation in India. We all know that Shukla, Jaitley, Dalmiya ... are seasoned players as well as partners in crime with Srinivasan and Dalmiya.
    The Govt and few veteran cricketers should step in and bring a total overhaul to the different departments of the organisation including the anti-corruption wing. Bring in transparency to the financial transaction and curtail on such huge honorarium paid to the BCCI Office Bearers.
    I wish they exclude the politicians and industrialists from the BCCI Office Bearers, including the Vice Presidents from all the five Zones.
    Give veteran cricketers like Shastry, Ganguly, Kumble, Tendulkar, Dravid and Kirti Azad a chance to run BCCI.
    Why don’t the Govt increase the rent for the stadium they offer to this cash rich BCCI and why the Income-Tax department give any concession to this super rich charitable trust. Better the Govt act before it is too late.
    Why don’t they apply ‘Right To Information’ to BCCI and the Whistle Blowers within show expose the rot within. If not, we, the public will lose complete trust on this 1928 organisation.

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  • Satish Kumar, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    HENRY MISQUITH, Bahrain. yes you have to support Srinivasan. because here involvement of Son-in-law. Good earlier you supported Rober Vadra also. Corrupt people in the world.

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  • Leslie Fernandes, Brahmagiri, Udupi

    Sun, Jun 02 2013


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  • Riyaz, Mangalore, Dubai

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Isn't it a good idea to make a resolution that only ex cricketers to be the office bearers of BCCI? There must be no entry for the businessmen and the politician from any party.

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  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu / Dublin

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Cricket , Bollywood, Politics are the 3 cancerous cells that are currently destroying India, Ban this game from the nation.

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  • Richa-Pangla,

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    In the midst of spot fixing, match fixing, appointing Mr. Dalmiya as interim president of BCCI is nothing sort of a Mega fixing by BCCI working committee to cover up its entire wrong doings!

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  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Dalmiya is mentor of Srinivasan and on opposite side of 'sharad pawar ' group in BCCI. Infact Dalmiya name came on top since it beneficts all fractions . Now everyone is happy including srini and pawar. All the scams , corrupt dealing , match fixes and betting will be washed under the carpet. Srini will be back in power once 'fake' investigation is up. The huge bounty is been shared as of now , its very sad to see shastri , gavaskar , kumble may be involved or silent under pressure. The only solution is being govt pass a resolution and sanitise bcci , but will they ?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • abuSaad, Dammam / KSA / Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Today talent is not the base forselection for team India. Rich business man and Marketing & Advertising firms are controlling the BCCI. They need Good looking and puppets are in the team. Later they use them to sell their products and all the cost on buyers houlder.

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  • Joslin Kunder, Udupi

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Well said,CNN IBN just reported that Arun Jaitley as the king maker in todays BCCI meeting, same person who demands PM resignation day in day out in parliment is doing the opposite here.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Does BJP have the guts to ask Shrinivasan to RESIGN........

    DisAgree [9] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Herman, Mulki

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Close down this shop so called BCCI and send all its people to vanvas. They are not fit to run this organisation....all thugs behind money and power

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  • Ramdas, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    I think bookies have invested crores in N Srinivasan's resignation...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, Mangalore/ Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    This pakka Yeddiyurappa's influence, i think srinivas is taking him as idle. :) BCCI saith Povad , Indian Team bollodu povad Yaan Chair Budpuji. Honestly.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    A Billion fans let down by Srinivasan

    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Cricket lovers are demanding BCCI to be run by former cricketers. But the silence of KSCA president Kumble, other office-bearers such as Srinath, Venkatesh Prasad and then Gavaskar and Ravi Shastri who are part of BCCI proves that transparency, rebellion etc is only when you are not part of the system. But once you become part of the very SYSTEM that you oppose, YOU FALL IN LINE...allow the SYSTEM to get better of you...we have seen it in politics, among scholars, among religious, in the corporate world and now even in sports...ultimate truth is that POWER is not FULL without SYSTEM and SYSTEM is nothing but a set of rules and regulations without POWER to ute...and the POWER-FULL one who lords over the SYSTEM derails transparency SYSTEMATICALLY...biting the BULLET is not as easy as shooting the BULLET...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilson DSouza, Paladka

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Slowly everything will be forgotten and things will be back to normal. BCCI knows this well. It's upto public to support this type of cricket or not.

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    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    The media is having one point agenda to remove srinivasan instead of waiting for the enquiry to be completed. why so much hurry. Please give a fair chance to everyone. I am not srinivasan's supporter.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Make our Kannadiga ANIL KUMBLE as president of BCCI. Honest people should lead organizations...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Like Americans keep away from cricket. No rape, shape of India will remain.

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  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Both Soniya and Srinivasan are same, continuing loot as much as they can till the end. Both are shameless creatures..

    DisAgree [34] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joslyn Rooswelt, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    Comment on the topic.... not on sonia... everyone is corrupt.. even u & me.... dont try to safeguard ur corrupt BJP... People know the fact.... people r not dumb like u.... so they changed the state government recently..

    DisAgree [7] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Udupi

    Mon, Jun 03 2013

    It was Arun Jaitley who saved srinivasan, Yestderday on NDTV they were airing that the Delhi Gang saved Srini. Now when did Corrupt Arun Jaitley join Congress. FYI, Arun jaitley & BJP who was in power that time had also defended Ajay jadeja in the fixing scandal. We all know who is corrupt mr. Poojary.

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  • Indian, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    BCCI should be brought under RTI than all the fixing will come to light.

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangalore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Sri.Srinivasan perhaps know very well that all the officials of BCCI are also involved and party to match fixing.Therefore,they are scared to insist his resignation because he may expose them too.It is surely a black mail tactic he may be playing.Insult to BCCI to have such president who is full of allegations, arrogance.Srinivasan has become a nightmare to many and a dictatorial Hitler to the public.Close the BCCI and stop fooling the people and start investigating everyone.. Thanq.

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    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Disgusting BCCI....(Bullies Crooks Committee India).

    No one speaks, all involved, including Gavasker, Shastri and others get in crores, the easiest job on earth!! Better keep quite and earn more and more!! No one should support or watch cricket, we are the ones filling the coppers of BCCI and all involved officials are enjoying in 7 star facility!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • RP, Mlore

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Fully Agree. Apply grease and earn.

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  • Naveen D'souza, Valencia-Kuwait

    Sun, Jun 02 2013


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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Why these so called big shot, influential people are so shameless ? What time of fevicol they use to stick to their chair so stubbornly and shamelessly ? Mr. John Lobo rightly said - they need a royal kick on their a**

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • RHN, USA

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Oh My God!!! the Old Rapist of cricket is back again in power. Im sure the game of cricket will be pimped out.
    Its a shame on BCCI who could not find any other person with a clean record to save the interest of the game and fans.
    I pity those fans and those players who really play in the true spirit of the game.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangalore / Muscat

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    Both (Srinivasan & Dalmiya) are one and same, one coin 2 faces... do u agree with me?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • JOHN R LOBO, Kaikamba/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 02 2013

    These are Semi-Politician.Never going resign till they get kick in their a***

    DisAgree [5] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

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