Telugu star Navdeep pledges to donate organs

Chennai, Apr 9 (IANS): A recent visit to an organ donating organisation made Telugu actor Navdeep Pallapollu to realise the importance of organ donation. The visit ended up convincing him to pledge to donate his organs as well.

"Saw some amazing acts of humanity and compassion at the Mohan foundation's 10th anniversary! A successful organ donating organisation. Pledged to be an organ donor," Navdeep posted on his Twitter page.

He even feels organ donation should be made compulsory.

"I think the donor card should be as compulsory as the Aadhaar card! Someone will get a new lease of life because of us," he further posted.

Navdeep, a known face in Telugu cinema, is popular for his films such as "Chandamama", "Arya 2" and "Yagam". He has also done few Tamil films such as "Aegan" and "A Aa E Ee".

He is currently busy with three Telugu films "Bangaru Kodipetta", "Vasool Raja" and "Poga".


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