Mangaluru: Workshop conducted for teaching faculty at Carmel School

Media Release

Mangaluru, May 25: A day-long workshop was organised by Sr Lilly Pushpa, principal for the teaching faculty of Carmel School in the School Auditorium on May 24.

Fr Christopher Gerord White, parish priest of St Anthony’s Church, Bettada Halasuru was the resource person of the day. The workshop aimed to enhance the educators' skills and strategies through a series of interactive sessions and group activities. The event saw enthusiastic participation from the teachers, who were divided into groups and tasked with role-playing in line with their group's chosen name. Groups like Rainbow, Butterfly, Sunrise and Knowledge Caravan were formed, setting a lively tone for the day's activities.


The first session focused on 'The role of a teacher in the life of every person and in society'. Fr Christopher shared the heartwarming story of Teddy Stoddard and his teacher, Thompson, emphasizing the profound impact a teacher can have on a student's life. The story highlighted the moral that one's actions can significantly influence others. The session also delved into the definition of education and its three pillars: information, formation, and transformation. These concepts were explored through engaging group games and video clips, providing a complete understanding of the essential elements of education.

In the second session, Fr Christopher addressed, 'Meaning and Important Ways to Improve Academic Delivery'. This included a discussion on personal empowerment, steps to achieve self-empowerment and exercises to foster personal growth. The session also covered anger and stress management and the various types of students’ teachers might encounter. These topics were brought to life through anecdotal presentations, puzzles, vignettesand songs, making the session both informative and enjoyable.

The third session provided an in-depth look at the 'Components of 21st Century Skills', as outlined by the CBSE. Fr Christopher elaborated on the 3 Ls: Learning Skills, Life Skills and Literacy Skillsand the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity and Innovation, Collaboration and Communication. He also covered IMT (Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Technology Literacy) and FLIPS (Flexibility and Adaptability, Leadership and Responsibility, Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills). Each component waselucidated throughmost interesting group activities, confirming that the teachers could practically apply these skills in their teaching practices.

In the final session, 'Teaching Methodologies', Fr Christopher deliberated on 'Who Am I?' and the six pillars of self-esteem. These concepts were illustrated with concrete examples and a PowerPoint presentation, providing educators with valuable ideas into how they can foster self-esteem in their students. The session was both thought-provoking and practical, equipping teachers with new methodologies to enhance their transaction of knowledge.

The workshop concluded with heartfelt appreciation from the participants. A representative from each group expressed their gratitude to Fr Christopher for the reflective workshop.

Shilpa introduced and welcomed the keynote speaker, Liffin proposed the vote of thanks and Evita captured memorable moments of the event through photography. The workshop left a lasting impression on the teachers, who felt inspired and equipped with new tools to enhance their educational practices.




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