Puttur: Leader of renowned tiger dance team murdered, two accused surrender to police

Daijiworld Media Network – Puttur (MS)

Puttur, Nov 7: A gang of miscreants killed a youth late night on Monday November 6 at Nehru Nagar on the outskirts of the town here.

The deceased is identified as Akshay Kallega, who was the leader of the renowned tiger dance team of Tigers Kallega.

Akshay was the resident of Vivekananda college vicinity. He is survived by parents and two brothers. He was leading Kallega Tigers team for the past six years. The team had become very popular recently in Puttur and also bagged several prizes in tiger dance competitions.

It is said that few hours before the murder, a verbal duel took place between Akshay and the gang which killed him. As the continuation of the feud he was called to Nehru Nagar. When Akshay reached Nehru Nagar, he was attacked with swords and killed at around 11.30 pm.

Akshay was chased with swords near Canara Bank ATM on Nehru Nagar-Vivekananda College road. Akshay ran for life till Mani-Mysuru highway. He was cornered and killed near a bush. Blood stains were found from one end of Mysuru highway to the other.

Akshay’s mortal remains were found near the bushes on the opposite side of the road that leads to Vivekananda College. Police sources said that the team of killers had three members. It is learnt that Manish and Chethu, two among the three killers have surrendered to the police.

It is said that a verbal duel ensued between Akshay and the rival gang over a vehicle accident in the evening. It is said that the trio called Akshay to discuss the loss incurred in the accident and killed him. There are rumours that the murder took place for a matter of just Rs 2000.

As per complaint filed at the police station filed by Vikhyat, Akshay’s friend, there were heated arguments over phone between Akshay and accused Manish and Chetan regarding the accident that occurred at Nehru Nagar in the night on November 6.

As the case progressed, after sometime, when Vikhyat was standing with his friend Akshay near the ATM at Puttur Nehru Nagar, the accused Chetan, Manish, Manja and Keshava who arrived by car objected to the telephone conversation that transpired with Akshay, hurled expletives and assaulted him with two swords. Vikhyat ran and escaped from them. But Chetan, Manish, Manja and Keshava hacked Akshay to death. A case under registration No. 106/2023 under IPC sections 341, 504, 506, 307, 302 together with section 34 is registered at Puttur town police station in this connection and is under investigation.






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  • Rita, Germany

    Wed, Nov 08 2023

    Murder just for 2000Rs?If they get now double of it are they able to bring back and give to the mother family.?What aarguement?I am sure they were more jealous between 2 groups for getting more recognization?.Shame on you boys.Now you can take this money?Think what your parents will tell to this ?May his soul rest in peace.Heartfelt sympathy to his family.

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  • Karan, Katapadi/Dubai

    Wed, Nov 08 2023

    Its so easy to kill anyone in india even silly reasons or small amount like 2000 Rs. in few months they will be released for lack of evidence.

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  • Anil, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Jealousy people killed him and surrendered themselves to police. Wat great u guys did. Kill yourself now.

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    These types of social disturbances & revenge killings and rowdy behaviours surely increased in the State and especially in the District after BJP rule under Bommai administration.😡

    DisAgree [51] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • True citizen, Puttur

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    I thought it was siddharamaia govt. By bad, not updated about the current govt only.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • A L Mendonca, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 09 2023

    This is very true. Now,there is absolute silence on part of the district MLA . Jobless youth have no work .

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Adarsh, mangaluru

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Seems like its getting there.. Taliban! Good luck to our kids

    DisAgree [18] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold Dcunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Who is responsible for polarizing our coastal Karnataka society, where used to be so much peace. Those who have sowed the seed of vergency, are safe but our youngsters life has been ruined. One more life is lost due to vergency seed. God save coastal Karnataka youths, going astray to the turne of wicked, blood thirsty leaders.

    DisAgree [25] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    This is the result of enmity between two gangs of the same community who are famous "tiger dancers" of Puttur area!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sathish, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Need basic education for bhakts and their leaders.

    DisAgree [43] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosh, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    With the blessings and instigation of Puttur bhatta, the peaceful youth have emerged as violent, hateful, and characterless people. If you feed snakes in the backyard one day these snakes will start attacking their own. This is what is going on in Puttur.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    "Justice is never advanced in taking of Human life. Morality is never upheld by a Legalized murder! " R.I.P.

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  • Anand, Surathkal

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    This is because of no fear of law. In such cases one or two culprits should be eliminated immediately to send a strong message to all the would be criminals.

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  • PRAM, Mangarlore/KSA

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Its all about hatred which has spread all over India since 2014. Many countries are following Indian culture. But India is changing their culture and following its nebour.

    DisAgree [55] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepak Patali, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Are you sure before 2014 there were no crimes and murders taken place. Karnataka govt have been changed this year what new precautions has been brought for Rapes murders can you let me know.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Why do you guys hide your names?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    All these ritualistic dances, which earlier used to be done with pride and out of enthusiasm have now gotten commercialized and competitive with the involvement of shady people who finance these youngsters; if you notice carefully most of these dancers dance under the influence of spirits or other mind altering substances; the charm of these dances are gone and now various groups operate as local gangs and get involved into such barbaric killings for reasons best known to them! All in all, it has turned into a money spinning business run by local toughies!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    All these ritualistic dances, which earlier used to be done with pride and out of enthusiasm have now gotten commercialized and competitive with the involvement of shady people who finance these youngsters; if you notice carefully most of these dancers dance under the influence of spirits or other mind altering substances; the charm of these dances are gone and now various groups operate as local gangs and get involved into such barbaric killings for reasons best known to them! All in all, it has turned into a money spinning business run by local toughies!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Matter of alcohol

    DisAgree [5] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Only for 2000. Looks like drugs is a main player to commit such a crime.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Taking somoni's valuable life just for the sake of Rs. 2,000! No words to express. They hatched a plan to eliminate the victim, which act deserves max. punishment i.e. to hang the culprits ASAP.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    one more addition to the long list of thotte mahathme girakis...

    DisAgree [48] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arjun, India

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Taking others life is just the worst crime a human can do. Whatever the reason, they are unfit to live in open society. Courts should not give them bail...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richard Anthony, Malpe Harbour

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Thotte Girakis

    DisAgree [16] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • chandra, Surathkal

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Mummadi dullmandi kukkadi siddharay kujumaya bahu paraakh

    DisAgree [15] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Mummadi dullmandi kukkadi siddharay kujumaya bahu paraakh.......😅😅😅😅....please add akkumudi before kukkadi and "lord" front of siddhhray.....then sentence completes 😁😁😁

    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prashant, Uchil, Mumbai, uchil

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    What a sad lives of dese young boys. Chills ran down my spine. Vry very satanic act of the murderers. How must their parents feel, looking at the barbaric deeds of their sons???? Jealousy is the main cause of this action. When mattaru and others attacked, ruling bjpee politicians were delivering speeches and provocating the youths demanding justice Now not justice required ? Where are you guys when your people only attack your own blood this way ? If you go to see the series in you tube about soujanya, leading hindu leaders/swamijis are not in favour of hindu girls and hindu society/under the pressure of some strong forces !! Really sad developments in hinduism. What rights u have to ask votes on hinduism?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Observer, Mangaluru

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    99.99% people from majority community facing threat from their own people on daily basis, but the Sanghi mindset have problem only when a minority involve under such circumstances

    DisAgree [12] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Shocking to read news of daring brutal murders in the open in such a small town which gives a bad name to a beautiful, peaceful laid back place like Puttur; reminds me of the frequent gang wars that used to take place in Mumbai in the late 70s and 80s, which used to be fought with swords, guptis, razors and soda water bottles, which later on graduated to firearms!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Very sad. He was murdered over trivial matters. The fact that the perpetrators of such crimes exhibit animalistic instincts suggests that such tendencies are still present in their DNA. It is difficult to imagine any civilized human committing such heinous acts.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Manipal

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    It is that age where blood flows faster than normal... Trivial reasons behind seemingly old grudge... Good looking youngster really... Unbearable loss for hapless parents... Killer boys also have a doomed future with a stigma attached forever on their heads... RIP to the young soul... God only knows how many more we have to read like this...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mathew, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Now we know why some so called religion protectors asked people to keep swords and other weapons at home. Very sad that it is so easy to take another life

    DisAgree [6] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Tiger dance is related to temple and festivals -- Unfortunately the very essence why they do this dance -- religious messages -- dance drama -- festivities -- culture -- morality all not getting inculcated -- Start of the festivities traditionally blessings are taken from related deities and temples -- (sadly has become plain rowdyism -- hooliganism and murder - forced money collections etc drinking so on -)--

    DisAgree [4] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kubera, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Everything happening when this FREE sarkaara assumed power... Pappu fans where is the fear of law now??

    DisAgree [68] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nayan Mulki, Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    such incidents happened when the 40% sarkara was there also . remember karthik suvarna merla murdered in 2019 in Puttur. at that time feku fans did not utter a word regarding " any fear of law?"

    DisAgree [7] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

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