Bantwal: Lothario hooks 2 neighbouring minor girls via Instagram, impregnates one

Mounesh Vishwakarama

Daijiworld Media Network - Bantwal

Bantwal, Nov 3: A POCSO case has been registered, and a man has been arrested for engaging in physical contact with two minor girls whom he met on Instagram.

A girl from Salethur befriended a young man from Kerala on Instagram, and their relationship escalated to the point of a physical connection. Similarly, another young girl from the neighboring house also became acquainted with the same individual. When the two girls shared their experiences, they discovered that the young man they met on Instagram was the same person.

A few days ago, the family of one of the young girls filed a complaint against the man who had physical contact with both of them. A case was registered, and the accused was subsequently apprehended. It has been reported that one of the minor girls is pregnant, and the Women and Child Development Department is expected to conduct an investigation into the case.






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  • Rita, Germany

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Shame on Characterless girls.Parents should also have a eye on minorones.Boys dont hesitate to consume fruits when easily avaiable.Fellow too must have looking around where easily and young girls avaiable.Now need not cry Let him marry the girl who is pregnent .Girls should be careful on digital world.Noone knows which type of animals are moving around..Person who is good educated one never dwel in such activities.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    @Cynthia; I would urge you to read just one book by one of the oldest sexologist from Mumbai namely the late Dr. Mahindra Watsa and you will get a very broad idea of the myriad types of sexual desires and perversions people have to derive sensual pleasure, irrespective of gender, (this is just one of the many books I have digged into on the aforementioned subject!

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Yes...ok. dear Rudy sir, book is a book....reality is a reality. Writer didnt approach each and everyone before writing his book. Which book first of all written about the sex life of young adults ?? Many a times, Books are written based on assumptions/presumptions ....purely "kalpanik.." You come with me, i will show you the reality. You should come out from the thought that all gals/guys are indulging in sexual activities before marriage....No, its false. Now, i definitely feel, you got influenced by that book and not by the reality....

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  • Joyce, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    This man needs to be investigated because we don’t know how much many other young innocent girls are duped like this. It’s a serious concern and hope child welfare committee will thoroughly Involve and investigate

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    @Cynthia; please get aware of the most current affairs going on in our midst! My views are not based on hearsay, black goggles, etc. and I'm not wearing horse blinders either! Converse to my views how can you vouch for any person that he/she is a virgin? I reiterate the present trend among youngsters is that intimate relationships are nothing more than any other leisure activities; they know what all precautions to take! BTW, please note my views are applicable to both genders, only that always the male comes under the line of fire! I STAND BY MY VIEWS, DON'T BELIEVE IN OSTRICH ATTITUDE!

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    A single look through this comment section, will let you know that, which gender is always in the line of fire !! And, regarding the point of view not being able to find out who is a virgin and who is not....i am very much glad that on this matter, we both are on the same page. There are couples who lived in utter poverty/without electricity have many children...minimum 4 to 5 and maximum 15 to 16. That time, ladies had no freedom. They had to tolerate the sexual harrassments done on them, by their own relatives or neighbors or the employers. Once side they were keeping quiet out of shame and lack of support. They were unable to reach police/court. Only option was to run away to their parental house. There with the help of local ladies who had some knowledge of abortions using herbs etc. AS LONG AS MEN D0 NOT HAVE CONTROL ON THEIR GREED TO EXPLOIT LADIES EITHER THREATENING OR LURING THERE WILL NOT BE AN END TO THIS ISSUE. How come a matured man can lure and brainwash a small girl to make her pregnant? Even if she approaches, he can stay away from her by saying, grow up get married and fulfill your desires. That's why a law callef POCSO implemented because its a grievous offense to impregnate a child. Wearing goggles i didnt tell you in particular...its common saying...halduvo rog zallyank, saglo sonsar halduvo dista. Didnt you hear. I am very well commenting on the views in a right way for your kind perusal.....

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    What about young gals operating in collusion with a group of men laying honeytraps (appears to be a well organised business) for rich men by playing all sorts of circus games? BTW; I am not talking about the past, which is history, but the present trend that's going on "irrespective of gender"; your comments are going off track and are not to the point! My views are not in any way gender centric. Please check out only this one news report, which appeared in the TOI sometime in 2022, and just apply simple logic and conclude:::"With increasing complaints around students bringing their cellphones to school, the Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) asked schools to start checking students' bags. However, the surprise bag check revealed some shocking items found in the bags of students in multiple schools in Bangaluru. Apart from cell phones, authorities found cigarettes, alcohol, lighters, condoms, oral contraceptives, excess cash, and whiteners, in the bags of students of classes 8, 9 and 10.....

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Men and women working together to trap rich man....why are these rich men falling for these traps ? Here first group say for example they earn money and rich man throws money thst belongs to his family on those honey trappers. Who is at gain and who is at loss? As long as such men exist, falling for gals, this will go on. Come on to the track and follow my views....ultimately, a man has wisdom....Why he cant save himself instead of calling a woman a sinner ?

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  • Sanjay Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Clap from both hands. liberated youth. ready to suicide.ready to murder,ready to Rape. Cancel all human rights and child act. Go back to olden days. Give nicely with bar stick from child hood. laath ka bhoot.

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  • Rems, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    The parents are really helpless in this era of smartphones and social media. It is not easy to deny the youngsters, smart phones. Smartphones are required for everything. You can deny for sometime, but not for ever. The onslaught of social media is a grave problem that is going to remain with us for a long long time. There is no hard and fast solution for it. Every parent has to have their own soluton that deems fit.

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  • Vicky D, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Kottawa kodangee, isskondavaa eerrbadraa! If the intention of girls is to have physical relationship only , then how does it matters if he sleeps with one or many!!!

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  • Rakesh Dsouza, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Stay away from having any sort of relationship with a minor, even if the invitation is from her side. She may know everything about sex, still she's a minor and which is why there's a law to protect them cos they are not mature enough.

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  • Dr Kusuma Kumari Gunji MBBS DGO DNB, Nellore/Kodyadka

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    In this era of social media we must be beware of fraudsters There are many who are cheating people online Some women blackmail men for money online also Please be careful when dealing with stranger online!!

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    What do you mean by fraudsters in such cases wherein the females themselves consensually engage in intimate relationships for pleasure and gifts; later on when something goes wrong just push the blame on the male under the umbrella of she being a minor chronologically?

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Very true kujumaji; these so called minor girls know all the tricks of the trade; but when they fall into trouble, they take refuge saying that they are minors; they might have squeezed good amount of money and gifts from this lothario!!

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  • Prakash, Manipal

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Quite a task for parents nowadays to keep vigil on adolescent spouses... Onset of internet apps has made wrong friendships available at fingertips.... Here i would not blame the girls as that age is such where they become gullible... But the guy is a haiwan who has no human values... He could have hunted single older women instead .... He must be punished under special provisions in the law....

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    i hope these so called minor girls are not milking baby adays even a seven or eight year old girl knows about sex and intercourse....if they get in touch with a person and have physical relation repeatedly it simply says that they are aware of what they are doing....only when things get out of hand the boys are always blamed...

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    True; in this case, one of the so called minor got pregnant by failing to take adequate precautions; hence now the Casanova is in a 🍲 soup!

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    A Casanova always aims at seducing multiple women to fall for him by his no knack, not by force; if females fall for him it's their fault as well!! Here, would like to state that there is a very thin line between a major and minor (who is not of a child's age), that too chronological! If these so called minors are so naive why did they chat and establish contact and later on Got into an intimate physical relationship with this seducer? The above is a very personal opinion and in no way endorses the immoral actions of the lothario!!

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  • k b r, Mangala Uru

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    "...a young man from Kerala...", hmmm...

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    . ...hmmm poora kerala....ಪಾರ್ಪೋಳ್...kuju bhaiyya should stop his business ASAP

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  • Observer, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Nagpur narangi brigade relaxed

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  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Problem is 24hrs busy in smartphones. If parents questions suicide. Almighty save this young generation.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    mallus creating menace in manga land and as usual the buzdils are keeping fact many people of manga land are giving their flats for exhorbitant rents and allow them to do all nasty things...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sanju, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Hindu khatre meh.baki sab chapre meh.kisa jahil character hai anhdbaktu ka

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  • Jamal, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Whom to blame? The Paedophile, the smartphones, the internet or the parents?

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  • Eva, Kirem

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Dont blame parents. This is generation and lack of determination not to venture in such things, at least befire reaching 20-22 years of age. As books say all living creatures are animals and humans are superior quality animal who can tolerate and control. This control is lacking. We all know how we felt growing up but controlling our feelings towards forbidden scenario is what our children need

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Ultimately Jamal Miya, parents are to be blamed. If parents can give smartphones to their minor children, its the duty of the parents to be vigilant on their activities. How long they stay online? Where they go? Who are their friends? What time they return? Since, fear of covid is no more, why to give smart phones to minor children? Until getting pregnant, parents are quiet....once the news is out, complaining under POCSO, that minor got pregnant. Untill then where were the parents. If she was not pregnant, such sexual activities would go on ...Parents should educate/train their daughters of such issues/problems before hand and almost on every day basis. School/colleges cannot handle all the issues since they have to look after thousands of other issues....Secondly, lodges are to be blamed. Strict rules should be there for the couple, to take the lodge room, who are unmarried. Aadhar card should be made compulsory.

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  • ca gitishkk, Valencia/m'lore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023


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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    if beef has to be blamed....what about the countless math seers who are pure vegetarian? sex has nothing to do with food...yes it does to a certain extent due to certain foods...but most of it is created in per analysis in India more vegetarians have committed rapes than non vegetarians....especially those who own acres of farmlands and employ poor labour women and girls.....our UP bihar area of DK is known for this....

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Agree Kuju are right...

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  • Ashok, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    If we agree with Girish, someone from Dharmastala will be landing in another problem

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  • Langoolacharya., Belman / Washington, DC.

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Onions should be banned in Kerala ( Land of the God ) as well....both girls should join together and perform 'Satya Narayana Pooja' on this he never use Instagram again...Tak...Takk...

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    Lan sir, another most important food item is to be banned is "BEEF" which is cooked in combination with ONIONS and spicy chillies, makes men "usssambol", truly uncontrollable because of "Ushna" generated by this that extreme hot weather!!! Here two girls in Indta, in his neighborhood for how many children he must have become father, through fb, telegram, what's app god alone knows....I agree with your advice mentioned in the second sentence...

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    @Eva; I have my very serious reservations on your views; I would be surprised if you can find any youngster who has not indulged in sexual activities till the age of 22years for very obvious reasons, on which I don't want to elaborate! Times have changed and sexual activities start at high school level; this is not at all an exception; all parents have to accept it! "Most encounters" happen with mutual consent; only when things go sour like the girl getting pregnant due to lack of sex education does the complaining come in from the parents that their minor girl was raped etc etc. Please do your own research and analysis before coming to any conclusions 🤔🙏

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  • Eva, Kirem

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    @Rudolf comments were same too but you commented in style. Sexual activities are natural instinct. It is existing since Adam and eve . What i am saying is stop blaming parents, smart phones. There are cases of suicide upon not giving smart phone to their monor children and why not if they can afford. My say is learn and teach 'control'. Don't cross redline.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    @Eva; those times of control-shontrol are over and out; casual sex has become just like any other past time activities; these teenagers know how to fool their parents; also, we have travelled a very very long way from the time of Adam and Eve.....for example the age of attaining puberty has come down to 12 and below; that's when the hormones take over the control believe it or not!!

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sat, Nov 04 2023

    On behalf of Eva, i will reply to your comment Rudy sir. If a person wears black goggles, whole world looks like black for him including the white!!! Please dont issue wrong judgement on every girl for god's sake. Why are you keeping track ? You are writing here as if you checked each and every girl and come out with this conclusion...???? .NO...NO...its wrong!! Eva is right in his comment...He says till the age of 22 years ..Its not so Eva...there were/are many girls who remain/remained spinster till their marriage and also live piously even in the absence of their husbands...May be some going for sexual activities before marriage either out of fear of a boy/blackmail/harrassment/not guidance from parents/friends circle/poverty etc ...Sometimes, out of their own wish and uncontrollable desires which occur due to imbalanced hormonal issues....Rudy sir, passing on such comments are not advisable and acceptable. Even in this modern world, how there are many girls/ladies, who abstain from sexual activities .....

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