December 28, 2024
Our life here, on earth is a mixture of both the times of joy and of sorrows. At times we find ourselves exceedingly rejoicing and other times very sorrowful. We never have a complaint when we are happy and are least bothered to think what makes us happy and why it does. But when tempest hits our boat, and we go through times of troubles, we get worried and very often grieve over it. We receive the joyful moments into our lives with wide open arms and turn our backs to the times of Sorrow.
Won't our life be more beautiful if there were no sorrows in life? Are these Sorrows and pains necessary to make our life worth living? Do these pains and troubles bring any meaning to our life or teach us anything valuable? It is a question that we constantly ponder over.

I believe this question could be more effectively answered by the story of the flute. We know very well that a flute is a musical instrument that produces melodious and heart touching tunes. We like to listen to the tune that comes from it but do we know how a simple, common bamboo is transformed into a melodious music producing flute?
Flutes are made from bamboos. A thick hollow bamboo piece is cut from the plant. Then a pointed Red hot iron rod is pierced into the bamboo stick not once or twice, but seven times. The holes are not just randomly made but on specific measurements as per the tone produced.
If we consider our life to be a Bamboo stick made into a Flute and the Red hot iron rod that is pierced into the stick symbolizes the sufferings, then it is through these sufferings and pains that we are made better human beings, strong individuals and confident enough face the world ahead.
It is not only that, the sufferings make us strong but also it teaches us a lot. Suffering promotes and produces endurance. That means a person who has undergone some sort of suffering in life will be brave enough to face any sort of difficulty in life. Pain and suffering can help us to learn important lessons in life. Each pain we undergo can teach us valuable lessons in life. Let us take the life of an Eagle as an example. It is said that when an eagle trains it’s young one to fly, it takes the little one to great heights and then drop it from there. But before it hits the ground, it catches its eaglet and repeats the same process until the eaglet is fully able to fly. And finally after many aching sessions of training, the eaglet learns to fly like its mother.
Pain and suffering can help us to comfort others who are going through similar pain. It is said only a person who has tasted a sweet will know what the taste of sweet is. Similarly only a person who has undergone suffering can understand what it means to suffer. Thus, it will be easy for a person who has experienced suffering, to put his foot into another person's shoe and comfort him in similar painful situations. People who have faced the same problems are able to help and encourage others.
Pain and suffering helps to shape the character of a person. “Character cannot be developed in ease and comfort “said Helen Keller. Only through experiences of trial and suffering our souls can be strengthened, our vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved ". Yes, the finest steel is produced in the hottest furnace. Just as gold is refined by fire, a character is tested by pain and suffering to show what we are made off. It helps us to understand ourselves better.
Bearing pain and suffering well can be an inspiration to others. Chet M c Daniel was no hands, only one stubs of an arm no thighs, but he has been an inspiration to tens of thousands. Throughout his life, he has faced many struggles. But he remained positive throughout these obstacles, and believes in enjoying life to its fullest. Chet delivers keynote speeches on choosing to be happy, the incredible value of life, and how to overcome insurmountable odds. He will excite and entertain the people by using his excellent story telling ability to tell about his upbringing.
Pain and suffering can prevent us from becoming dangerously proud. If a person experiences victorythroughouthis lifewithoutasinglefailure, hebecomes tooproudofhimself. We know Pride goes before a fall. Suffering prevents us from being puffed up with pride. Pain and suffering help us to rely more on God and trust in God's strength. Perhaps we are forced to turn to God because we have no other place to turn.
In fact, there are lot more benefits in suffering even when we deserve them not. No healthy person may seek suffering, but only healthy people survive it well. Whenever we are in pain, wepanic and fear as if something uncommon or unnatural has happened. Wefear suffering but be fail to realize the strength it creates in us, the insight it develops in us, the challenge and invitation it presents to us to make a better world.