Home Minister Shivraj Patil Quits, Chidambaram to take Over


NEW DELHI, Nov 30: Home minister Shivraj Patil, under tremendous criticism over a spate of terrorist attacks in the country since last year, has resigned in Home minister the wake of the Mumbai terror strikes. Patil has said that he felt obliged to take "moral responsibility" for the brutal attacks in Mumbai, an official government source said.

Finance minister P Chidambaram will take over as the new home minister and the finance ministry will now be under the direct charge of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The CWC, which met here on Saturday night, gave the marching orders to Shivraj Patil.

There was unanimity in the CWC that the political face of the government can be saved only with a drastic overhaul.

Chidambaram, who had an earlier stint in the internal security department, was the obvious choice to succeed Patil and the PM's charge of the economy is expected to bolster the confidence in the country's economic management.

The massive collateral damage of the commando operation at Taj, Trident and Nariman House is being blamed on the delay and inadequacy of the response of the MHA in pressing the NSG into service.

Patil, who had offered to step down at the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting on Saturday night, sent his resignation to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday morning, sources said.

The 74-year-old Patil was inducted into the Union Cabinet despite his defeat from Latur in Maharashtra in the 2004 Lok Sabha polls. He has been a target of the opposition as also the detractors within the party over his handling of the internal security situation in the country. 


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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Tue, Dec 02 2008

    I want to see more heads roll including PM(too weak) and Sonia(only wants vote bank)because they have failed to protect the ordinary people. Unless political babus change nothing is going to change. We have politicians chosen by us. We must demand more accountability from these people and elect the right ones. Chidambarm may not be the ideal choice for internal security if security is given to Home Affairs. We need somebody like George Fernandes to handle this important portfolio.

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Dec 02 2008

    Politicians in India say there are no funds for salary of Security personnel. Does this mean the security can be compromised? If politicians can loot the exchequer the noblemen who protect these criminals and looters do not even get the basic needs fulfilled and we have to compromise on national security at the expense of these Public Thiefs who dare challenge the Public anger and public questions and calls for accountability these few members of the general public that demand justice are not the majority... The majority is busy playing politics with security ? Majority is with opposing malegaon probe? majority is with political parties and not interested in the security of the nation but are busy providing lip service to these worthless uneducated, politicians who do not have any public standing than winning election in their constituencies with suitable tactics that have won themelections and brought them to national stage a nation they really do not understand let alone the common man and his aspirations for peace and security.

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  • seetharam shetty, mangalore/Jeddha

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    I subcribe fully to the views of Mr Noel Frank.

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  • seetharam shetty, mangalore/Jeddha

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    I subcribe fully to the views of Mr Noel Frank.

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  • rahul dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    Look at what these cheap, filthy, fit for nothing politicians done to our country. Half of them doze/ sleep off in the parliament when the session is going on, half of them dont know what is happening in the country. As INDIANS, irrespective of caste, creed, religion:-

    1) do we require such kind of individuals to rule us?

    2) are we paying our hard earned tax money to listen to such kind of statements & come across such kind of situations in future?

    3) how safe are we in this country when our own politicians instigate & create unrest & havoc amongst us indians

    4) aren't our dirty politicians making use of this incident for getting their majority vote banks.

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore/KSA

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    It is disgusting to see one another blaming the BJP-UPA-and other individuals at a time when war has been waged against India. India is a democratic country, and be it the BJP or the UPA, they came to power not by any coup, but by the will of the people of India. And if the elected governments have failed in performing the duties, the blame falls on all Indians as well, for not making the governments accountable every time blunders were committed. The present terror attacks are not the same as were in the past. (though precious lives were lost as well)This is the time for all Indians to come together as one. put our differences behind us and activily involve in the process of changes that are taking place, to protect India and the Indians. By doing so, we will honour the brave men who laid down their lives protecting India and Indians, share the grief of thousands who lost their loved one`s, and guard the country from future attacks

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    Dear Mr. siddarth if this one terrorist attack is a failure of the UPA government what will you say for the below while bjp was in power? Are not a BUNCH of terrorist attacks failures of Bjp government?

    1) Even if intelligence was available about Pakistanis infiltrated in Kargil why not acted promptly? How many soldiers died? Scores of money was offered by the citizens to the soldiers do they receive what the citizens and country men offered? War was won only through Bill Clinton pressed hard to pull Pakistani forces from Indian soil. If not also we will win but catastrophically.

    2) Parliament attack during bjp period (Presently congress has cleared from its stand to hang him but his mercy petition is with President who is to decide)

    3) Akshardhama temple attack by the terrorists.

    4) How the Hijacked plane flew out of Indian soil only because Sushma Swaraj’s Husband was in the plane?

    5) Mr. Jaswanth Singh was a chief guest of honor in the plane to bid farewell to Criminal Azar Masood to take to Kandahar.

    6) Violence against Christians in Gujarat.

    7) Churches attacked in Karnataka by terrorists of Deendar Anjuman.

    8) Ahmadabad bomb blasts.

    9) Godhra carnage and aftermath violence in Gujarat.

    10) Even if POTA was existed during BJP’ tenure what was the use of that? Are not specified above failures while BJP was in power??? Self explanatory.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    I have a doubt why Mr. Narendra Modi is offering one crore to the brave officer Hemant Karkera only and why not offered same remuneration to the other hero’s died in the uniform by the terrorist attacks. Obviously, Hero Hemant Karkare’s wife may be well aware of plots hatched by the Hindu Fundamentals against him and that is the reason she denied one crore from Mr. Narendra Modi? Daal mem kuch Kaal lagtha hai.

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  • George , Mangalore / dubai

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    UPA should resign, our PM is a robot which acts according to the tunes of Sonia Gandhi, & all others are illiterate ministers from Bihar & UP. So what can we expect from these illiterates. I kindly request those politicans & political parties who love muslims the most only for votebank to get converted to Islam & do something good for Islam, but they never do this mistake instead they politicise everything for muslims only for thier votes, nothing else. No one can  live peacefully in India as long as Congress exists in India.

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  • Winston Fernandes, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    America is not doing enough to end this terror menace, it's not really interested to solve the problems faced by others except it's territory, instead it promotes terror. If they are really interested to end terror, they should have attacked pakistan at first priority than Iraq.

    Pakistan is the terrorist state which sponsors terrorism not only to India, but to other countries. We should squarely blame America which helps pakistan financially to work against terrorism , but pakistan utilises this money to sponsor terrorist attacks on India.

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  • Vidya Serrao, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    Shame on UPA,  When terrorists striked bombay, home minister of MH claims it's a small incident & the chief minister visits along with his son & film director to make a movie on this. If he is soo much interested to make his son a movie star why he didn't visit on the day when terrorists were killing innocent people.

    He should have faced terrorists to make his son real star. So it seems there is something wrong in Maharashtra administration. Why all three ATS authorities moved in a single vehicle? how can  terrorists can kill three trained ATS officers who with helmet & bullet proof jackets? Something is wrong . If we need to move forward with developement & India needs a complete repair.

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  • donfrank, mangalore, India

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    It is good that Mr. Shivraj Patil resigned from the Home Ministry. Some people are mercilessly blaming the UPA for the terrorism mess. No doubt, UPA has to take the responsibility. However, these terrorists have killed many innocent people and some top Police Officers including the ATS chief Mr. Hemant Karkare. Some politicians were behind Mr. Hemant Karkare's head as he was bringing the truth about Malegav and other blasts. Now one particular group (rather a political party) in India must be very happy and they want to come to power by using the slogan that UPA is very weak. But if we look back what happened when NDA was in power. Worst terrorist attacks have taken place when Mr. LK Advani was the Home Minister. But he did not resign! Mr. Advani is playing dirty politics. He was very much against the ATS when Sadhvi's involvement was being probed. Very funny politicians and yet many people support Mr. Advani. Just imagine if be becomes the next PM of our country. It would be most unfortunate! Let us be sensible and unite against the terrorists and communal forces.

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  • Walter D'Mello, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    All Congress & UPA should resign owing toadministrative failure. I think election commission is much better to rule than these greedy, lazy traitors of this country. All Congress govts even in states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh are working under pressure from Fundamentalist muslims. Congress will learn lesson soon from these muslims when it comes to their doors. Tragedies struck one by one & govt a mute spectator suspecting govts hand in all those attacks. Disband all VIP security for politicians & deploy security in cities which need urgently. Let all the politicians die & let common man have least security.

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  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    The whole irresponsible UPA should resign not an individual . People of this country are really tired of Congress led UPA regime.  Hope people will wipe out irresponsible, lazy congress, UPA politicians. We need clean, patriotic leaders to rule this country & not anti nationals.

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    The whole central govt should go.All are responsible including Sonia Gandhi,being soft on terror.I hope atleast now these people will execute the death sentence of Afzal Guru and send a message to terrorist that they will not be spared.

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  • Brian, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    Now its time for Chief Minister V.R.Deshmukh and R.R Patil to resign.I dont know why there is so much Security behind these Corrupted Leaders. R.R Patil's statement made me sick, saying the terrorists plan to kill 5000 people. And Deshmukh wants NSG Camando Force in Maharastra to protect these Politiacians!!!!!!!

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  • Rahul Shetty, Udupi

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    We need young dynamic leaders to hold the respective portfolio in the government. Not a finance minister holding Home affairs or a ordinary chaiwala in the government holding education portfolio. What does Chidambaram know about the home security or to that matter Shivraj Patil. For us both are same. . Chidamabaram is not able to keep up with his existing portfolio as a FM. I can make a statement holding my head high that India had one of the best President Dr. Abdul Kalam, a thorough gentlemen and down to earth person.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Unless the society is de-linked with so called religion, our country, bound to face many hardships.We should be truly secular in our own interest.

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  • Uday D'Sa, Ullal

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Everyone is emotionally charged and asking for politicians blood. But what about:

    * National Security Advisor - who gets all the information which he feeds to cabinet?

    * CBI Chief

    * RAW Chief

    * Coast Guard Chief

    * Navy Chief What about accountability? Shouldn't heads should roll in intelligence and Navy communities as well? India spends huge amount of money on defense.

    What is the use in showcasing all tanks, boats in Republic Day parade when it can't be used to save lives of Indian Citizens? Most of our defense officers spend their day playing golf and in their clubs and are not aware what is going on in the ground. Why blame politicians for this when there is no accountability with our Intelligence and Defense forces whose budget keeps on increasing every year?

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  • Dr Kuldeep D'Mello, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    the whole thing looks like a political conspiracy. the reasons being

    1. The ATS squad which was in the forefront of the malegaon investigations was wiped out . Strangely enough the very vehicle they were travelling was targeted. Doesn't it sound fishy???

    2. The terrorists knew too well the locations and the path in and around mumbai.

    3. Mr Narendra Modi, who was dead against Karkare, was the first one to arrive in mumbai to give compensation.

    4. The terrorists had come to Gujrat before coming to mumbai.

    5. The information was given to the state government by the fishermen's union about the RDX haul arriving in the dock a few days before the terror strike.

    6. It took just 12 terrorists to hold back the entire NSG cammandos for an entire 60 hours.

    Does that not mean that the terrorists were made known about all the info of the movements ???

    Its time to wake up and think. Is it a real terror attack or a cover up attack to hide a lot of facts from coming out .......

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  • Mohammed Hanif, Indian / Kuwait

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Dear Editor Sir, I was very hopeful for Rahul Ghandi but unfortunately he also disapponited. He followed footsteps of same politicians who likes to play the dirty game of blaming and showing down to their opposition. Rahul, please change your, self, we all see a good leader within you,,, you are the last hope within congress who can lead the country with new and great vision. please stop blaming others,,, please be a role model for the youngsters. you can make the differnce

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  • Girish Bajpe, Jubail, KSA

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Reema, US, I totally agree with your comments. But We have lot of loopholes in our system. We people of India first of all learn how to love and respect other religions. That makes India strong. If we are united, no one can enter our home, could not do any damage.

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  • MURALI, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    I think INDIA is in the brink of an CIVIL war.I think we pay taxes for loosing our own life whereas so called "GOVERNMENT" just lavishes money for POWER,REGIONALISM,CORRUPTION,DIVIDE AND RULE.We need to fight for another Independence from these bunch of Unprofessional who make it to Parliament.

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  • Reema, US

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Mr Shivraj Patil,your resignation will not bring back the lives of innocent victims who died during the attack. I would have respected you more if instead of resigning you would have really worked hard on your efforts and showed us some Patriotism in your deeds like our Mumbai heroes. Your resignation has made you a coward running away from responsibility in a time of crisis. " All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this hand "- Shakespere.

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    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Resigning is nothing but escaping from responsibility!

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  • Omprakash , m

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    What I stress is accountability. We pay high taxes to the government but the public has no security. Only the politicians get all types (XYZ) of security, so they are not bothered. They cannot understand how a common man suffers.Maharashtra CM has not resigned yet. surprising.

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    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    OLD LIQUOR IN NEW BOTTLES. THE BOTTLES WILL BREAK .Unless we change the system Shivraj Patil or Chidambaram makes no difference. The US President Elect appoints qualified men and women in his team to run the government.  We need a Riberio or a Craiappa to  head the  Home ministry. We do not need an accountant to conduct surgery in a hospital.   Only God should protect all of us from this system.


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  • clifford Fernandes, uk

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    I think all politicians should resign as they are jointly responsible for this carnage and security of the country

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  • B. Shetty, Surathkal/ksa

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Resigning from the position is not the solution, those are guilty in their responsibility/accountability should be punished accordingly. It is not a failure of Mr. Patil alone and he is not alone responsible. As we have mostly corrupted politicians, they also responsible for this. Those terrorist should have killed some politicians then only they will understand the value of normal civilians. We are aiming/dreaming to become superpower, conducting chandrayana and other side we don't have proper internal security. Even though we are very good on IT, can't prevent/or think on preventing this kind of incident. From this corrupted politicians, there is no safety for normal people and the country. We never learn from our mistakes. For few days from the every incident, they will make huge sound, and then they will go as usual deep sleep.

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  • Syed Akthar, Mulky

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    We demand presidential rule in Maharashtra as the governing mechanism has failed totally.

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  • Syed Akthar, Mulky

    Mon, Dec 01 2008

    We demand presidential rule in Maharashtra as the governing mechanism has failed totally.

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  • Sailesh Kotian, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Shivraj Patil has been made a scape goat. In congress the ministers have no say. Everything is being dictated by Sonia and the minister down the line are just rubber dolls. We will never be surprised if Manmohan Singh resigns.

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  • S. Ramesh Babu, India/Dubai

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Enough is enough...dirty political games.It is simply a drama being played before the ensuing election.Why Mr. Patil did not resign long back..? Has he waited for many more incidents to take place and finally forced to resign? I feel very sad for those innocents who laid down their lives. God save our great nation from these political goondas! Jai Hind.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    There has to be matured thinking. It is our habit to blame the government whenever such things happen. 9/11 happened in US eventhough it was mighty power and best security cover. Everybody stayed united and US bounced back with better security network. This is also a similar lesson to India. We all should stand united and Government to take necessary steps to have better security network in place. We are also part of the system and let us try to put a bit in this direction.

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  • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Minister is responsible for his ministry and safety of public is in the hands of Home Ministry and defence Ministry. I think both the ministers should go.

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  • alphonso d souza, mangalore / dubai

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Unless India have a Crisis Management - dealing with Terrorism - in place, no matter who resigns - we we will be exposed to these threats in the future too.

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  • roland,

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Mr. Patil has been made a scapegoat. Why ask him to resign when the Government itself has gone soft on terror over the last year. 

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  • Venugopal, mumbai

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Make Mr.Narayan Rane the union home minister

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  • siddarth, mangalore

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Its not his failure alone , the government it self has failed

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  • chetan shetty, mangalorel/ dubai

    Sun, Nov 30 2008


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  • Naveen, Udupi / UAE

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    This is just a drama. He knows that general election is coming very soon. He is running away from responsibility. Now it is the time to investigate the loop holes in our security, not just running away from it. Mr. Patil... remember one thing, you will never be Lal Bahadur Shastri. God... save this country from "Politicians first, then from terrorists"

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  • Vincy, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Nov 30 2008

    Finally, one "good for nothing" - wicket down, unfortunately, after so much of loss of life, denials and blame game etc. In my opinion he was the weakest link in UPA cabinet. When people demand & force - things start to move. We have a few similar people in state as well who live in their Dreams.

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