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Dr Mohammad Haneef case Descends into Farce

Pic & report: As appeared on 'The Sydney Morning Herald'

From the family album ... in one of the first photographs released to the media by the Haneef family, Mohamed Haneef and his wife, Firdous Arshiya, pose at Surfers Paradise during a beach holiday earlier this year.

Jul 21: Crucial piece of evidence against the terrorism suspect Mohamed Haneef - that his mobile phone SIM card was found at the scene of a British car bombing - is wrong, the Australian Federal Police have admitted.

The revelation has cast a fresh cloud over police handling of the Haneef case, with scathing criticism coming from Peter Faris, a QC who has been an ardent supporter of anti-terrorism laws, and the Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, expressing concern.

Federal police sources said yesterday it had been confirmed the SIM card was not found at the scene of the Glasgow Airport attack, as prosecutors had alleged during Haneef's bail hearing last weekend.

It was found in the possession of one of Haneef's cousins, Sabeel Ahmed, hundreds of kilometres away in Liverpool. The sources said they had been aware of the error for some time, but no attempt was made to correct the public record.

In Britain, a source close to the investigation confirmed the SIM card was found in Liverpool, and said the Australian police were considered a laughing stock by Britain's Metropolitan Police for allowing "such a major cock-up" to happen. "Australian police have got their wires crossed. This is very embarrassing for them. The police here are laughing at the Australian police, saying, 'What on earth have they done?' [Haneef] is clearly more of a political case than a police case."

The Herald has learnt that the prosecutor at the Brisbane bail hearing, Clive Porritt, of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, even gave the court an explanation when defence lawyers asked why Haneef would have provided his SIM card if he knew it was planned to be used for the purposes of terrorism.

Mr Porritt responded that it had been intended the SIM card would be destroyed in the planned explosion when a Jeep Cherokee was rammed into the doors of at Glasgow Airport.

A spokeswoman for the DPP, asked if Mr Porritt had provided wrong information on the SIM card to the bail hearing, responded: "It is not appropriate for us to comment on matters before the court."

In Bangalore, India, Haneef's wife, Firdous Arshiya, was visited by a junior minister from the Ministry of External Affairs, who assured her the Indian Government would try to ensure that her husband received justice.

"Every day I hear of some new problem that my husband is facing in Australia," she said. "That is why I met the minister to ask that the Indian Government put more pressure on the Australian Government."

The Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, said yesterday none of the revelations would affect his decision to cancel Haneef's visa. That decision was made after Haneef was granted bail, with the minister ordering his indefinite incarceration in a detention centre.

"The minister is not reviewing his decision to cancel Dr Haneef's visa. Nothing that has been reported in the media alters his decision, which was made after advice from the AFP and was based on a broader range of information than was provided to the magistrate in the bail hearing."

However, there are suggestions Mr Andrews relied partially on other inaccurate information, contained in a federal police affidavit, when he cancelled Haneef's work visa.

The affidavit said that Haneef offered "no particular reason" for buying a one-way ticket from Brisbane to India.

However, a leaked transcript of a police interview shows Haneef explaining that his father-in-law had bought the one-way ticket for him because he had limited funds.

The affidavit also suggests Haneef admitted to having lived at a British address with the second cousins who are now being prosecuted there. But the interview transcript shows he denied living at the house at the same time.

The Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, said information given by the AFP and other sources to Mr Andrews was an "entirely separate matter" to the criminal prosecution of Haneef, with different grounds of evidence. Mr Keelty declined to answer a series of written questions from the Herald on the SIM card evidence, or the information provided to the minister.

He was asked: - Was the suggestion that the SIM card was found in the Jeep crucial to Haneef being charged? - When did police learn that the card was not in the Jeep? - Did that discovery alter his view on Haneef being charged? - If not, what evidence had police relied on? - Did he acknowledge that the bail magistrate and Mr Andrews were given incorrect information about Haneef; and - Would he consider dropping the charges?

The federal police came under ferocious attack from Dr Faris, a former head of the National Crime Authority.

The evidence mistake was a "shocking mess-up" that jeopardised the prosecution's case, he said

"You can't get something that's so central so wrong," Dr Faris told ABC radio.

"I think this is fast approaching the situation where there is not a reasonable prospect of a conviction unless there's some other evidence that we don't know about."

Dr Faris said the case showed the federal police were "way out of their depth".

Mr Keelty said Dr Faris should "keep his comments to himself". It was up to the courts to evaluate evidence.

"Submissions are made to courts every other day ... They are not evidence; they are submissions. And we need to let the court determine the value of what has been put before it."

But Mr Beattie said inconsistencies in official statements had not been properly explained, and he called on the Prime Minister, John Howard, to clarify the situation.

Until key questions were answered people would feel uneasy "and a little bit embarrassed" about the impact of the case on Australia's reputation.

"The reality is we are not mushrooms, and we shouldn't be treated like that."

Court documents released yesterday confirmed Dr Haneef would face up to 15 years imprisonment if convicted.

The Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, said yesterday none of the revelations would affect his decision to cancel Haneef's visa. That decision was made after Haneef was granted bail, with the minister ordering his indefinite incarceration in a detention centre.

"The minister is not reviewing his decision to cancel Dr Haneef's visa. Nothing that has been reported in the media alters his decision, which was made after advice from the AFP and was based on a broader range of information than was provided to the magistrate in the bail hearing."

However, there are suggestions Mr Andrews relied partially on other inaccurate information, contained in a federal police affidavit, when he cancelled Haneef's work visa.

The affidavit said that Haneef offered "no particular reason" for buying a one-way ticket from Brisbane to India.

However, a leaked transcript of a police interview shows Haneef explaining that his father-in-law had bought the one-way ticket for him because he had limited funds.

The affidavit also suggests Haneef admitted to having lived at a British address with the second cousins who are now being prosecuted there. But the interview transcript shows he denied living at the house at the same time.

The Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, said information given by the AFP and other sources to Mr Andrews was an "entirely separate matter" to the criminal prosecution of Haneef, with different grounds of evidence. Mr Keelty declined to answer a series of written questions from the Herald on the SIM card evidence, or the information provided to the minister.

He was asked: - Was the suggestion that the SIM card was found in the Jeep crucial to Haneef being charged? - When did police learn that the card was not in the Jeep? - Did that discovery alter his view on Haneef being charged? - If not, what evidence had police relied on? - Did he acknowledge that the bail magistrate and Mr Andrews were given incorrect information about Haneef; and - Would he consider dropping the charges?

The federal police came under ferocious attack from Dr Faris, a former head of the National Crime Authority.

The evidence mistake was a "shocking mess-up" that jeopardised the prosecution's case, he said

"You can't get something that's so central so wrong," Dr Faris told ABC radio.

"I think this is fast approaching the situation where there is not a reasonable prospect of a conviction unless there's some other evidence that we don't know about."

Dr Faris said the case showed the federal police were "way out of their depth".

Mr Keelty said Dr Faris should "keep his comments to himself". It was up to the courts to evaluate evidence.

"Submissions are made to courts every other day ... They are not evidence; they are submissions. And we need to let the court determine the value of what has been put before it."

But Mr Beattie said inconsistencies in official statements had not been properly explained, and he called on the Prime Minister, John Howard, to clarify the situation.

Until key questions were answered people would feel uneasy "and a little bit embarrassed" about the impact of the case on Australia's reputation.

"The reality is we are not mushrooms, and we shouldn't be treated like that."

Court documents released yesterday confirmed Dr Haneef would face up to 15 years imprisonment if convicted.

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  • Syed Ahmed, Dammam / Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 25 2007

    I fully agree with Mr Anand that Capital punishment should be given to those two guys, as a lesson to others. They should think ten times before giving sleepless nights to their beloved Parents ( as a reward or gratitude ) and bringing a bad name to the country and their religion.

    How about giving such capital punishments to at least 10 Persons in our country, who were responsible for the suffering of millions of Indians in various communal riots since independence. It seems that we have licence to kill, rape, loot the properties during the communal violence with the patronage of Police officials.

    But in our country, the scenario will be entirely different, if a criminal is put in the Jail, the local MLA or the Local Minister will not lose time to visit this criminal in the jail, to show sympathies or to give encouragement. Lastly, Mr Anand, can I ask you one question ? why are you in a hurry to suggest this punishment ?. I have not seen you suggesting capital punishment to any criminal or rapist in our country.

    But in our country it may take 10-20 years to decide such cases OR such cases will find an official burial. I request Daijiworld, to allow me to repeat what has appeared in your edition of 22 July, for the knowledge / benefit of the readers who have missed this important advice. “When justice prevails in the society, peace and harmony would also reign,” opined HC chief justice, Cyriac Joseph. He was speaking at the inauguration of first-ever Permanent Lok Adalat in Karnataka which was held at Takshila near Kodialbail on Saturday Jul 21. “Violence and terrorism would arise when injustice is being done. Finally it would pose a great threat to the nation.

    Hence, justice would serve as the foundation for peace and harmony. If the society does not voice its concern against injustice, it would eventually encourage terrorism. Therefore, it is the responsibility of everyone including lawyers and judges to work in this regard” he said. There is no need to live in Saudi or Singapore to get the quick justice.

    If we follow and read this advice everyday like the prayers or pujas, then we can live in a society free from criminals, looters and rapists.

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  • Naser, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Jul 23 2007

    It is really a sad story. Policemen in a country which is called modern, advanced has no clue of what they are doing. Just framing of an innocent. Thats it !!!. The recent story again Dr. Hanif was planning to blow the buildings in Australia is really a foolish and crooked!. Such a ignorant  are the police that they could not even understand these snaps are similar to any tourist would take.

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  • A.D'Cunha, India

    Sun, Jul 22 2007

    A real Indian son indeed.When I read this real story, a story of the "reckless" distruction of a good character of a responsible real Indian doctor and his families ordeal, tears roll down my eyes as to how the supposedly responsible police and government charge a person as a terrorist when they had it all wrong so far.

    The framing of Haneef and irresponsiible behaviour of Ausiie police and the Aussi Government must be made accountable and to answer at a national level when Dr. Haneef comes out clean. India, Prime Minister Manmohamn Singh must take up this case and pursue Aussie authorities and take whatever action that is necessary to get the honour of Dr. Haneef and his family back.

    While No action can reinstate the agony of Dr Haneef and his family it will at least console them. We Indians must join to condemn such behaviour of Australian government and police. Those responsble must be made accountable. Dr. Haneef what you have gone through ,we can not imagine.We are with you in spirit, Hang in there brother. May Allah look after you and our prayers are with you.

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