Pakistan school books to have Quranic verses against corruption

Islamabad, Feb 23 (IANS): The textbook board of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has incorporated some verses of the holy Quran, Hadith and wise sayings on the inner titles of the school books to discourage corruption and promote harmony in the society, media reported Monday.

The move is aimed at scaling up awareness about the evil of corruption in society, Dawn online reported.

The verse number 10 of the Quran's Surah Al-Hujrat stressing unity among Muslims has also been included on the inner titles of the books which states: “Muslims are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah so that the mercy may be shown to you.”

By including this verse the authorities intend to discourage sectarianism in the society.

Such verses and holy sayings would be part of books from grade 1 to grade 12 to discourage corruption and sectarianism, sources said, adding that the books had been published and would be distributed among students from the academic year starting from coming April.

They said that the board had taken the decision to include verses and sayings of the holy Prophet with the consultation of the National Accountability Bureau and Directorate of Curricula and Teachers Education.

They said that these verses would replace earlier such material against militancy and in favour of peace incorporated in textbooks by the previous government.

Over 100 messages against corruption from the holy Quran, Hadith and wise sayings have been mentioned on the titles of the books.

The sources said that the verses of the holy Quran about unity among Muslims would help reduce the gap between different schools of thought in the society.

It would also help in reducing hatred among different sects, which was one of the reasons of unrest in the country, they said.



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