Jackky launches desi Gangnam song in Dharavi

Mumbai, Mar 5 (IANS): Jackky Bhagnani launched the Indian Gangnam style song for his film "Rangrezz" in Dharavi, one of Asia's largest slums.

"I thought we should do something different and there is so much love in Dharavi. Mostly Dharavi is portrayed for it's negatives, so I thought of doing something for Dharavi and put it on the international map for the good and right reasons," he said here.

Directed by Priyadarshan, "Rangrezz" also stars Priya Anand and Rajpal Yadav. The film hits theatres March 21.

The 28-year-old, who wowed everyone with his dancing skils in "F.A.L.T.U." and "Ajab Gazabb Love", hopes post "Rangrezz", he gets recognition for his acting skills.

"My career has been running on dance for some time now, I hope after 'Rangrezz', it starts moving on acting," he said.


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