Honoured with Mangaluru Press Club Award, Rohan Monteiro reflects on success journey

Pics: Spoorthi Ullal

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (ANK)

Mangaluru May 23: The Mangaluru Press Club bestowed the Guest of Honour Award upon Rohan Monteiro, Managing Director of Rohan Corporation, at the press club on Thursday, May 23.

Expressing his gratitude upon receiving the award, Rohan Monteiro remarked, “I am truly delighted to be honoured as the guest of honour by the Press Club. Mangaluru is a unique city, akin to heaven, where people from diverse religions coexist harmoniously, proficiently conversing in at least five languages. We should endeavour to attract visitors from other countries to Mangaluru. While many aspire to migrate and settle in Dubai, we must unite our efforts to transform Mangaluru into a similar hub of prosperity."

He continued, "The people of Mangaluru are exceptionally educated and cannot be compared to those from other parts of the country. The distinctiveness of individuals here is unparalleled."

Acknowledging the pivotal role of the media in his personal and professional journey, Monteiro emphasized, "The media has played a significant role in my growth, for which I am deeply grateful."

Reflecting on his arduous path to success, Monteiro shared, "I have faced numerous challenges, working various odd jobs such as in canteens, as an auto electrician, in air conditioning and exchange businesses, catering, lorry loading, masonry, laundry services, and bakery operations. Eight years in sales at Vas Bakery further contributed to my journey. These struggles have shaped me into a self-made individual, instilling in me confidence and resilience."

He added, "In my over 30 years in the real estate industry, I have strived to provide homes as a service to people, believing that nothing is impossible. Failures are merely stepping stones to growth and should be embraced with positivity, as they offer valuable lessons and opportunities for improvement."

Jaideep Shenoy, lead corporate communication at Mangaluru International Airport, commented, "Over the past 10 months, the Press Club has honoured achievers from diverse fields with the Guest of Honour Award. Their journeys, struggles, and eventual triumphs serve as inspiring narratives for others seeking success."

President of District Working Journalist Union Srinivas Nayak Indaje, general secretary Ibrahim Adkastala, president Patrika Bhavan Trust Ramakrishna R and others were present.

President Mangaluru press club P B Harish Rai welcomed the gathering. Journalist Mohammed Arif compered the event.






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  • Adithyanath Ram Munshi, UP

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Congratulations Mr Montiero! well deserved

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  • Imthi, Mangalore

    Thu, May 23 2024

    CONGRATULATIONS.... happy to see you receiving Awards God bless you sir

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  • Joel Lasrado, Bejai / Candolim, Goa

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Congratulations,Rohan. A great personality in Mangalore who is committed , dedicated ,hard working for the progress of our society..May God reward you richly in coming days.May you be a Blessing for thousands. You are a inspiration to me.

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  • Leslie N Rego, Bendur

    Thu, May 23 2024

    Proud of you Rohan. Your hard work, dedication and god fearing nature has elevated this level of success, more to be achieved. Please accept wishes

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