Mangaluru: Students Day held at Padua College of Commerce and Management

Media Release

Mangaluru, May 22: Padua College of Commerce and Management celebrated Students' Day. The ceremony was presided by Fr Arun Wilson Lobo, principal of Padua College. In his message, he emphasized the importance of academic excellence and holistic development. 

The chief guest, Dr Praveen Kumar K C, principal of Besant Women's College, delivered an enlightening address. Dr Praveen Kumar commended the college for its commitment to quality education and encouraged students to continue striving for excellence in all their endeavours.

The guest of honour, Vinod D'Souza, associate professor at AJ Institute of Technology, also addressed the gathering. His speech was both motivating and insightful, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Roshan Santhumayor, the vice principal of the college, presented the annual report. He detailed the college's achievements over the past year, including academic performances, extracurricular activities, and various initiatives undertaken by the institution. The report showcased the hard work and dedication of both students and faculty, reflecting the college's continuous pursuit of excellence.

A highlight of the event was the felicitation of students who had excelled in academics and extracurricular activities. These students were honoured for their high scores and outstanding achievements, receiving certificates and medals as a token of appreciation for their hard work and perseverance.

Following the formal stage programme, the students presented a vibrant cultural programme. A variety of performances included filmy dances, melodious music, and comedy skit.




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