Udupi: Elder’s Day celebration held at Christ Church, Manipal

Media Release

Udupi, May 22: Elders' Day was celebrated in Christ Church, Manipal.

The celebration started with thanksgiving Mass. It was an overwhelming experience that the liturgy was conducted by 14 senior men and women of different wards. Altogether 101 senior citizens were present for the Mass and programme.

Fr Romeo Lewis welcomed the gathering. Some of the seniors who rendered their service in various disciplines were honoured by Parish priests. There was a ward-wise variety entertainment programme by the elderly men and women of the parish. It was well appreciated and enjoyed by all.

During the programme, every elderly person was felicitated by the parish priest. The programme was compered by Dr Shaila Lewis. The programme ended with fellowship meal. The programme was well appreciated by all.





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  • Dominic B. Soares & Fly, Manipal

    Wed, May 22 2024

    Congrats & Praise the Lord. I missed the wonderful opportunity though had accepted to be part of the event & celebration due to sudden commitment in my family out of station.

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  • STANLEY/WINNIE D SOUZA, Palimar, Udupi & Manipal

    Wed, May 22 2024

    Great to read and see the photos of the well organized elders day. Congratulations to one and all and wishing all good health and happiness throughout.

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