The Cross: Supreme Symbol of Love and Life

April 18, 2014
Good Friday

There was once a tribe where the chief was a wise and powerful man.  He was well respected and every one obeyed his tough and fair laws.  One day, it was discovered that someone was sneaking into the tents and stealing.  The chief ordered that thief be found and that the punishment for this crime would be 40 lashes with the whip. “No one is exempt and punishment must be served!” he declared. However, the chief was devastated when he discovered that it was his frail old mother was the thief. “Surely in her old age, she will never survive 40 lashes,” he thought, “but I cannot change the punishment, for it is fair and just and has already been announced.”  He was heart-broken.   The chief ordered for the punishment to be administered. The nervous and frightened mother cried out, “save me my son!”  Instantly, the chief ran and embraced his mother, shielding her from the whips. As the whips came down upon his back again and again, more and more pain filled him. But he made sure that his mother never got a lash.

This is an inspirational anecdote that explains the holy event which occurred on ‘Good Friday’: The crucifixion and death of Jesus on the Cross.   It is amazing how, countries, companies and institutions are defined by symbols.  For instance, every country is symbolized by its flag.  Every company and institution has its own logo.  Symbol becomes a mark of one’s identity. Religions are no exception to it. The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity.  Christians could have chosen the Bible, fish, dove, crown, manger, lamb, shepherd, key, Greek letters Alpha and Omega, an empty tomb etc., as a symbol to mark their identity. But they chose the cross to symbolize their faith and to affirm themselves as Christians. Strange that tool of torture would come to embody a movement of hope.  The symbols of other faiths are more upbeat: The six-pointed star of David is the symbol of Judaism; the star and crescent is the best-known symbol used to represent Islam; Om or Aum is the sacred symbol of Hinduism; dharmachakra represents Buddhism; the double-edged sword (Kandha)  is the sikh amblem; Jainism is depicted by congregation of symbols such as swastika, a hand with a wheel on the palm, four  dots, arc and so forth.  Yet a cross for Christianity?  An emblem of suffering and pain?

The crucifixion was ghastly. It was horrific and gruesome. It was described as the most wretched of deaths. It has been regarded as the cruelest method of execution ever practiced because it delayed death until the maximum torture had been inflicted on the victim. The cross was the way in which the worst in society was put to death. Even more striking, the cross was a particularly horrendous form of execution the Romans reserved only for rebels and criminals. It was executed as way of way of terrorizing the population.  It is no wonder that Jesus is linked with Barabbas--a revolutionary. Why would anyone want to wear a symbol of death that is reserved for the worst in our society?

The chief of the tribe loved his mother so much he took upon himself the punishment inflicted on her.  He did not want his mother suffer pain and die. Mother could not save herself and he willingly took her place.  He rescued her both from pain and death. We cannot save ourselves from sin and death. Jesus took our place on the cross and paid the debt on our behalf. The cross was the means He used.  Jesus took our punishment on Himself and bore our sins in his body and died for us on the cross. It was the sacrifice He alone could make, for He was God – and God in flesh perfect and sinless.  He gave His life freely and willingly completely surrendering His will to the Father. That was the belief, faith and the truth Christians experienced after the death and resurrection of Jesus and began identifying themselves with the cross.  For them, the cross did not represent pain, torture, shame and death but symbolized God’s plan and love, mercy and forgiveness.  Their belief in the cross, made them realize, that when the power of the cross is appropriated the chains of sin are broken, Satan is defeated and heaven is gained. They believed that God could turn something as ugly as the cross into a beautiful symbol of love and life. The symbol of shame became the symbol of hope. It seems certain that, therefore, at least from the second century onwards, Christians not only drew, painted and engraved the cross as a pictorial symbol of their faith, but also made the sign of the cross on themselves and others.

Today one cannot get away from the cross.  It’s everywhere.  It has revered place not just in churches and cathedrals, but in homes, institutions, movies and videos. Many wear crosses on necklaces, bracelets, rings, pendants. Cross is engraved on key-chains and on clothing.   In recent years, it has become the height of fashion, and many celebrities won’t step out in public without wearing one. George Heslop a sculptor has been exhibiting chocolate crosses and crucifixes with the figure of Jesus. Some name it as modern art. Madonna wears a cross and the motive is best known to her alone.  There are countries which never allow erecting a cross in public places.  Attempts have been made to attack, to demolish and destroy the crosses.

No matter how much the cross gets into popular culture, no matter how much the cross is abused, mocked or trivialized, no matter how much that happens, the certain admiration and reverence that has been cultivated and developed over the years and ages for the cross will never go away and no evil force can vanish the reality of the cross.  It’s such a rich symbol not of fashion and superstition, but a symbol of healing, sacrifice, reconciliation, hope and love.  No wonder the day on which Jesus  died  is called ‘Good Friday’ and the ‘Cross’ He embraced has become symbol Hope and Life for all Eternity.

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Fr Paul Melwyn Dsouza - Pamedi (capuchin)
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Comment on this article

  • Francis Mathias, Udupi/Bahrain

    Sat, Apr 19 2014

    Thanks Fr.Paul for your beautiful article about the "CROSS". Cross is a symbol of Christianity in particular and a symbol of Salvation, a symbol of Pease, a symbol of toleration, a symbol of Purity and Truth, a symbol of Victory over Evil and Death in general. Resurrection ultimately made mankind to believe in what Jesus Christ proclaimed on earth. No doubt Miracles made by Him during His life time are the testimony of His being Son of God and the Resurrection made whole Christianity and mankind to worship Him as Savior. The main three factors have made Christianity unique:
    BIRTH : Jesus's birth was announced beforehand by Angel Gabriel through the womb of Virgin Mary.
    MIRACLES: Miracles performed by Jesus during His lifetime on earth, especially curing blind, lepers, lame could walk and rising dead one to life.
    RESURRECTION: As proclaimed by Jesus to His disciples that He would rise in 3 days proved nothing less than God Himself.
    Dear Readers, Carry your Cross sincerely and you never fail in your effort in accomplishing good works. Praise Him, Glorify Him and Adore Him.

  • Rita, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 19 2014

    Timely and inspiring article may it inspire many more who read this article

  • aLWYN, canada

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Jesus is everything for me. without him I am worthless on this earth. I breath him every moment of my life and love him every bit every moment, every time,. everyday. Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and remember me when you enter into heaven.

  • Clara, Mangalore/Canada

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Thank you for this insightful article... I always appreciate your work.

  • Bro. Victor Crasta, OFM Cp., Mangalore/Bidar

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Congrats Fr. Paul Melwyn

  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Cross is just not symbol , but the celebration of love , sacrifice and unforgiveness. Understanding and believeing in it , gives comfort and deliverance even in agony.

  • Louis, Udyavara, Udupi

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Apt and excellent article. one can give power, authority, inheritance and do everything to be spared of own life itself which one loves SO MUCH Clinging on to dear life... as is said. There is no sacrifice greater than laying down ones own life for the loved ones. This is the ultimate test of love that The Creator Displayed through the Son whom He so loved (His Own) to redeem the people (His Own) whom he so desperately loved. Love for Love and with Love. The True meaning of Love in the World. The cross is the way to Resurrection.

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Great article. Even those people having no personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST display cross in their dress and ornaments.

    The cross is the display symbol of " vertical relationship to GOD and the horizontal relationship to humanity". At the cross, JESUS finished that job 2000 years back, and d " IT IS FINISHED".

    Who is the central subject of the Bible? That is JESUS CHRIST.

    From 1816 to 1992, over 600,0000,000 copies of the Bible has been printed in more than 2000 languages and dialects. Even today, Bible is the best seller in the world.

    When Mao took control of China in 1949, he burned the Bible but now the " Amity Bible Printing Press" in China is the largest Bible printing press in the world, printing millions of Bibles in 90 languages. Is it human hand or divine hand?

    Voltaire d that within 35 years after his, Bible would be handled by the public as a story book, but when he was at the verge of death, asked for the book the Bible. Also, the British Bible society bought his home and converted as the center of the ' "The British Bible Society"




  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg, Germany

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Easter marks the holiest period on the Christian calendar. The devout pay homage to the events that both founded their religious faith and infuse it with meaning. It commemorates the week in which the man from whom Christianity takes its name was sacrificed in service of orthodoxy and who — his followers believe — in making that sacrifice, redeemed humanity of its sins including those who killed him over his refusal to conform to either prevailing Judaic religious convention or the rites prescribed by Rome’s state religion.
    For the many who are not among the Christian devout, who aren’t Christian at all, or who are not even religious, for that matter — and this is a large constituency in our increasingly secular world — Easter is just another holiday, the spring long weekend. For those who look deeper, there’s nevertheless a powerful reminder in the Easter story about the value and importance of tolerance that is inherent in the Christian celebration.
    The core of the story is about the value of sacrifice, sometimes the surrendering of what is most valued for the greater good of the importance of self-determination and standing for the right thing of the hazard that comes of imposing values, whether one generation on the next one tribal, ethnic or national group on another or one body of belief on another. It teaches the importance of hearing and respecting other points of view and the perils of not doing so. Finally, it invokes the healing strength that forgiveness brings a balm for the corrosive desire for vengeance, particularly when we rationalize it as a desire for justice.
    For Christians, the Easter story is one of sacrifice, redemption and absolution. An all-powerful God stands back and permits His only son to be killed while that son takes his persecutors’ sins upon himself, forgives them and is then resurrected into eternal life. Scholars of classical antiquity will see many echoes of other, earlier beliefs in the redeeming nature of sacrifice, gods appearing in human form, deifications of mortals and so on. Some will dismiss the story as fable and superstition. For others, it won’t even impinge on their awareness.´
    Easter is coming and a new beginning is possible.

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg/Germany


  • Heri Fernandes, MANGALORE/UK

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Very apt article for the holy week. Very deeply thought and neatly presented. Reignites the love for cross. Thank you father.

  • Ajith Peter Dsouza, Udupi/Dubai

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Nice Article Father.

  • Meena S Barboza, Tanzania/Shirva

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Very good Article with Heart Touching Example. Lord Mercy on us all.

  • SM, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    People who follow Jesus Christ and the Cross will never be let down by Christ . This is with my own Experince . In the year 1998 I lost my health and was bed ridden , further I Lost my Job and could not complete my Post Graduation. I Only prayed to Jesus keeping full faith in him.I realised all that suffering was a Blessing in disguise to bring that faith of Christ in me . Now I have been healed,have a good job ,Completed my post graduation, got married and blessed with a Child . Thats why I would like to tell everybody believe in Jesus and Mother Mary and he will not let you down. Thank You Lord for dying for us .

  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg, Germany

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Easter marks the holiest period on the Christian calendar. The devout pay homage to the events that both founded their religious faith and infuse it with meaning. It commemorates the week in which the man from whom Christianity takes its name was sacrificed in service of orthodoxy and who — his followers believe — in making that sacrifice, redeemed humanity of its sins including those who killed him over his refusal to conform to either prevailing Judaic religious convention or the rites prescribed by Rome’s state religion.
    For the many who are not among the Christian devout, who aren’t Christian at all, or who are not even religious, for that matter — and this is a large constituency in our increasingly secular world — Easter is just another holiday, the spring long weekend. For those who look deeper, there’s nevertheless a powerful reminder in the Easter story about the value and importance of tolerance that is inherent in the Christian celebration.
    The core of the story is about the value of sacrifice, sometimes the surrendering of what is most valued for the greater good of the importance of self-determination and standing for the right thing of the hazard that comes of imposing values, whether one generation on the next one tribal, ethnic or national group on another or one body of belief on another. It teaches the importance of hearing and respecting other points of view and the perils of not doing so. Finally, it invokes the healing strength that forgiveness brings a balm for the corrosive desire for vengeance, particularly when we rationalize it as a desire for justice.
    For Christians, the Easter story is one of sacrifice, redemption and absolution. An all-powerful God stands back and permits His only son to be killed while that son takes his persecutors’ sins upon himself, forgives them and is then resurrected into eternal life. Scholars of classical antiquity will see many echoes of other, earlier beliefs in the redeeming nature of sacrifice, gods appearing in human form, deifications of mortals and so on. Some will dismiss the story as fable and superstition. For others, it won’t even impinge on their awareness.´
    Easter is coming and a new beginning is possible.

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg/Germany


  • Merina, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Very well written. Thanks Fr Paul Dsouza.

  • Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg, Germany

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    ´CHRISTIANS are today celebrating Good Friday, the yearly reminder of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and supreme model of believers. The death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary remains the central paradox upon which the Christian faith is based. The paradox arises from the suffering and humiliating death of Jesus on the one hand, and his divinity on the other. Christian believers for over 2000 years have annually celebrated His death for its vicarious and atoning value. Ordinarily, Good Friday should be a day of sorrow and of mourning over the death of an innocent person who did no harm to anyone, but who was nevertheless hated, humiliated and crucified for proclaiming the truth to the world. The events of the day thus throw up the question: What is good about this day of wickedness, anguish, sorrow and death? But taken within the context of atonement and seen in the light of the resurrection and the salvation Jesus won through his death, it is understandable that this Friday should be universally acclaimed as “Good Friday” by Christians all over the world.   However, beyond the ritual of re-enacting the crucifixion and other acts symbolising the passion of Christ on this day and around this time, Good Friday is significant as a day of meditation on the cross and its meaning  not only for the Christian life, but for all meaningful life. Human beings´ propensity for seeking success and prosperity while rejecting the pains and sacrifices that must be endured before hand, contradicts the call to sacrifice that Good Friday represents. A disposition towards crass materialism, excessive wealth accumulation, blind pleasure and conspicuous consumption is clearly at variance with the spirit of this holy day.
    A few thoughts to ponder on this Easter weekend as the flowers burst forth, the birds return, the world is reborn after the bleak days of winter, Christian believers are renewed in their faith and the rest of us may celebrate our tolerance, diversity and sense of community.´
    Today is a special day. I love Easter!

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig, Oldenburg/Germany


    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Man’s dilemma is SIN. No one is exempt from this. Yet, God had a solution from the beginning of the world. At a certain point in time He would become a man (John 1:14) and die for our sins (Jn.12:24. Somewhere in the eons of eternity was decided that the Son would be sent to earth. He was sent from heaven to earth to fulfill a mission of the utmost importance, to take care of man’s debt of sin (He is the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev.13:8b.) He came to seek those who are lost (Mt.18:11 Lk. 9:56,19:10).

  • Prabhu, Mlore

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Nice examlpe,
    But the chief went againt his own law.
    So the punishment he recived was Just.

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    Thank you Fr.Paul Melwyn D'Souza for a wonderful article at the right time of the year.

  • juliana, udupi

    Fri, Apr 18 2014

    No other thing in this world has ever threatened the evil as much as the Cross. The Cross of Christ is the highest weapon ever invented since the birth of mankind. It is the revelation of God's immense concern towards humanity. Kingdoms have vanished through the presence of the Cross not of Jesus Christ but the symbol itself. We are freed through the Cross. We enjoy life plentifully through the Cross borne by our ancestors. Cross is the only purity remaining in this world and only through the Cross of Christ we got salvation and united with the God.

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