October 24, 2013
The Frog Race

An army of frogs met in the pond
It was their home to which they had an eternal bond
To discuss about the world frog race
Where the world’s best anuran would face
The contest would hold swimming and jumping
Featured also by climbing and running
For all this they needed strong legs
“Please strengthen your locomotion” the leader begs
The frogs are all excited, they start their training
They jump, swim, climb, run – without complaining
Their aim was to excel in the competition
And gain a universal recognition
In their excitement they croaked and hopped
Not having the faintest clue that they could be attacked
They believed that they had the right to live
The nature was not the property of just a few
But the cruel humans would they understand this
Seeing the masses of frogs they were in bliss
For their mouth watered thinking of frog delicacy
Fried frog legs for dinner would be an ecstasy
The greedy humans never gave a second thought
In a jiffy all the frogs were caught
None heeded their cries or pleas
And ignored their rights to live in peace
Thus ended the story of the frog race
Which is an account of man’s disgrace
Life is precious, let it live
World is not the right of just a few.
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