Kuwait : First Ever Mangalorean Tiatr - a Roaring Success

Report and Pics by Wilson Saldanha, Shirthady/Kuwait and Winston Alfonso
Daijiworld Media Network – Kuwait (SP)

Kuwait, Sep 26: ‘Konkan Kala Samithi Kuwait’, led by eminent personalities like Anand D’Souza, a friendly personality who is well known in Kuwait for providing top quality lighting and sound facilities for most of the programmes under the name, ‘Illuminations’, and Lancy Rodrigues, who is widely known in Kuwait as a professional director, actor, singer and an able compere, along with the committee members, Jaison Lasrado, Kiran Gonsalves and Steven Misquith, with the co-operation of the local artistes, created a history of sorts in the gulf, by presenting a Konkani Tiatr, ‘Kuwait Sodun Vetana’.  

The Tiatr that was originally written by well known Goan writer, singer and director Rosary Ferns, and translated into Mangalorean Konkani and directed by Lancy Rodrigues – Bondel, was staged at American International School Auditorium, Maidan Hawalli, on Friday September 25, at 4.30 pm.

The programme started with a tablo by Jovas XLNC and the song, ‘Konkani Mata’, followed by the introduction of the compere of the evening, Vineetha Pinto. The music score for the Tiatr and all the songs in the Tiatr, were arranged and directed by John Kiran Gonsalves and supported by Joe D’souza.

Moreover, to mesmerize and entertain the music lovers, and to further brighten up the event, visiting artistes, Mike Simon from Mangalore and Norbert Pereira from Doha- Qatar, presented their super hit songs, Konkanni, Pavs, Prathver Kallok Fanktana, Meera Meera, Moag, Oh Maria, Hanv Tuzo Moag Kartam Bai, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Dream Boy, Di Maka Moag Tuzo, Sopnnant Bhettlo Sunder Chedo and Lavina, from their popular albums. They were ably supported by the ‘Gulf voice of Mangalore’ fame Vinay Lewis, Joyline Gonsalves, Jovita Fernandes and Gladys Lorena. Scintillating music was provided by Salvadore Rebello, Brian Rebello, Andrew Fernandes, Suneeth Noronha, Vincent Braganza, Austin Salins and Linton Pereira, son of Norbert Pereira.

The songs were also accompanied by foot tapping dances, presented by Jovas XLNC for Dance, choreographed by Sunil and Jyothi Noronha. In between the sentimental scenes of the Tiatr, a very popular comedian from among the Mangalorean community, Stephen Machado, along with Rudy D’souza, Lucy Aranha, Sunny Menezes, Kiran Lobo, Agnel Saldanha, Ibrahim, Master Ansel Gonsalves and Little Master Aaron Gonsalves, presented rib-tickling jokes, written and directed by Lancy Rodrigues.

The singers and the cast for the Tiatr were Cynthia Pinto, Jaison Lasrado, Gratian D’souza, Valerian D’souza, Joyline Gonsalves, Jovita Fernandes, Anil Menezes, Renny Menezes, Anil Fernandes, Wilfred Lobo, Vally Sanctis, Bernard Fernandes (Goa), Joyston D’souza, Joe D’souza, Ozwald D’souza, Fr Melvin D’ Cunha, Vinay Lewis, Gladys Lorena and Vineetha Pinto.

The flashback scenes of the Tiatr were pasteurized by Alban D’souza, Blue-Ray Video and Photography, and edited by Rick's Entertainment (Michael Monis).  ‘Illuminations’ (Anand D'souza) provided state-of-the-art sound and lights, while the flashback projections were done by Steven Misquith. The programme was well-compered by Vineetha Pinto.

The programme was sponsored by Nalinum Builders and co sponsored by Oriental Restaurant, Bestow Super Market, Paragon Builders and Promoters, Caesars Group of Restaurants and Confectioneries, Royal Plaza Catering Co. and Pascal B. Pinto.  www.daijiworld.com was the media sponsor.

After the interval, the chief guest, Fr Melvin D’Cunha, RC Suresh (Nalenum Builders), Rudy D'souza- president of KCWA and Rosary Ferns were called up to the dais. Visiting artistes Norbert Pereira, Mike Simon  and Rosary Ferns were honoured with mementoes. RC Suresh, in his speech, appreciated the work of the organizers for bringing out this excellent programme and said that this was a good eye-opener for the people of Kuwait  and that he is always prepared to sponsor such events in future too. Rosary Ferns was happy to inform that he had already received a request from the Malaylam and English Association, to stage this play in their respective languages. On this occasion, Rosary Ferns sung a song written by himself on the life of the people in the Gulf.  Lancy Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks and the programme came to an end with the concluding part of the Tiatr, which was really a touching story with a meaningful moral. Rosary Ferns has written and directed 21 Tiatrs, out of which 12 have been played in Kuwait. 

In general, the programme was a perfect blend of heart-touching script, professional direction, dedicated acting, original jokes, rib-tickling comedy, foot-tapping dances, emotional scenes that saw tears rolling down the cheeks of the audiences, melodious songs, mind-blowing music, uninterrupted sound, eye-catching stage setting, glittering lights and well-edited flash back big screen scenes, which the Kuwait audiences had never experienced before. 


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  • Janet Urban, Shirva/Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 30 2009

    Congralution Lancy n team excellent performance, role of mother, joker steven, role of Kuwaiti are super. Once more please try to play and try to give this message to entire gulf.

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  • Anand Dsouza, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 30 2009

    Dear Friends and Well-wishers, Thanks a million for all your good wishes and compliments. We are proud and highly overjoyed to receive such high quality and positive feedback. We would like to extend our gratitude to each one of you, all our audiences for appreciating our hard work, dedication and sincerity. We had put in tremendous effort and today we are proud to say that it has all paid off, handsomely. We are highly grateful to our kind sponsors they were the ones instrumental in helping us believe in our dreams of presenting this beautifully narrated tiatr play (written by Rosary Ferns and translated to our Mangalorean Konkani by Lancy Rodrigues, Bondel) to our masses.

    We would like to express our thanks to Daijiworld.com too for helping in giving us rich and complete media coverage.

    We at KKS look forward to bringing you many more programmes of this caliber in future. Until then, take care and God Bless: On behalf of KKS – ANAND D’SOUZA

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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Tue, Sep 29 2009

    Excellent theme, well presented, all credit goes to organizers and Anand D'Souza in particular for shouldering such an event. Well done Anand, Keep it up.

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  • joyce fernandes, miyar / kuwait

    Tue, Sep 29 2009

    Dear all Congratulations. You done the excellent job the drama was very fantastic we liked it. Instead of bringing the people to play role from outside our manglorian people are good. we thank you for all once again keep it up and future also do like this same. lots of wishes from joyce, Vincent & fly kuwait.

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  • Irene Sequeira, Derebail/Kuwait

    Mon, Sep 28 2009

    Congratulations to Anand & Lancy and members of KKS. It was excellent Tiatr written by Rosary Ferns, translated to M'lorean Konkani,directed by Lancy. Once more in the same hall with KCWA banner please. Hard efforts have produced good result.Superb acting of Vallyab looked very natural and Mai (Cynthia)was good. Songs/dances were nice.

    Comedy king (Hasya chakravarthi of Kuwait)Steven Machado entertained the audience as usual. Acting as Kuwaiti sponsor (Goan artist) Bernard was excellent. If you understand Goan Konkani then must watch their tiatr with hasti udthi konthara anim fokana, you will really enjoy. Long live amchi mai baas. Let us encourage our children to talk in konkani. Sorry to hear about Goan comedy singer H.BRITON who passed away on 24th Sept. May his soul rest in peace. Can someone (Goan) write about him on Daiji?? Thanks

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  • Della Rego, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

    Mon, Sep 28 2009

    Congratulations to Konkani Samithi, Anand, Lancy & team and for all the artisits for the first ever konkani tiatr at Kuwait. Good collection of pictures too. Wish you all the best.

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  • John D'souza, Mangalore /Kwt

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Superb...Mind Blowing, Mind Blasting.....Drama....!!!

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  • Gratian & Sheela D'silva, BARKUR/UK

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Hi Anil & Renny nice to see you on stage, well done!!! keep up your good work.

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  • jemiyar, kuwait

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Excellent ,Superb programme .cheers to Lancy Rodrigues and his team. Mike Simon and Norbert Pereira were excellent. All the local participants of the "Kuwait Sodun Vetana " brought tears in almost all the audience with the good performance. Skitts performmed by the young talents were made several to forget their sorrow. Dear Lancy Bab we look forward to see many more like this in the future from you. Wish you all the best.

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  • Jonathan D'souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Congratulations Anand n team your maiden Tiatr show was indeed a marvelous and super spell binding one. Never ever have I witnessed in Kuwait such a top notch quality show with a melodious flow of emotions and laughter and music kuddos to each one of you at Konkan Kala Samiti Kuwait singing, acting, comedy, lights, sound, flash back scenes, dances infact everything was commendable you guys rocked. & as Jackson rightly says “Once more pls!! Should play this in entire gulf!!!”

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  • Saritha Noronha, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Congratulations to Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait. Hats off to Anand / Lancy for bringing this message to the Manglorean Community. The stage artists were all excellent, especially the role of Mother (Cynthia), Steven & the old man at the ashram (Mr. Vally) for their excellent performance & acting. Singing, Dances & Jokes were super. Well done once again and excellent performance by everyone. We look forward to seeing many more such attempts in the near future with many more new artists.

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  • Ronnie, Somwarpet/bahrain

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Dear Organizers.... keep up the good work. Well done. All the best to Mr. Mike Simon and Family

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  • lino b. dourado, kuwait/utorda-goa

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Anik ek Goykar tiatr boroupi ani digdorspi Rosary Ferns-an, Mungllurche Konknni somudayechea itihasik pustokar, apnnalem nanv boroun dovorlem. Tacho ghazlolo tiatr Kuwait Soddun Vetana…, kalchea Sunkrarak 25ver, 2009 sanjechea justuch 4:45 vorar Maidan Hawalli American International School Auditorium-an, Kolecho itihas rochpi Konkan Kala Samithi-Kuwait hasrea khal palkar haddlo. Famad gayok, natkist, nirmantak, tiatr boroinar Lancy Rodrigues, Bondel hannem ho tiatr Mungllurche Konknnin onn’karla (translated) ani disgdorxit kela.

    Joe D’souza-chea adharan, John Kiran-an svaddik gitam ghoddun ani nazuk songit bosoun tiatrak vegllich sobay dilea. Tiatrache thodde kanni-che bhag flashback dekhave Blue-Ray Video & Photography, Alban D’souza-n filming keleat te, tiatracheo dorzo unchlea panvddear choddoita, ani Illuminations, Anand D’souza hachea margdorxonna-an, machiechi bizli ani avaz (light & sound) vevosthecho chomotkar korun, odik tiatrak rong haddta. Machie mandavoll (stage setting) dolleam boro sarki. Machi nettovpi zaun aslo anik ek Goykar, Thomas.

    Dhor ek kollakaran khand marun bhes bori bhumika kelea punn eka girest ani doyeal Arbeachea ghorabean Aiyeache (maid-servant) bhumiken, Cynthia Pinto prekxokank dipkaita zalear, nizacho Arab koso bhumiken Goykar kolakar Bernard Fernandes porzollta. Machier ubo ravpachi ani Arbi bhaxen dialogues ulouchi torika, bouch soimbi asli. Xabas, Konkani Kala Samiti. Lino B. Dourado

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  • Roque Vrinda Lewis, Udyavara/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congratulations to Lancy Rodrigues, all team members and participants. Excellent job!

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  • Janet Rego, Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 27 2009

    Congratulations to Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait. Hats off to Anand for bringing this message to the Manglorean community. The stage artists were all excellent, especially the role of Mother(Cynthia), The Kuwaiti Sponsor (Oswald), the jokist (Steven)and the old man at the ashram (Valerian) for their excellent performance/acting. The acting of the old man (Valerian)brought tears to the eyes of the audiences, including small children who thought that their grandfather was dead.

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  • MJ Mathias , Kemmannu/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    It was really a good Message to all....Excellent Performance by Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait..Hats Off to all of you.

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  • Rajesh Aranha, Paladka/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    First of all Congratulations to all the participants of the show.The Local artists have shown their best to fill life in characters of the Tiatr. Meaningful message for all of us in Kuwait. Excellent, marvelous, mind blowing performance!!! Expect more such shows from Konkan Kala Samithi- Kuwait. Hats off to Lancy and Team.

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  • Sunita.Rodrigues, kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    It is was Really a Good Message....Excellent Performance By Everyone..keep it up members of Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait

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  • Sabeena Fernandes, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Great Show organised by Konkan Kala Samithi. Good Job!!!

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  • Reema Lobo, Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Super Duper Awesome.. Enjoyed Thoroughly.. Thumbs up to the entire team of Kuwait Konkan Kala Samithi..

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  • Reema D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congratulations to the organisers and stage artists of Konkani Kala Samithi for staging such a fantastic show! Your hard work and efforts to uplift the cause of "Konkani" and to promote young talents has really paid off. The evening sent us on a roller coaster ride of emotions with a neat blend of melodious songs, humor and a high standard of stage performance. The character of "Mai" was portrayed with perfection by Cynthia Pinto and well supported by other main characters. Well done once again and we look forward to seeing many more such attempts in the near future.

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  • Stan , Mangalore/kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Excellent show which everyone enjoyed with memories to take home. The last para in the above message is very true and it is a great footstep for konkani lovers arround the world. Long Live Konkani Amchi Mai Bhas.

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  • Stanley Noronha, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Well done KONKAN KALA SAMITHI KUWAIT. Congratulations to all of you, you all did a very great job. Let more events/tiatrs like this come in future. Very good coverage too Daijiworld. All the best.

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  • Placid Fernandes, Mumbai/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congratulations Anand/Lancy for Organizing Konkani Tiatr "Kuwait Soddun Vetana". Cynthia’s acting/singing was excellent. Jovita, Joylene & Vinay songs were harmonious. Dance & jokes were exceptional. Superb performance by all the Singers/Artists. Hats Off to the Organizers/Working Committee/ Tiatr Writer. All the best for the future Tiatr/Konkani Drama. Best Wishes: Placid, Leena

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  • Ivan Rodricks, Angelore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congrats Anand and members of Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait. an excellent show, the immense efforts & dedication has largly contributed to the success of the show, a job well done.

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  • Ivan Rodricks, Angelore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Congrats Anand and members of Konkan Kala Samithi - Kuwait. an excellent show, the immense efforts & dedication has largly contributed to the success of the show, a job well done.

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  • Jackson, Farwania

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Once more pls!! Should play this in entire gulf!!!

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  • Reyan, Farwania

    Sat, Sep 26 2009

    Paisa wasool!!! Great programme ever witnessed by kuwait audiences!!

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  • Ronald Rego, Moodbidri

    Fri, Sep 25 2009

    Congratulations to all the organizers and participants, it was a very good konkani tiatr, an eye opener to all the people slogging for a livlihood in Kuwait. Keep up the good work and we look forward to watch more of such enlightining tiatrs.

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