Bank utive found murdered in his car

Gurgaon, Oct 26 (IANS): A bank executive was found shot in the head in his car parked 200 metres from his house here Saturday, police said.

The victim hailing from Bihar's Patna city was identified as Devavrat, 35, a resident of sector 5 here.

"The deceased was a senior executive in the collection wing of HDFC Bank's ITO branch in Delhi," said a senior police officer.

"A police patrol team noticed his body in a Maruti Sx4 car parked by the roadside," he said. The body, in a pool of blood, was found on the driving seat. His mobile phone was in his hand but in switched-off mode.

"Prima facie, it looks someone 'known' shot him on the left side of his head from point blank range," the officer added, saying police investigation was continuing.



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