Mangaluru: Footpaths in city areas encroached by street vendors

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Dec 10: Some facilities that are made spending crore of rupees under Smart City project are not serving the purpose. One clear example of this is the footpaths in the heart of the city. Most of them are encroached by street vendors.

Vegetables, fruits and clothes are sold in most of the footpaths at Statebank, Lady Goschen, Hampankatta and Kankanady. Due to this, the pedestrians are forced to walk on roads which is dangerous especially for elderly people, women and children.

Separate place is earmarked for street vendors near Statebank. But none of the vendors are ready to shift there. They prefer footpaths and litter the place. Public say that the vendors put pressure on pedestrians even if they inquire them about the price.

The public are of the opinion that officials of Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) and elected representatives are behind the plot of allowing street vendors to do business on footpaths. It is the duty of MCC to vacate the footpath vendors. But since many months, the MCC is showing soft corner on the vendors and ignoring the plight of pedestrians.

No parking boards are installed on footpaths at K S Rao Road, M G Road, Hampankatta, GHS Road and Car Street. This is also causing issues for pedestrians. If public inquires with shop owners, they speak as if they own the footpath on which the no parking boards are placed.





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  • Jairam Mulky, Moodabidri

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    Elections have consequences!!!

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    @ Prasad Udupi, I think this fellow has taken my advice seriously and busy with his new venture! No time even to reply to my comments. May be another Feku.

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  • Haneef, Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    Petty businessmen are backbone of our economy, corporates are just there in market for dictate the government and usurp the public money. Government should act against building owners for violations.

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    Funny things, Hampankatta area street vendors encroached footpath, and rest of full Mangalore city footpath is in such a worst condition that pedestrians can't walk 😀😀😀.

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  • Anil, Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    Street lights and electric boxes have been fixed on the footpaths , what is the purpose of the footpaths . It is sad that totally ignorant people have been put in charge of doing this work .

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  • Mohammed hanif, Mangaluru

    Sun, Dec 11 2022

    Cities like Dubai Singapore unimaginable in terms their planning etc but they never call themselves smart cities. Strict rules and planned development makes them smart. Here its being called smart just for the sake of gaining popularity for some one. Look at garbage collection, look at construction quality, look at rampant footpath vendors. Shame on who is trying calling themself smart city. Its heaven for corrupt people. Hell for general public

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    @ Prasad Udupi, "But that is 100 times better than working like slave in other countries." Then why can't you take the opportunity to occupy a place?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aam Aadmi, Ihaloka

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    40% Mamooli present everywhere from top to bottom under double engine loot sarkaar. Only option to get rid of this mess is tell some beggers sleeping on roadside at night to release their prasad early morning at the door of these encroachment shops. No complaints to traffic police or politicians will ever work in our country. Only thing is to take care of CCTV's there. Beggers or drunkards will be least bothered about them if you offer liquor plus some food. They will do the job for you. Don't expect any solution from corrupt MCC either.

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  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Sorry, MCC is sleeping or in a coma or dead. Or busy taking bribes from these encroachers !!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Eva, Kirem

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Imagine if these vendors are not allowed to sell how will they live? Point is they are disrupting city's roads and its commercial area is blocked. So they need to migrate in allocated i mean mcc will have to designate some area for them like chapra or pendal. It becomes easy for customers as well. They are human beings and citizens of india and they have the right to live l

    DisAgree [11] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    @ Prasad, Udupi But that is 100 times better than working like slave in other countries. Then why do you fell restless like a fish out of water. Can sit there and start yor business. Have you forgotten that our forefathers too were slaves of British those days. One who is suffering from financially always envy gulf workers hard earned wealth. I never think that you will get to go abroad because you suffer from others achievements. Jealosy.

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  • rahul, kadri

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Mangalore is a nice and clean city ...but roads and buildings are built unscientifically randomly without dimensions and on hilly terrains which makes infrastructure projects difficult to implement ...This flaw exists in base planning of city itself by ancestors or in past few decades maybe...wonder why a city filled with engineers , doctors and MBA's ended up being unscientific..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sandy, Udupi

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Two reasons 1. No visionary leaders after U S Mallya. No economic development after him. So all the talented people of Kudla leave in search of greener pastures in other cities of India and world. 2. Despite voting for BJP and having double engine government, no development ever comes to the coast. Just go to the Mangalore railway station, it is worse than a 1980s busstand. And then go across to Kannur in Kerala, the railway station is so much better and modern.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sompa, Kodi

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    We are going from bad to worst. There will be no improvements possible. No hope just live or quit.

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Instead of preaching, why can't you sit somewhere and start with your business i will be yor regular customer. You can be a rich guy within a few years as we do.

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Let's hope time will come one day podi meen and nungel too made awailable side by side and haftha will flourish !

    DisAgree [15] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prasad, Udupi

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    But that is 100 times better than working like slave in other countries.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Guru, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Exactly. I really feel bad about parents of these slaves. They are live here on Bhagawan barose.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwin, Mangaluru

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    All people came to this land for shelter and the same people going other countries for employment shelter but their bad mouth deceiving deprived people

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  • Babu Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    If you try to walk on the footpath in Car Street area, you will find no footpath there. Every shop on that street has its extension counter on the footpath. The shopkeepers display their goods on the footpath with impunity. They have no fear of the police because every shopkeeper is well-connected to the MLAs and to the politicians.

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  • Prabhu, Karkala

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Only solution is Population control law and NRC.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • real kujuma, kodial

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    no one question any thing on the mamu street of mlore...totally blessed by the blue j is mini gujarat of kodial...all andh bhakts very arrogant living there

    DisAgree [11] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prabhu, Karkala

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Even Gujju's are citizens of this country. They can live at any part of this country. No one can object. Remember that this country is economically strong only because of Gujju tax payers.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chandu, Karla

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Prabhu, Karkala, "Remember that this country is economically strong only because of Gujju tax payers." haa...haa....There is a limit for proving your andha bhakti have forgotten to mention who are the biggest stock market scamsters and PSB loans defaulters, frauds as well..... wonder are they all from Karkala........kasale vrascheek Prabhu Maamu......!!!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • Pavan, Mlr

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    No 1 GST fraud case was in gujurath ....All chor gujjus who looted banks are enjoying life abroad. Apna.mehull nerav lalith... Fraud gujjus... 😂

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Report Abuse

  • Anil, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Same with Milagres Cross road . Vendors have encroached the foot path . A bus stand in Kankanady has totally encroached and blocked the footpath. Unfortunate that these footpaths meant for the public are encroached and the public have to walk on the road!!!

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avi, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Prabhu Sweets in Bunts hostel, Karangalpady Junction has encroached the footpath completely and is using the space to fry pakodas!!! So many school children walk on this path, what if the hot oil splashes on the children? Who is responsible? The local corporator and our MCC officials are busy filling their pockets with monthly hafta. The shop next door, Pavi Wines has to supply 5 bottles of liquor every month to the traffic police, so that their customers can park their two wheelers.

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  • RSRB, Al-Khor, Qatar

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    If police don't take action - you guys blame them for inaction / haftah etc. If police take action, you guys blame them for not being compassionate on poor vendors. the problem is with commentators not with the police or vendors

    DisAgree [6] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mangaluruian, Mangaluru

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Sir, the commentators came around only in the last few years. If I am not mistaken, the city footpath encroachment by the vendors has gone on since the time of Independence (or may be even earlier). There has never been a consistent footpath management by the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC), or Municipality earlier. Wonder why!

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sense_shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Maybe foot path vendors need to be given a designated area ..with minimal corporation charges and with a license.

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  • Dylan, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    What do the police do to the four wheelers parked on the footpath in front of jewellery shops, bar and restaurants obstructing pedestrians from using the footpath?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bala, Kudla

    Sat, Dec 10 2022


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  • Sushan, Manglaore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Kujumanna ereg yapala chaddida kana(dream)

    DisAgree [7] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chandu, Karla

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Yes.... Yes.... mataa magic cheddid unduye.... anchadh areg cheddie budiyere apuji ava....!!!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Yes where do you get hafta if you remove them they cannot ask hafta from public. Currupt govt officials including law officials.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • SANTHOSH, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022


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  • Homework, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    Even shops near Vas Bakery Bendore have encroached the footpaths. The present Kadri market vegetable shops have encroached the area outside their shop and it becomes very difficult for the cars and other vehicles to park there. Some footpaths are being used to dump garbage bags by the shop owners. The MCC should take stern action and vacate the footpaths so that the pedestrians can walk in safety. It is also noticed that the footpaths at most places are constructed in level to the road instead of raising it at least one foot above road level, making it possible for the vehicles to park on them.

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  • Evans Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA.

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    SANTHOSH, Mangalore, You said it right and there is no doubt about it.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Sat, Dec 10 2022

    it is naked truth that they all pay mamool to concerned mcc officials plus the nearby shop owners get free fruits or chaddi....

    DisAgree [14] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

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