London/Dublin: Joyous events mark SKA, Konkan Ireland Christmas celebrations

Media Release

London, Dec 13: South Kanara Association (SKA), London, hosted Christmas dinner and dance on Sunday December 11 from 12 noon to 6 pm at the sumptuous banquet hall of Clay Oven Alperton. The event was a grand finale to a very successful year for SKA. 

As many as 240 members and guests attended, making it, thus far, the best attended Christmas party for SKA. It was a sunny, crisp cold Sunday morning with all guests attired in their Sunday best, determined to enjoy themselves.

The entrance had a lovely Christmas tree with Father Christmas greeting the guests and amidst a beautifully inviting backdrop for guests to pose for family pictures. The hall was beautifully decked with Christmas crackers on the table, poinsettias as table centrepieces and white chairs with red sashes, which set the right ambience for the whole afternoon. 

Jason Saldanha, MC for the event, before beginning the proceedings spoke about the sad demise of a founding father of the association (Felix D’Souza) and a minute’s silence was observed as tribute. Thereafter, Jason held the crowd captive and was kept busy organising children’s games with an unusual combination of parents' involvement. The adults in turn, enjoyed two elimination games. Unique Konkani carol singing was a great entertainment and filled the guests were filled with nostalgia. The Christmas pageant was enacted by the children. Father Christmas duly made his appearance and enthralled the children with his prancing and dancing around the hall distributing gifts to the children.

A very entertaining Konkani skit was then enacted by the new president, Sunil and Pius Menezes, Olivia. Sunil D’Cunha, the new president of SKA gave the vote of thanks and thanked the committee for their help and support. He also thanked Ron Rodrigues, the outgoing president for his hard work and achievements over the past six years. 

In Ron’s absence, his wife Violet was called to receive a bouquet of flowers and a special thank you award from the association for his dedication. Brolin Rodrigues, spoke on behalf of his father Ron to thank the association and wish it every success.

Marita Crasta prepared beautifully wrapped kuswar boxes filled with homemade kuswar like kokisan, kulkuls, rawa ladoos, rice ladoos, gulios. These literally went like hot cakes and were sold out by the end of the afternoon.

Clay Oven’s starters and food were truly delicious and enjoyed by everyone, young and old alike with plenty to go around. It was a tightly packed schedule and all involved ensured that the proceedings set off on time. The popular raffle was very eagerly awaited with great prizes and as luck would have it, winners were picked from each part of the room. The association thanked Eugene Dias who donated his 'Meal for Two meals' voucher at his Charlotte Street Palms of Goa branch.

It was then time for the inimitable DJ Chicco who sensed the mood of the guests and kept them entertained with English, Hindi, and Konkani songs. The dance floor was filled with guests for the entire afternoon, who could not have enough of the music. The mando music literally brought every guest onto the floor.

The committee organised have done themselves proud by organised the programme in a slick manner which went smoothly and was truly enjoyable. All those who were involved are thanked for their hard work and enthusiasm.

Dublin: 'Konkan Ireland'  welcomes Christmas, marks anniversary

Pics and Report by Monica Mathias

Dublin, Dec 13: 'Konkan Ireland' celebrated its ten years of togetherness, coupled with the Christmas celebration at Carlton Hotel Blanchardstown, on  Sunday, December 11.

Caje-Archana, James-Marina, Mark-Helen, Santhosh-Saritha, Sathish-Latha and Brian-Monica were a part of the Christmas committee that organised the memorable event.

Carlton Hotel was all set for the celebration on late Sunday afternoon. The committee members performed a welcome dance. Marina Bhore and Saritha Tauro compered the ceremony beautifully. A tableau on the birth of Jesus was played by the family of the committee members.

Carollers charmed the gathering with sweet singing, while Santa distributed chocolates to children.

The Konkan Ireland anniversary also was in full swing with a fantastic spread food and drinks. Delicious Indian cuisine and desserts were served. The anniversary cake was cut by every family of Konkan Ireland present. Mark Castelino recounted the last ten years of Konkan Ireland with pictures and videos.

Children enthusiastically participated in the cultural programmes. The Tauro Family performed the beautiful Baila dance. Everyone danced the Christmas Polka. Mementoes were distributed to every family on the commemoration of 10 years. Rodney D’almeida won the hamper.
Archana Gomes proposed the vote of thanks.

Everyone then danced to the Baila songs, concluding the memorable day.


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  • joe Gonsalves, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 14 2016

    It is good to see that Our Mangalorean community keep the great event of Christmas joyfully all over the world.
    Congrats to all concerned for the trouble taken to make the event successful and enjoyable.

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  • Max and Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, Houston/Dallas, Texas

    Tue, Dec 13 2016

    Nice to read the 'write-up' on Xmas celebrations in London and Dublin. We recollect our first visit to England in the year of 1965. We spent a quiet Xmas in our own hotel at South Kensington. We knew no one in England. We went to church and spent the rest of the day with a Xmas celebration in our own heart. All the restaurants were closed on Xmas day hence we went to the BEA terminal and had a simple English Xmas lunch.

    Sorry to learn from the write-up that our dear friend Felix D'Souza is no more. We knew "Peli" very well in Mangalore and even in Saudi Arabia while he was there for a short while. We visited his home in London along with our mutual friend Rowland Saldanha.

    Best of luck to everyone in England, and a very Merry Xmas to one and all.

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