Rio's bay waters to be tested daily during Olympics

Rio de Janeiro, Jul 6 (IANS): Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara bay will be tested daily for water quality to ensure the safety of sailors at next month's Olympic Games.

Testing will be conducted by Rio's state environmental authority Inea, beginning on July 20, according to the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, reports Xinhua.

The measure meets a demand by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF), which has expressed concern about pollution in the bay.

Last year, Rio's city government admitted it would not be able to honour an Olympic pledge to reduce rubbish and waste in the bay by 80 per cent.

But large nets that block the flow of sewage and trash into competition areas and eco-boats that scoop up debris from the water's surface will ensure the bay is fit for sailing, officials have said.

According to Inea, waters within the Olympic sailing routes meet international standards for the sport, and are even fit for swimming.

The Olympic Games will be held from August 5 to 21 and the Paralympics from September 7 to 18.


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