Navy coast battery plan runs aground at Sagar island

Kolkata, Dec 3 (IANS): The Indian navy's proposed full-fledged coast battery at the Sagar island on West Bengal's coast, that was expected to be commissioned in 2014, has been delayed due to issues concerning land acquisition, a navy official said Wednesday.

"The coast battery is on track but the whole issue has not progressed because the land needed has not been acquired so far. Various state government departments like fisheries, forest etc. are involved and all are working to sort out the issue," Naval Officer-in-Charge (West Bengal) Commodore Ravi Ahluwalia told the media on the eve of Navy Day.

"While the state government has concurred for the land acquisition, the process of getting clearance from the various departments is on. Since it is a forest land, the process of getting clearance is quite time consuming," he said.

Land-based naval coast batteries primarily perform a defensive role against warships and hostile incoming aircraft.

The battery, for which 12 acres of land has been identified, will also be enabled with radar surveillance system and Automatic Identification System (AIS) for surveillance of ships and vessels passing through the region.

While he did not admit the project has been stalled, Ahluwalia refused to give a time frame by which the battery may become operational.

"The project has not been stalled, rather it is being pursued with utmost urgency but unfortunately, a time frame cannot be given as to when the construction will start or when the battery will become operational," he said.


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