Shop online, get delivery straight to your car!

London, Feb 22 (IANS): Soon, get your favourite shoes or that wedding dress deliver right in your car irrespective of wherever your vehicle is moving or parked!

Swedish auto maker Volvo has created a single-use digital key which postal or delivery services can use to locate a vehicle and open it.

“The system would allow consumers to have shopping delivered straight to their car, no matter where they are,” the company said in a statement.

The owner would be informed via smart phone or a tablet when a delivery company wants to drop off or pick up something from the car.

The owner of the car would then accept the delivery and can track when the car is opened.

Volvo did a trial with 100 car owners and 86 percent of them agreed that 'roam delivery' saved them time.

Volvo is scheduled to present the new technology at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Feb 24-25.


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