Melissa Goveas



Glimpses of giggling life of nine
Gild of glory, humble smile to shine
Paramount of happiness always divine
Melissa you are Euphony of joyful sign

Experiencing divine grace in our days
To witness God's love in all our ways.
Watchful on earth from heavenly throne
Blessings numerous have already flown

Holy Spirit's blessings, heaven's pray
Accepting His will without a ‘nay'
Absent in Body but present in Soul
Biblical verses truly inspiring all

Her intercession is powerful euphony
Miraculous grace flows in our life’s journey
Everlasting Ecstasy
Sanctified by the Almighty

We pray today "Live Long Melissa...
Dwell in our hearts eternally Melissa…..
Bring us near to Lord, Melissa…..
Make us like you now and always Melissa

Our dear Melissa, just close your sweet eyes
Right now listen what we simply say …….. 
”We feel that you are with us darling..
We all still love more than we loved you before….” 


With loving memories

Michael Goveas (Dad), Nirmala Goveas (Mom)
and Melina Goveas (Sister)

Goveas family – Badyar and D’Silva family – Bendur