Wilfred P Lobo

 Born: January 26, 1951
Married: June 10, 1982
Died: July 29, 2007
We cannot think you're not alive somewhere.
We think of you just as we did before.

No sudden gust of wind has closed the door
Or made your presence vanish in thin air.

We write you this because we know you're there;
That even after death there must be more.

So does faith one's inner sun restore
After bitter darkness few can bear.

So long as we have will and memory left,
And you lie silent on some unknown shoal.
Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul will be offered
on Sunday August 3, 2008 at 11 am
in St Joseph's Church, Pezar, Kalavar.
Tribute of love from
Mrs Theresa Lobo
Clinton and Crystal
and family members
P. O. Pejavar, via Bajpe
Mangalore Tq
Ph: 91 824 2292624
Mobile: 91 98452 58122