Evelyn Leena D'Costa
Born: June 8, 1933
Died: April 24, 2007

Death is nothing but a moment's rest
Until the Second Coming of the Lord
When He shall gather to Him of the best
To take them to the place of their reward.
I've felt the power of Jesus in my soul
Shining like a golden sun within,
Melting my hard heart to make me whole,
Burning out the remnants of my sin.
I've felt Him work within me, so I know
The glory that will come when I awake.
I'll sleep just like a child who'll homeward go,
And in my dreams of love great pleasure take.
So do not mourn my death, and do not grieve.
The Lord will come for me: This I believe.
                                          - Nicholas Gordon

First Death Anniversary Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul
on Monday April 28, 2008 at 11.30 am,
in Our Lady of Miracles Church, Milagres, Mangalore.

Tribute of Love from
Family Members
