Benedict Tauro (Tauro Master)
H/o Lilly Tauro,Shirva
Born: 07-10-1929
Expired: 18-09-2006
Simple and kind in all your ways
In selflessness you spent your days
You planned your days so well
What you have suffered no one could tell
We think of you in silence deep
no eyes can see us vainly weep
For each one of us and to the society you did your best till the last
May God grant you eternal rest.
A tribute of Love From:
Sorrowing Wife: Lilly Tauro (Shirva)
Reny - Robert, Reynold (U.S.A) & Rovin
Wesly - Lorna & Wenola (U.S.A)
Conrad - Maria & Conrial (Dubai)
Dr. Arnold - Dr. Veena, Aldrin & Valerie (U.S.A)
Merlyn - Aloysius, Ashlyn, Ashton & Ashwell (Dubai)
Dr. Allen - Candida, Alissa & Aiden (U.S.A)
& All family members
