Fr Jerald D'Souza OCD

16-04-1998 – 16.04.2023


Today marks the 25th anniversary since you were ordained to the Priesthood. We can see the love of God when we look at you; love that is known to be unbreakable, unshakable, unconditional and infinite.. As you celebrate this special day, I pray that the Good Lord give you all the joy and happiness that your heart can contain , keep you within the shelter of his Sacred Heart and bless your labour with abundance fruits and may the souls to whom you minister be your joy and consolation and in Heaven your beautiful and everlasting crown. Warmest and Heartiest Congratulations on this joyous occasion. Ad Multos Annos

You are the image and likeness of God
But with you the morning awakens
With the call to rise
Not for you
But always for others.

God handpicked you from a myriad of souls
Molded you since you were a babe
To prepare you for a journey
Not for you
But always for others.

God blessed you with wisdom
To use to give form to his plans
And love to carry them out
Not for you
But always for others.

Mary walks with you
Guiding and loving you
For to her you are a Christ
Not for you
But always for others.

You hold the Body of Christ
Embrace his name and proclaim it
And a father and counselor you have become
Not for you
But always for others.

God forever bless you
Walk and carry you when your feet are weary
Bring peace and joy to your heart
For though your life is never for you
It is Christ’s and he delights in you.


With Lots of Love and Prayerful wishes from: