from Conald Veigas

Cyprian Veigas (73), husband of Jessy Veigas, father of  Roshini / Praveen Vaz, grandfather of Riona / Rishon, brother of Henry Veigas / Irene Veigas (Attavar), the late Cyril Veigas / Dorothy Veigas ( Permannur), Rosline Veigas, Leena Ferao / Stany Ferao (Attavar), Celestine D'Souza / Felix D'Souza (Angelore) and the late Herald Veigas (Attavar), passed away on Tuesday  April 20, 2010.

Funeral cortege leaves residence for Our Lady of Miracles Church, Milagres, Mangalore on Wednesday, April 21 at 4.00 pm. Mass at 4.30 pm.

Contact :  + 91 99007 00438