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1. R.P. Mangalore

* My brother is HIV positive and he is at home and taking medicines. But I am worried about my kids because they play with him and they touch him. Is there any problem for them? The kids are 4 years and 2 years of age. Should we keep his belongings separate from others? Are there any chances of spreading his sickness to the kids or others?

** Though many of us know that we can live comfortably with HIV infected or with people with AIDS, the anxiety and fear of getting infected is always haunting.  As the best places for people with HIV or AIDS to be cared for is at home, (surrounded by the people who love them), some precautions may be needed by the infected individual and the family members, especially if there are small children in the family. HIV and AIDS are different. After infection by the HIV virus, it takes years for the disease- AIDS to be manifested; even people with AIDS can lead an active life for long periods of time. Most of the time, people with AIDS do not need to be in a hospital. Being at home is often cheaper, more comfortable, more familiar, and gives them more control of their life. In fact, people with AIDS-related illnesses often get better faster and with less discomfort at home with the help of their friends and loved ones. 

The people who are infected with HIV can look and feel healthy and may not know for years that they are infected. However, they can infect other people no matter how healthy they seem. HIV slowly wipes out parts of the body's defense system then the HIV-infected person gets sick because the body can't fight off diseases. Some of these diseases can kill them.

It has to be remembered that HIV infection and AIDS causes stress on the person who is sick and on the family and the people as they care for them. Your concern about your children playing with him is genuine. Meantime you can not prevent them from going close to your brother as it might affect his feelings.  

You, your family and your brother should know how the infection spreads and what the precautions needed if the disease manifests.

Caring for someone with AIDS is a serious responsibility. You will have to work with the person with them to decide what needs to be done, how much you can do, and when additional help is needed. But, by rising to the challenges of caring for someone with HIV and AIDS, you can share emotionally satisfying experiences, even joy, with those you love. You can also find new strengths within yourself. But you need to take care of your children, family as well as the person with AIDS. 

It has to be remembered that each person with AIDS is different and is affected by HIV infection the virus that causes AIDS, in different ways. You should get regular updates from your brother’s doctor or nurse on what kind of care is needed. Many times what is needed is not medical care, but help with the normal chores of life. 

You can get information brochure on AIDS from HIV centers of any major hospitals, local Red Cross chapter, Local Nurses Association, State health department, or HIV/AIDS service organization. Let your brother read it. Have other people living in the same house, your family people read it. 

There are treatments that can keep infected people healthy longer and prevent diseases that people with AIDS often get. HIV slowly makes an infected person sicker and sicker. Diseases and infections will cause serious illness, but people often get better -- until the next illness. Sometimes, HIV can damage the brain and cause changes in feelings and moods even make it hard to think clearly. Signs of HIV infection are like those of many other common illnesses, such as swollen glands, tiring easily, losing weight, fever, or diarrhea. Different people have different symptoms. 

The most common ways HIV is spread are by having unprotected sex with one who is infected with HIV. It also spreads by sharing needles or syringes with someone who is infected with HIV. HIV can be transmitted from mothers to their babies before the baby is born, during birth, or through breast-feeding. 

One do not get HIV from the air, food, water, insects, animals, dishes, knives, forks, spoons, toilet seats, or anything else that doesn't involve blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk. The utensils used to cook the food or the dishes used to serve and eat the food need not be segregated. Though the HIV does not spread through linen, it is a healthy practice to use separate linen (bed-sheets, bedcover, bath towels, soap, tooth brush etc. even when all at home are healthy. The HIV is not transmitted from nasal fluid, saliva, urine, vomits or faces, unless these have blood mixed in them. It can not be transmitted by touching, hugging, holding their hand or playing with them. A person with HIV infection should not share razors, toothbrushes, tweezers, nail or cuticle scissors, pierced earrings or other "pierced" jewellery, or any other item that might have their blood on it. 

Your brother should know about the precautions he has to take while playing with children. He has to see that the body fluid such as blood is not contacted by the children. For example your brother may need needles and syringes to take medicine for diseases caused by HIV or other illnesses. The children should not be allowed to play with these needles and syringes; they may get pricked and can get infected.

 2. G.J. Mangalore

* I am 40 years of age.  I eat raw garlic and drink a glass of smashed, raw white gourd every day. Is this good for reducing cholesterol?  

** Though there is a general belief that the garlic helps in reducing cholesterol levels, there are now studies that confirm that the garlic may not improve the cholesterol profiles of people with moderately high levels of "bad" cholesterol. The researchers tested raw garlic and two different garlic supplements on nearly 200 adults with moderately high levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol. After six months, the patients showed no improvements in their average cholesterol or other blood fats (lipids), no matter what kind of garlic they had consumed. The researchers are of the opinion that the garlic supplements or dietary garlic in reasonable doses are unlikely to produce lipid benefits in people with moderately high LDL cholesterol levels. I believe even the white gourd-raw or cooked has no effect on blood cholesterol level and it is not recommended for cholesterol problem as a dietary therapeutic agent.

Changes in lifestyle habits are the main therapy for raised cholesterol levels. Here are some recommendations from the American Heart association. These are the changes you need to make. 

If you're overweight, cut down on calories to reach your ideal body weight. This includes all sources of calories, from fats, proteins, carbohydrates and alcohol.  

Reduce the saturated fat and cholesterol content in the diet.  

Reduce the intake of alcohol considerably. Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to large changes in plasma triglyceride levels.  

Be physically active for at least 30 minutes on most or all days each week.  Exercises like brisk walking will help to reduce the triglyceride levels.

People with high triglycerides may need to substitute monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — such as those found in sunflower oil, ground-nut oil, olive oil (or liquid margarine) — for saturated fats. Substituting carbohydrates for fats may raise triglyceride levels and may decrease HDL ("good") cholesterol in some people.  

Substitute fish high in omega-3 fatty acids instead of meats high in saturated fat. Fatty fish like mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids. 

When the triglycerides are very high, certain medications are now available with beneficial effects.

Because other risk factors for coronary artery disease multiply the hazard from raised cholesterol levels, control high blood pressure and avoid cigarette smoking. If drugs are used to treat hypertriglyceridemia, dietary management is still important. Patients should follow the specific plans laid out by their physicians and nutritionists.

3. P. P. Dubai

* I am 34 years of age. I am suffering from bile problems for the past few years. I have nausea, burning sensation, bitterness in the throat. I have poor digestion and I frequently vomit, it contains undigested food and green -yellow liquid. I get stomach bloating and constipation. I also get rashes on full body and itching repeatedly. I have even gastric problems. Could you please suggest what remedies are good for this kind of problems?

** You seem to be having a condition called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, in which acid juice from the stomach returns into the oesophagus and then to mouth. This may lead to a harsh, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, moving through the chest, throat and to the neck.

The oesophagus or the food pipe has a small ring of muscle called the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES). This acts as a valve, opening during swallowing and closing immediately to prevent moving back of the contents from the stomach to the oesophagus. When however, this valve fails to close adequately, the stomach acids may reflux back into the oesophagus. 

A reflux problem is treated in 3 steps:

Lifestyle changes: Avoiding alcohol and eating less fatty foods may help. It is also advisable to lose weight, reduce smoking and alter eating and sleeping patterns

Taking small, frequent meals rather than large, heavy meals is recommended.

Drug therapy: Taking certain medicines may reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Now there are effective medicines which reduce the amount of acid production. These are available on prescribed. Drugs to strengthen the oesophageal sphincter or relieve the symptoms may also help.

Surgery: Patients who do not respond well to drug therapy, may need to undergo a surgical procedure called anti-reflux surgery. This operation may be done by an open procedure or by a laparoscope.

Even after the operation, it is advised to maintain a lifestyle with regular, balanced meals, avoidance of alcohol and smoking and maintenance of ideal body weight.

You may consult a gastro-enterologist for proper assessment. 

4. A. A . KSA

* I am 24 years of age. I have the habit of masturbation, at times maybe 3 times a day. Is this effects hormone?  Because even in this age I have baby face, I only got shave on my chin & upper lips. My side burns have 2 /3 hairs. Are there any natural medicines for this? I want to grow full hair on my cheek.

** The growth of facial hair can vary from individual to individual without any definite cause. Some men with scanty hair initially, develop adequate hair later. Facial hair in men is a response to male hormones which appear during puberty. Therefore, if one has been through puberty and has no facial hair, he would need to consult with doctor who will asses whether he has other features of secondary sexual characteristics. That means pubic hair, auxiliary hair, whether his genitals are of normal size, normal development, etc. If the secondary sexual characters are normal, then no medication can help to get the facial hair. Masturbation is one of the features of sexual growth and it has no adverse effects on hormones. As you have adequate sexual growth, scanty hair can be just a variation of the normal pattern.

However you may consult a skin specialist for further advice.

5. T. P., Mumbai

I am 28 years. Married for 5years.We are planning to have a baby, but the problem is that I am not getting wet during the sex, it’s very painful. I am not satisfied in sex. This reason I get upset when my husband comes to me.

** Most women throughout most of their lives experience no pain whatsoever when they have intercourse. The vagina is designed for intercourse, and works very well for that purpose under most conditions. But, once in a while, most women do experience pain during intercourse. And when they do, they should identify and treat the problem before having intercourse again. 

Women have glands on the entrance of the vagina, known as Bartholone glands. These glands, and other smaller glands inside the vagina, are responsible for the lubrication of the vagina when a woman is aroused sexually. However when there is not sufficient arousal, these glands do not produce the secretion. 

This will result in dry union and painful penetration. Lubrication is also inhibited when a woman has medical problems like hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Certain medications like antihistamines and drugs related to these can cause dryness.

The most common reason for dryness is not being sufficiently aroused in the moment with the partner. Loss of sexual attraction towards the partner and the inhibition or absence of sexual desire is the other causes of dryness.

Improper arousal will dry up and lead to painful sexual play. Of course the more pain the woman has less likely she would relax and would be anticipating pain and thus dry up immediately. 

There are two ways to avoid a dry vagina during intercourse. The first is to avoid intercourse until woman is sexually aroused. The solution is to know what will arouse you and teach your man how to pleasure you in a way that will work for you. The techniques for arousal differ from woman to woman. Certain woman may like kissing on the lips more sensual and other may like to be aroused through clitoris. Let your partner know what is best for you. You may need proper foreplay for your arousal.

The second way is to use an artificial water-based vaginal lubricant, such as K-Y jelly as a substitute or backup for natural lubricant. Since vaginal secretion is usually an indication of a woman's sexual interest, it is usually recommend to wait for union till she experiences sexual arousal and natural lubrication. It is better for couples to avoid getting into the habit of sex that's passionless for both. But if natural secretion is an unreliable indicator of the sexual arousal, an artificial lubricant may be used. However prolonged use of artificial lubricants like jelly may not be feasible.

Another common cause of vaginal discomfort during intercourse is bacterial infection. This occurs frequently in women, and an antibiotic will generally cure the problem within a week or so. A related problem is bladder infections. While the problem may be in the bladder or urethra, not in the vagina, it often causes discomfort during intercourse. A visit to the doctor will identify and treat a bacterial infection.

6. K. D's, Mangalore

* I am 44. Usually at what age the menopause sets in? After menopause will the sexual desire decrease or it affect the sexual act like attaining orgasm?

** Menopause is the medical term used for the last menstrual period a woman will ever have. However, the term is more often used to describe the years leading up to this time, also called the ‘change of life’ or just ‘the change’. Menopause is a natural process that every woman goes through and every woman’s experience of the menopause is different.

The menopause usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, although it can be two three years earlier or later. There can sometimes be a family pattern where the mother, sister or grandmother all have menopause almost at the same age.

Many women enjoy wonderful sex lives after they’ve passed the menopause – and continue to do so for a very long time. It is now known that women have much the same ability as men to enjoy sex in that age. Indeed, many females are a good deal more highly-sexed than their partners! Ironically, some women discover a renewed or even redoubled libido after the menopause. So to have a good sex life after menopause, nothing extra required to be done except probably having a positive attitude towards sex.

7. J. J., Mangalore

* I am 28 years of age. I have been suffering from a frequent dislocation of right shoulder.(almost for the last 5 years).When dislocated it takes approximately 10 seconds to be normal, but the pain is unbearable for 2 days. Is there any treatment for this problem?

** Frequent or recurrent shoulder dislocation can occur during normal day to day activity, even during sleep, causing the patient to wake up. The history of initial traumatic episode leading to dislocation may or may not be present. If the separation is partial the individual can usually relocate the dislocation himself. At times a complete dislocation may be corrected by the patient, but usually a visit to the nearest emergency is required. Recurrent shoulder dislocation is more common in male athletes. There is no medicine or exercise that can solve the problem. It can be set right through a simple surgery. The surgery is quite successful. Any trained orthopedic surgeon can do this surgery. After the surgery a period of rest for 2 to 3 weeks is needed after which rehabilitation is started. Complete recovery can take 4 to 6 months. Athletic activities should only be started after complete recovery. Re-dislocation rates after surgery of about 3% have been observed.

8. M.P., Kuwait

*I am 33 years of age, my wife is 28 years. We are married for two years and we do not have baby. My problem is my wife does not have any interest in sex,(but she loves me). During the initial part of the wedding it was good, but now she does not like to have sex at least once in a day. Is any physical check up is needed? 

** The desire to have sex in woman is dependant on many factors, most of which are emotional. In the same way low sex drive in women is also due to several reasons. It is not possible to suggest total solution for the problem. However let me list a few of the causes here:

Your relationship with your wife may be the main issue. If her needs aren’t being met in the relationship, if the two of you don’t deal with problems openly and constructively, if she is not treated with respect and fairness, if you are self-absorbed or self-destructive – these common patterns destroy the intimacy and trust that keep sexual desire alive over the long term.   

Many women have been traumatized sexually at some point in their lives, and that experience may need to be dealt with now. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted in some way during their lifetimes. If this is an issue for your wife, she deserves to be explored with professional help for many reasons beyond  the sex drive. 

Some women were raised to believe that sexual desire is shameful or inappropriate. Women who’ve been unassertive about their sexuality in the past may prefer to sacrifice their sex lives rather than become assertive now about what’s required to satisfy their sexual needs. 

Stress is an enormous factor. The body naturally puts survival ahead of pleasure. The over-burdened adrenal glands can rob  the body of the building blocks it uses to make certain hormones, which are vital to desire and sexual response. Changes in her routines, a new form of creative self-expression, help from you, working on unresolved problems, time you devote to her – the positive effects can be profound

Open communication is so important in a relationship and this is especially true during this confusing time. Be open and share the feelings that seem beyond your control. Offer your help and be a part of the solution by asking for patience and encouragement while you both work toward becoming healthy and balanced.  Be sure to show your love in other ways that have been meaningful to both of you. Facing this issue with openness and respect for each other will foster a mutual understanding and bring you closer.

9. P. R, Udupi

* I am 53 years of age. I am a diabetic. I want to know what the ketone in blood is. How it affects the diabetic individual? How to prevent this? 

**In individuals with uncontrolled diabetic status ketone bodies can appear in the blood which are detected by simple urine test. This is an emergency condition and is known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a state of inadequate insulin levels resulting in high blood sugar and accumulation of organic acids and ketones in the blood. It is also common in DKA to have severe dehydration and significant alterations of the body’s blood chemistry. 

DKA is usually seen in people who have type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes.  Someone developing diabetic ketoacidosis may have these symptoms- thirst, drinking lots of fluids, frequent urination, general weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, confusion, shortness of breath, dry skin, dry mouth, increased heart rate, increased breathing etc. Sometimes a distinctive fruity odor on the breath also may be smelt.

This is an emergency situation and the people with diabetes should be taken to the hospital's emergency department. If the diabetic patient appears significantly ill, dehydrated, confused, or very weak it is important to seek immediate medical treatment. If not treated in time the condition can be fatal.

The people with type 1 diabetes, should monitor their blood sugars regularly. These levels are to be checked more often if the diabetic individual feels ill, or there is an infection, or if had a recent illness or injury. The diabetic has to be on the watch for signs of infection and  has to keep himself well hydrated by drinking non-sugary fluids throughout the day. 

Long-term follow-up should include periodic follow-up with the doctor to achieve normal control of blood sugars and screen for and treat the complications of diabetes by periodic blood testing of glycoselated hemoglobin, kidney function and cholesterol annual eye examination, and regular inspection of the feet for evidence of wounds or damage to nerves. Controlling diabetes and remaining watchful on its complications can prevent diabetic keto-acidosis.

10. J. D.  Mangalore

* I am 32 years married and I have noticed that from many years there is no hair growth in my leg and forearm. The hair does not grow outside the skin. The skin has a scaly look, rough feeling in my forearm and legs. Sometimes pain too. What should I do?

** There are several conditions that can produce dry skin. The dry skin without hair which looks scaly is known as ichthyosis.  Ichthyosis is a skin disorder which causes the formation of dry, fish-like scales on the skin's surface. The condition often begins in early childhood and is usually life-long. This is usually inherited from one's parents. There is no cure for the problem but it can be controlled. There are several other conditions that can dry up the skin. You may consult a skin specialist for proper advice.

11. S.S. Qatar

* I am 30 years of age. I am working in gulf and I go to my native place once in year. We have one child and we do not want any more. We use condom, but both of us are not happy about that and we do not want to use it. As I stay there for about a month every year, what is the other method that can be used instead of condom? We do not want to take any chance of pregnancy. My wife is on gardinal tablets for some other problem.

** Your wife may consult a gynecologist and take oral contraceptives, if you desire to have contraception for a month or two. Oral contraceptives, also known as birth control pills, contain artificially made forms of two hormones produced naturally in the body. These hormones, estrogen and progestin, regulate a woman's menstrual cycle. When taken in the proper amounts, following a specific schedule, oral contraceptives are very effective in preventing pregnancy The doctor will guide her how to start and how long to continue the tablets. 

 12. G.M., Mangalore

*I am 49  years and my wife is 48 years old, we have 2 children. Elder one is daughter who is 19 yrs and the younger is son is 16 yrs. Our son was quite a normal child till the age of 12 years. After this he has started neglecting his studies and is making friendship with children of bad character. Now he is in I PUC and has totally neglected studies and has started demanding motor bike, guitar etc. His behavior has totally changed, 3 times he has even left the house and stayed outside. When questioned he becomes very violent and has started challenging even me. Now he says he will not go to the college. Kindly guide me how can I solve this problem. 

** You may talk to the principal or the class teacher of the college where he is studying and try to locate a counselor. In some colleges there are in house counselors who can talk to your son. If there are no counselor in the college they may help you to locate a suitable person outside. Your son needs some one who can to talk to him, understand him and mediate between you and your son. 

13. S.R., Kuwait 

* I am 34 years of age. About 6yrs ago, for the first time I had the swelling in my right testicle and it was treated by a specialist in Mumbai, he said it is an infection and prescribed Benocide forte. I got relieved of the problem quickly, even I did not complete the whole treatment. Twice after that I had the same problem but not to that extent. These days I am feeling a kind of pain in the same area and it runs down all through the right leg. 

** You are probably having repeated inflammation of the testis and the epididymus, known as epididymo-orchitis. It is usually due to infection, most commonly from a bacteria through urine infection or a sexually transmitted infection.  In India filarial infection is common cause for epididymo-orchitis for which benocide is given. Filarial infection is through mosquitoes.  A course of antibiotics with benocide will usually clear the filarial infection. 

If it is bacterial infection antibiotics alone are suffice. Full recovery is usual. Complications are rare. Pain usually eases within a few days, but swelling may take a week or so to go down, sometimes longer. The choice of the antibiotic depends on the underlying cause of infection.

If a sexually transmitted infection is the cause then you should not have sex until treatment and follow up have been completed. Sexual partners of men with epididymo-orchitis due to sexually transmitted disease may also need treatment. For treatment consult an urologist.

14. J.A., Udupi

* I am 31 years. My son is now one and half year old. Since the birth his testes disappears for some time, at times one of the testes and  other times both. This missing will continue for the hours. Sometimes it comes in the position and it is alright. Is this is a disease? Should I take him for a doctor? 

** Retraction of the testis into the inguinal canal is common in children. Retractile testes result from hyperactivity of the cremaster muscle, the muscle that regulates the movement of the testis in the scrotal sac. Inguinal canal is a small space in the abdominal wall through which the testis has descended from the abdominal cavity before birth. When retracted into the canal, by gentle manipulation the affected testis can be brought down into its respective hemiscrotum where it will remain when the cremaster muscle is relaxed. However you need not do it whenever the testis has retracted. Testicular development and maturation is normal and surgical intervention is not indicated. Children with retractile testes should have a yearly examination until the age of puberty at which time the cremaster reflex lessens and the testes assume their normal scrotal position.

15. G.M., Bangalore

* I am 34 years. I have the problem with excess belly fat from the past few months, I am working as a travel agent and it is a job where I need to sit whole day. I eat rice for lunch and whole wheat chapatis for dinner. How can I reduce the excess fat around my belly? I do ground exercises and I am trying to reduce the belly fat by giving lot of exercise for my abdomen.

** Pot belly in men is a sign of obesity. Obesity is a disease in itself. Obesity is a result of complex combination of various factors. Genetics, socioeconomic factors, metabolic factors, and lifestyle choices, hormonal imbalance can affect weight in men. There has been a significant increase in the incidence of obesity in men in recent times. Poor fitness level, decreased productivity and health risk are inherent outcome of obesity.

An obese man is more likely to develop diabetes than obese women. Hypertension, heart diseases, cancer are closely associated with obesity in men. Hypertension in men inevitably leads to heart disease. However, obesity is also independently responsible for heart disease in men. Overweight men have a risk for cancer of colon and prostate. Obese men also struggle with osteoarthritis and respiratory problems. In addition, obesity has great psychological effects on individuals. 

As you are still young you have to work hard to reduce obesity. Other than reducing the calories in your diet, and aerobic exercises you require specific abdominal exercises to tone up the muscles. Consult a physiotherapist to learn the exercises.

16. J.S. Mumbai

* I am 65. I had a very active sex life before I was married 12 years ago. One month after the marriage my wife said she would have no more sex. I kept trying but to no avail. I slowly developed the problem of enlarged prostate. My doctor recommended the TURP procedure. All symptoms of the enlarged prostate disappeared. Eight years later, the enlarged prostate again appeared. I just had the 2nd TURP procedure. Is there any connection to my enlarged prostate and 12 years of no sexual activity?

** It's a problem that has several names -- enlarged prostate, benign prostate hyperplasia, or simply BPH. It is the most common problem for men over 50 is prostate enlargement. By age 60, over one-half of men have BPH; by age 85, the number climbs to 90%. It has nothing to do with the sexual activity. Both sexually active and inactive men get this problem.

In men, urine flows from the bladder through the urethra. BPH is a benign (noncancerous) enlargement of the prostate that blocks the flow of urine through the urethra. The prostate cells gradually multiply, creating an enlargement that puts pressure on the urethra. As the urethra narrows, the bladder has to contract more forcefully to push urine through the body.

Over time, the bladder muscle may gradually become stronger, thicker, and overly sensitive; it begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing a need to urinate frequently. Eventually, the bladder muscle cannot overcome the effect of the narrowed urethra so urine remains in the bladder and it is not completely emptied.

17. P. M., Mangalore

* I am 27 years. I am planning to marry, the problem is my fore skin does not move back. What is the solution to this? Should undergo surgery?

** You may consult a general surgeon. If the foreskin does not retract on full erection circumcision may be a better option.

18. A. G, Goa

* We are married last month. We do not want to have a kid for one year. So we would like to know which method to use or tablets to use for in postponing pregnancy?

**It is not easy to suggest a safe method of contraception. Ideally you both have to consult a doctor personally and discuss about your needs and the doctor might suggest you a proper method. In general if contraception is required for a year or so, the oral pills may be the choice. Oral contraceptive pills, (OCs) are one of the most researched and reliable forms of birth control available. "The pill" has been a popular choice of contraception for women of all ages for the last 40 years! But is the pill right for you or is something else better? This decision has to be taken by you with the help of your doctor. 

For many women, the pill is the ideal birth control choice. When taken as directed, it offers nearly 100% protection against pregnancy. It is one of the most convenient forms of birth control, and it has many benefits too. Since the oral contraceptive pill is only available by prescription from your doctor, he or she will help you determine if the pill is right for you.

19. R.R. Mangalore

* I am 28 years of age.  My foot seems like burning while I wear shoes and sweats within, any shoes for that matter(sports or formal). I have tried changing the socks from nylon to cotton. I still find no difference. This causes a lot of irritation when wearing shoes for a long time and while I am standing or walking. 

** You may consult an orthopedic surgeon to know whether you have any problem in the feet that accentuates on wearing shoes.  Irritation of certain nerves can be the cause. If there are no orthopedic problems, you may see a skin specialist.

20. J. K. Calicut

* I  am 28 years single man, in love with a lady of 35 years. She is single  woman, we both are in good relationship. We would like to get marry soon. Will the age affect our sex life or family? Can we marry? We like each other but will marrying her will affect my health?

** If both of you are in love and have decided to marry you may go ahead. As your fiancé is 35, you will have to plan the family as early as possible. Most women over age 35 have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. However older mothers have some risks. The risks of late pregnancies include conception difficulties due to falling fertility; a higher risk of deformation of the fetus and genetic diseases and difficulties during labor, especially for overweight or unfit women. All these risks can be diagnosed early and managed effectively. The advances in medical care now help women in their late 30s and 40s to have safer pregnancies than in the past.

Dr. Edward Nazareth

Dr. Edward Nazareth

Dr. Edward Nazareth: Born December 28, 1958. Dr.Nazareth holds medical degrees - M.B.B.S. (1982 Mysore Medical College, Mysore), D.Ortho (1986 Mysore Medical College, Mysore) M.S.(Ortho.) (1987 Mysore Medical College, Mysore).

At present Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Fr. Muller’s Medical College, Kankanady, Mangalore-575 002.

He is a resident of Kankanady.

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