Wayne Leoford Veigas

Born : November 15, 1969
Married: April 26, 1998
Died: November 28, 2005

  Quickly and unexpectedly came the call
 Your sudden death shocked us all
 Only those who have loved can tell
      The loss of a dear one without a farewell
The wound is severe and deep to heal
A voice we loved is stilled
We think of you in silence deep
Your memories we will always keep
Life will never be the same again
Without you WAYNE in our midst.
Close in our hearts you will always stay
Loved and remembered every day.
There are no words that we can say
that will bring you back to us today
our hearts are broken,our lives are empty
your love for us was always plenty
we'll love you always forever and more
"Goodbye"for now, to you, we  adore .

Tribute of love from :

Anny Veigas
Rosy Pinto
Anil Pinto
Renita Pinto
Andrea Pinto
Nottingham, ENGLAND
